blob: bd35566dfc00debf72ee87c40d090419ec328a77 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// Large is an object that (since Go 1.22) is allocated in a span that has a
// non-nil largeType field. Meaning it must be (>maxSmallSize-mallocHeaderSize).
// At the time of writing this is (32768 - 8).
type Large struct {
ptr *uint8 // Object must contain a pointer to trigger code path.
arr [32768 - 8]uint8
func useLarge(o *Large, ready chan<- struct{}) {
o.ptr = &o.arr[5]
o.arr[5] = 0xCA
ready <- struct{}{}
type AnyTree struct {
root any
type anyNode struct {
left, right any // *anyNode, to test direct eface type walking
entry1 any // myPair, to test indirect eface type walking
entry2 Xer // myPair, to test indirect iface type walking
func makeAnyTree(depth int64) any {
if depth == 0 {
return nil
e1 := myPair{depth, depth}
e2 := myPair{depth, depth}
n := &anyNode{
left: makeAnyTree(depth - 1),
right: makeAnyTree(depth - 1),
entry1: e1,
entry2: e2,
if depth%2 == 0 {
// Test dealing with direct interfaces of wrapped structures.
return anyNodeWrap2{{n}}
return n
func (a *AnyTree) count() int {
return countAnyNode(a.root)
func countAnyNode(a any) int {
switch v := a.(type) {
case *anyNode:
return v.count()
case anyNodeWrap2:
return v.unwrap().count()
return 0
// This is load-bearing to make sure anyNodeWrap2 ends up in the binary.
func (w anyNodeWrap2) unwrap() *anyNode {
return w[0].anyNode
func (a *anyNode) count() int {
return 1 + countAnyNode(a.left) + countAnyNode(a.right)
type anyNodeWrap struct{ *anyNode }
type anyNodeWrap2 [1]anyNodeWrap
type TypeSafeTree[K any] struct {
root *typeSafeNode[K]
type typeSafeNode[K any] struct {
left, right *typeSafeNode[K]
entry *K
func makeTypeSafeTree(depth int64) *typeSafeNode[myPair] {
if depth == 0 {
return nil
return &typeSafeNode[myPair]{
left: makeTypeSafeTree(depth - 1),
right: makeTypeSafeTree(depth - 1),
entry: &myPair{depth, depth},
func (t *TypeSafeTree[K]) count() int {
return t.root.count()
func (t *typeSafeNode[K]) count() int {
if t == nil {
return 0
return 1 + t.left.count() + t.right.count()
type myPair struct {
x, y int64
func (p myPair) X() int64 {
return p.x
type Xer interface {
X() int64
var globalAnyTree AnyTree
var globalAnyTreeFM func() int
var globalTypeSafeTree TypeSafeTree[myPair]
var globalTypeSafeTreeFM func() int
var block = make(chan struct{})
var a anyNode
func main() {
globalAnyTree.root = makeAnyTree(5)
globalTypeSafeTree.root = makeTypeSafeTree(5)
ready := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
var anyTree AnyTree
var anyTreeFM AnyTree // Captured in a method value.
var typeSafeTree TypeSafeTree[myPair]
var typeSafeTreeFM TypeSafeTree[myPair] // Captured in a method value.
// TODO(mknyszek): AnyTree is described in DWARF in pieces, and we can't handle
// that yet.
// anyTree.root = makeAnyTree(5)
anyTreeFM.root = makeAnyTree(5)
globalAnyTreeFM = anyTreeFM.count
typeSafeTree.root = makeTypeSafeTree(5)
typeSafeTreeFM.root = makeTypeSafeTree(5)
globalTypeSafeTreeFM = typeSafeTreeFM.count
ready <- struct{}{}
// Create a large value and reference
var o Large
go useLarge(&o, ready) // Force an escape of o.
o.arr[14] = 0xDE // Prevent a future smart compiler from allocating o directly on useLarge's stack.
// This is load-bearing to make sure anyNodeWrap2 and the count methods end up in the DWARF.
println("tree counts:", globalAnyTree.count(), globalTypeSafeTree.count())
// Make sure both goroutines are ready.
_ = *(*int)(nil)