blob: 5638430917f61655722b58e9418e5809a5d7b975 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocore
import (
// An Object represents a single reachable object in the Go heap.
// Unreachable (garbage) objects are not represented as Objects.
type Object core.Address
// markObjects finds all the live objects in the heap and marks them
// in the p.heapInfo mark fields.
func (p *Process) markObjects() {
ptrSize := p.proc.PtrSize()
// number of live objects found so far
n := 0
// total size of live objects
var live int64
var q []Object
// Function to call when we find a new pointer.
add := func(x core.Address) {
h := p.heap.get(x)
if h == nil { // not in heap or not in a valid span
// Invalid spans can happen with intra-stack pointers.
// Round down to object start.
x = h.base.Add(x.Sub(h.base) / h.size * h.size)
// Object start may map to a different info. Reload heap info.
h = p.heap.get(x)
// Find mark bit
b := uint64(x) % heapInfoSize / 8
if h.mark&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 { // already found
h.mark |= uint64(1) << b
live += h.size
q = append(q, Object(x))
// Start with scanning all the roots.
// Note that we don't just use the DWARF roots, just in case DWARF isn't complete.
// Instead we use exactly what the runtime uses.
// Goroutine roots
// BUG: If the process dumps core with a thread in mallocgc at the point
// where an object is reachable from the stack but it hasn't been zeroed
// yet, it's possible for us to observe stale pointers here and follow them.
// Not a huge deal given that we'll just ignore outright bad pointers, but
// we may accidentally mark some objects as live erroneously.
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
for _, f := range g.frames {
for a := range f.Live {
// Global roots
for _, m := range p.modules {
for _, s := range [2]string{"data", "bss"} {
min := core.Address(m.r.Field(s).Uintptr())
max := core.Address(m.r.Field("e" + s).Uintptr())
gc := m.r.Field("gc" + s + "mask").Field("bytedata").Address()
num := max.Sub(min) / ptrSize
for i := int64(0); i < num; i++ {
if p.proc.ReadUint8(gc.Add(i/8))>>uint(i%8)&1 != 0 {
add(p.proc.ReadPtr(min.Add(i * ptrSize)))
// Finalizers
for _, r := range p.globals {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.Name, "finalizer for ") {
p.ForEachRootPtr(r, func(_ int64, o Object, _ int64) bool {
return true
// Expand root set to all reachable objects.
for len(q) > 0 {
x := q[len(q)-1]
q = q[:len(q)-1]
// Scan object for pointers.
size := p.Size(x)
for i := int64(0); i < size; i += ptrSize {
a := core.Address(x).Add(i)
if p.isPtrFromHeap(a) {
p.nObj = n
// Initialize firstIdx fields in the heapInfo, for fast object index lookups.
n = 0
p.ForEachObject(func(x Object) bool {
h := p.heap.get(p.Addr(x))
if h.firstIdx == -1 {
h.firstIdx = n
return true
if n != p.nObj {
panic("object count wrong")
// Update stats to include the live/garbage distinction.
allocSize := p.Stats().Sub("heap", "in use spans", "alloc").Value
p.Stats().Sub("heap", "in use spans").setChild(
leafStat("live", live),
leafStat("garbage", allocSize-live),
// isPtrFromHeap reports whether the inferior at address a contains a pointer.
// a must be somewhere in the heap.
func (p *Process) isPtrFromHeap(a core.Address) bool {
return p.heap.get(a).isPtr(a, p.proc.PtrSize())
// IsPtr reports whether the inferior at address a contains a pointer.
func (p *Process) IsPtr(a core.Address) bool {
h := p.heap.get(a)
if h != nil {
return h.isPtr(a, p.proc.PtrSize())
for _, m := range p.modules {
for _, s := range [2]string{"data", "bss"} {
min := core.Address(m.r.Field(s).Uintptr())
max := core.Address(m.r.Field("e" + s).Uintptr())
if a < min || a >= max {
gc := m.r.Field("gc" + s + "mask").Field("bytedata").Address()
i := a.Sub(min)
return p.proc.ReadUint8(gc.Add(i/8))>>uint(i%8) != 0
// Everywhere else can't be a pointer. At least, not a pointer into the Go heap.
// TODO: stacks?
// TODO: finalizers?
return false
// FindObject finds the object containing a. Returns that object and the offset within
// that object to which a points.
// Returns 0,0 if a doesn't point to a live heap object.
func (p *Process) FindObject(a core.Address) (Object, int64) {
// Round down to the start of an object.
h := p.heap.get(a)
if h == nil {
// Not in Go heap, or in a span
// that doesn't hold Go objects (freed, stacks, ...)
return 0, 0
x := h.base.Add(a.Sub(h.base) / h.size * h.size)
// Check if object is marked.
h = p.heap.get(x)
if h.mark>>(uint64(x)%heapInfoSize/8)&1 == 0 { // free or garbage
return 0, 0
return Object(x), a.Sub(x)
func (p *Process) findObjectIndex(a core.Address) (int, int64) {
x, off := p.FindObject(a)
if x == 0 {
return -1, 0
h := p.heap.get(core.Address(x))
return h.firstIdx + bits.OnesCount64(h.mark&(uint64(1)<<(uint64(x)%heapInfoSize/8)-1)), off
// ForEachObject calls fn with each object in the Go heap.
// If fn returns false, ForEachObject returns immediately.
func (p *Process) ForEachObject(fn func(x Object) bool) {
for a, h := range p.heap.all() {
m := h.mark
for m != 0 {
j := bits.TrailingZeros64(m)
m &= m - 1
x := Object(a + core.Address(j*8))
if !fn(x) {
// ForEachRoot calls fn with each garbage collection root.
// If fn returns false, ForEachRoot returns immediately.
func (p *Process) ForEachRoot(fn func(r *Root) bool) {
for _, r := range p.globals {
if !fn(r) {
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
for _, f := range g.frames {
for _, r := range f.roots {
if !fn(r) {
// Addr returns the starting address of x.
func (p *Process) Addr(x Object) core.Address {
return core.Address(x)
// Size returns the size of x in bytes.
func (p *Process) Size(x Object) int64 {
return p.heap.get(core.Address(x)).size
// Type returns the type and repeat count for the object x.
// x contains at least repeat copies of the returned type.
func (p *Process) Type(x Object) (*Type, int64) {
i, _ := p.findObjectIndex(core.Address(x))
return p.types[i].t, p.types[i].r
// ForEachPtr calls fn for all heap pointers it finds in x.
// It calls fn with:
// the offset of the pointer slot in x
// the pointed-to object y
// the offset in y where the pointer points.
// If fn returns false, ForEachPtr returns immediately.
// For an edge from an object to its finalizer, the first argument
// passed to fn will be -1. (TODO: implement)
func (p *Process) ForEachPtr(x Object, fn func(int64, Object, int64) bool) {
size := p.Size(x)
for i := int64(0); i < size; i += p.proc.PtrSize() {
a := core.Address(x).Add(i)
if !p.isPtrFromHeap(a) {
ptr := p.proc.ReadPtr(a)
y, off := p.FindObject(ptr)
if y != 0 {
if !fn(i, y, off) {
// ForEachRootPtr behaves like ForEachPtr but it starts with a Root instead of an Object.
func (p *Process) ForEachRootPtr(r *Root, fn func(int64, Object, int64) bool) {
ptrBuf := make([]byte, 8)
walkRootTypePtrs(p, r, ptrBuf, 0, r.Type, fn)
const heapInfoSize = 512
// Information for heapInfoSize bytes of heap.
type heapInfo struct {
base core.Address // start of the span containing this heap region
size int64 // size of objects in the span
mark uint64 // 64 mark bits, one for every 8 bytes
firstIdx int // the index of the first object that starts in this region, or -1 if none
// For 64-bit inferiors, ptr[0] contains 64 pointer bits, one
// for every 8 bytes. On 32-bit inferiors, ptr contains 128
// pointer bits, one for every 4 bytes.
ptr [2]uint64
func (h *heapInfo) isPtr(a core.Address, ptrSize int64) bool {
if ptrSize == 8 {
i := uint(a%heapInfoSize) / 8
return h.ptr[0]>>i&1 != 0
i := a % heapInfoSize / 4
return h.ptr[i/64]>>(i%64)&1 != 0
type heapTableID uint64
func (id heapTableID) addr() core.Address {
return core.Address(id * heapInfoSize * heapTableSize)
type heapTable struct {
table map[heapTableID]*heapTableEntry
entries []heapTableID
ptrSize uint64
func heapTableIndex(a core.Address) (heapTableID, uint64) {
return heapTableID(a / heapInfoSize / heapTableSize), uint64(a / heapInfoSize % heapTableSize)
// Heap info structures cover 9 bits of address.
// A page table entry covers 20 bits of address (1MB).
const heapTableSize = 1 << 11
type heapTableEntry [heapTableSize]heapInfo
func (ht *heapTable) setIsPointer(a core.Address) {
h := ht.getOrCreate(a)
ptrSize := ht.ptrSize
if ptrSize == 8 {
i := uint64(a%heapInfoSize) / 8
h.ptr[0] |= uint64(1) << i
i := uint64(a%heapInfoSize) / 4
h.ptr[i/64] |= uint64(1) << (i % 64)
// get returns the heap info for an address. Returns nil
// if a is not a heap address.
func (ht *heapTable) get(a core.Address) *heapInfo {
k, i := heapTableIndex(a)
t := ht.table[k]
if t == nil {
return nil
h := &t[i]
if h.base == 0 {
return nil
return h
// getOrCreate returns the heap info for an address, or if nil,
// creates it, marking it as a heap address.
func (ht *heapTable) getOrCreate(a core.Address) *heapInfo {
k, i := heapTableIndex(a)
t := ht.table[k]
if t == nil {
t = new(heapTableEntry)
for j := 0; j < heapTableSize; j++ {
t[j].firstIdx = -1
ht.table[k] = t
ht.entries = append(ht.entries, k)
return &t[i]
func (ht *heapTable) all() iter.Seq2[core.Address, *heapInfo] {
return func(yield func(core.Address, *heapInfo) bool) {
for _, k := range ht.entries {
e := ht.table[k]
for i := range e {
h := &e[i]
a := k.addr() + core.Address(uint64(i)*heapInfoSize)
if !yield(a, h) {