blob: 21df47b8f49023fd69a89ff05c61fd158f490b37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package core
import (
// A Mapping represents a contiguous subset of the inferior's address space.
type Mapping struct {
min Address
max Address
perm Perm
f *os.File // file backing this region
off int64 // offset of start of this mapping in f
// For regions originally backed by a file but now in the core file,
// (probably because it is copy-on-write) this is the original data source.
// This info is just for printing; the data in this source is stale.
origF *os.File
origOff int64
// Contents of f at offset off. Length=max-min.
contents []byte
// Min returns the lowest virtual address of the mapping.
func (m *Mapping) Min() Address {
return m.min
// Max returns the virtual address of the byte just beyond the mapping.
func (m *Mapping) Max() Address {
return m.max
// Size returns int64(Max-Min)
func (m *Mapping) Size() int64 {
return m.max.Sub(m.min)
// Perm returns the permissions on the mapping.
func (m *Mapping) Perm() Perm {
return m.perm
// Source returns the backing file and offset for the mapping, or "", 0 if none.
func (m *Mapping) Source() (string, int64) {
if m.f == nil {
return "", 0
return m.f.Name(),
// CopyOnWrite reports whether the mapping is a copy-on-write region, i.e.
// it started as a mapped file and is now writeable.
// TODO: is this distinguishable from a write-back region?
func (m *Mapping) CopyOnWrite() bool {
return m.origF != nil
// For CopyOnWrite mappings, OrigSource returns the file/offset of the
// original copy of the data, or "", 0 if none.
func (m *Mapping) OrigSource() (string, int64) {
if m.origF == nil {
return "", 0
return m.origF.Name(), m.origOff
// A Perm represents the permissions allowed for a Mapping.
type Perm uint8
const (
Read Perm = 1 << iota
func (p Perm) String() string {
var a [3]string
b := a[:0]
if p&Read != 0 {
b = append(b, "Read")
if p&Write != 0 {
b = append(b, "Write")
if p&Exec != 0 {
b = append(b, "Exec")
if len(b) == 0 {
b = append(b, "None")
return strings.Join(b, "|")
// We assume that OS pages are at least 4K in size. So every mapping
// starts and ends at a multiple of 4K.
// We divide the other 64-12 = 52 bits into levels in a page table.
type pageTable0 [1 << 10]*Mapping
type pageTable1 [1 << 10]*pageTable0
type pageTable2 [1 << 10]*pageTable1
type pageTable3 [1 << 10]*pageTable2
type pageTable4 [1 << 12]*pageTable3
const pageSize Address = 1 << 12
// findMapping is simple enough that it inlines.
func (p *Process) findMapping(a Address) *Mapping {
t3 := p.pageTable[a>>52]
if t3 == nil {
return nil
t2 := t3[a>>42%(1<<10)]
if t2 == nil {
return nil
t1 := t2[a>>32%(1<<10)]
if t1 == nil {
return nil
t0 := t1[a>>22%(1<<10)]
if t0 == nil {
return nil
return t0[a>>12%(1<<10)]
func (p *Process) addMapping(m *Mapping) error {
if m.min%(pageSize) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("mapping start %x isn't a multiple of 4096", m.min)
if m.max%(pageSize) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("mapping end %x isn't a multiple of 4096", m.max)
for a := m.min; a < m.max; a += 1 << 12 {
i3 := a >> 52
t3 := p.pageTable[i3]
if t3 == nil {
t3 = new(pageTable3)
p.pageTable[i3] = t3
i2 := a >> 42 % (1 << 10)
t2 := t3[i2]
if t2 == nil {
t2 = new(pageTable2)
t3[i2] = t2
i1 := a >> 32 % (1 << 10)
t1 := t2[i1]
if t1 == nil {
t1 = new(pageTable1)
t2[i1] = t1
i0 := a >> 22 % (1 << 10)
t0 := t1[i0]
if t0 == nil {
t0 = new(pageTable0)
t1[i0] = t0
t0[a>>12%(1<<10)] = m
return nil
// splicedMemory represents a memory space formed from multiple regions.
// Much of the logic was copied from delve/pkg/proc/core.go.
type splicedMemory struct {
mappings []*Mapping
func (s *splicedMemory) Add(min, max Address, perm Perm, f *os.File, off int64) {
if max-min <= 0 {
// Align max.
if max%pageSize != 0 {
max = (max + pageSize) & ^(pageSize - 1)
// Align min.
if gap := min % pageSize; gap != 0 {
off -= int64(gap)
min -= gap
newMappings := make([]*Mapping, 0, len(s.mappings)+1)
add := func(m *Mapping) {
if m.Size() <= 0 {
newMappings = append(newMappings, m)
inserted := false
for _, entry := range s.mappings {
switch {
case entry.max < min: // entry is completely before the new region.
case max < entry.min: // entry is completely after the new region.
if !inserted {
add(&Mapping{min: min, max: max, perm: perm, f: f, off: off})
inserted = true
case min <= entry.min && entry.max <= max:
// entry is completely overwritten by the new region. Drop.
case entry.min <= min && entry.max <= max:
// new region overwrites the end of the entry.
entry.max = min
case min <= entry.min && max <= entry.max:
// new region overwrites the begining of the entry.
if !inserted {
add(&Mapping{min: min, max: max, perm: perm, f: f, off: off})
inserted = true
} += int64(max - entry.min)
entry.min = max
case entry.min < min && max < entry.max:
// new region punches a hole in the entry.
entry2 := *entry
entry.max = min += int64(max - entry.min)
entry2.min = max
add(&Mapping{min: min, max: max, perm: perm, f: f, off: off})
inserted = true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled case: existing entry is (min:0x%x max:0x%x), new entry is (min:0x%x max:0x%x)", entry.min, entry.max, min, max))
if !inserted {
add(&Mapping{min: min, max: max, perm: perm, f: f, off: off})
s.mappings = newMappings