blob: 1f3652987e84f8413f1aad0f572acdf92bb597c8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
// Ensure "go mod tidy" doesn't remove the module
// dependency, which is necessary to access the field.Element type.
_ ""
//go:generate go run . -out ../fe_amd64.s -stubs ../fe_amd64.go -pkg field
func main() {
type namedComponent struct {
name string
func (c namedComponent) String() string { return }
type uint128 struct {
name string
hi, lo GPVirtual
func (c uint128) String() string { return }
func feSquare() {
TEXT("feSquare", NOSPLIT, "func(out, a *Element)")
Doc("feSquare sets out = a * a. It works like feSquareGeneric.")
a := Dereference(Param("a"))
l0 := namedComponent{a.Field("l0"), "l0"}
l1 := namedComponent{a.Field("l1"), "l1"}
l2 := namedComponent{a.Field("l2"), "l2"}
l3 := namedComponent{a.Field("l3"), "l3"}
l4 := namedComponent{a.Field("l4"), "l4"}
// r0 = l0×l0 + 19×2×(l1×l4 + l2×l3)
r0 := uint128{"r0", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r0, 1, l0, l0)
addMul64(r0, 38, l1, l4)
addMul64(r0, 38, l2, l3)
// r1 = 2×l0×l1 + 19×2×l2×l4 + 19×l3×l3
r1 := uint128{"r1", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r1, 2, l0, l1)
addMul64(r1, 38, l2, l4)
addMul64(r1, 19, l3, l3)
// r2 = = 2×l0×l2 + l1×l1 + 19×2×l3×l4
r2 := uint128{"r2", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r2, 2, l0, l2)
addMul64(r2, 1, l1, l1)
addMul64(r2, 38, l3, l4)
// r3 = = 2×l0×l3 + 2×l1×l2 + 19×l4×l4
r3 := uint128{"r3", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r3, 2, l0, l3)
addMul64(r3, 2, l1, l2)
addMul64(r3, 19, l4, l4)
// r4 = = 2×l0×l4 + 2×l1×l3 + l2×l2
r4 := uint128{"r4", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r4, 2, l0, l4)
addMul64(r4, 2, l1, l3)
addMul64(r4, 1, l2, l2)
Comment("First reduction chain")
maskLow51Bits := GP64()
MOVQ(Imm((1<<51)-1), maskLow51Bits)
c0, r0lo := shiftRightBy51(&r0)
c1, r1lo := shiftRightBy51(&r1)
c2, r2lo := shiftRightBy51(&r2)
c3, r3lo := shiftRightBy51(&r3)
c4, r4lo := shiftRightBy51(&r4)
maskAndAdd(r0lo, maskLow51Bits, c4, 19)
maskAndAdd(r1lo, maskLow51Bits, c0, 1)
maskAndAdd(r2lo, maskLow51Bits, c1, 1)
maskAndAdd(r3lo, maskLow51Bits, c2, 1)
maskAndAdd(r4lo, maskLow51Bits, c3, 1)
Comment("Second reduction chain (carryPropagate)")
// c0 = r0 >> 51
MOVQ(r0lo, c0)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c0)
// c1 = r1 >> 51
MOVQ(r1lo, c1)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c1)
// c2 = r2 >> 51
MOVQ(r2lo, c2)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c2)
// c3 = r3 >> 51
MOVQ(r3lo, c3)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c3)
// c4 = r4 >> 51
MOVQ(r4lo, c4)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c4)
maskAndAdd(r0lo, maskLow51Bits, c4, 19)
maskAndAdd(r1lo, maskLow51Bits, c0, 1)
maskAndAdd(r2lo, maskLow51Bits, c1, 1)
maskAndAdd(r3lo, maskLow51Bits, c2, 1)
maskAndAdd(r4lo, maskLow51Bits, c3, 1)
Comment("Store output")
out := Dereference(Param("out"))
Store(r0lo, out.Field("l0"))
Store(r1lo, out.Field("l1"))
Store(r2lo, out.Field("l2"))
Store(r3lo, out.Field("l3"))
Store(r4lo, out.Field("l4"))
func feMul() {
TEXT("feMul", NOSPLIT, "func(out, a, b *Element)")
Doc("feMul sets out = a * b. It works like feMulGeneric.")
a := Dereference(Param("a"))
a0 := namedComponent{a.Field("l0"), "a0"}
a1 := namedComponent{a.Field("l1"), "a1"}
a2 := namedComponent{a.Field("l2"), "a2"}
a3 := namedComponent{a.Field("l3"), "a3"}
a4 := namedComponent{a.Field("l4"), "a4"}
b := Dereference(Param("b"))
b0 := namedComponent{b.Field("l0"), "b0"}
b1 := namedComponent{b.Field("l1"), "b1"}
b2 := namedComponent{b.Field("l2"), "b2"}
b3 := namedComponent{b.Field("l3"), "b3"}
b4 := namedComponent{b.Field("l4"), "b4"}
// r0 = a0×b0 + 19×(a1×b4 + a2×b3 + a3×b2 + a4×b1)
r0 := uint128{"r0", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r0, 1, a0, b0)
addMul64(r0, 19, a1, b4)
addMul64(r0, 19, a2, b3)
addMul64(r0, 19, a3, b2)
addMul64(r0, 19, a4, b1)
// r1 = a0×b1 + a1×b0 + 19×(a2×b4 + a3×b3 + a4×b2)
r1 := uint128{"r1", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r1, 1, a0, b1)
addMul64(r1, 1, a1, b0)
addMul64(r1, 19, a2, b4)
addMul64(r1, 19, a3, b3)
addMul64(r1, 19, a4, b2)
// r2 = a0×b2 + a1×b1 + a2×b0 + 19×(a3×b4 + a4×b3)
r2 := uint128{"r2", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r2, 1, a0, b2)
addMul64(r2, 1, a1, b1)
addMul64(r2, 1, a2, b0)
addMul64(r2, 19, a3, b4)
addMul64(r2, 19, a4, b3)
// r3 = a0×b3 + a1×b2 + a2×b1 + a3×b0 + 19×a4×b4
r3 := uint128{"r3", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r3, 1, a0, b3)
addMul64(r3, 1, a1, b2)
addMul64(r3, 1, a2, b1)
addMul64(r3, 1, a3, b0)
addMul64(r3, 19, a4, b4)
// r4 = a0×b4 + a1×b3 + a2×b2 + a3×b1 + a4×b0
r4 := uint128{"r4", GP64(), GP64()}
mul64(r4, 1, a0, b4)
addMul64(r4, 1, a1, b3)
addMul64(r4, 1, a2, b2)
addMul64(r4, 1, a3, b1)
addMul64(r4, 1, a4, b0)
Comment("First reduction chain")
maskLow51Bits := GP64()
MOVQ(Imm((1<<51)-1), maskLow51Bits)
c0, r0lo := shiftRightBy51(&r0)
c1, r1lo := shiftRightBy51(&r1)
c2, r2lo := shiftRightBy51(&r2)
c3, r3lo := shiftRightBy51(&r3)
c4, r4lo := shiftRightBy51(&r4)
maskAndAdd(r0lo, maskLow51Bits, c4, 19)
maskAndAdd(r1lo, maskLow51Bits, c0, 1)
maskAndAdd(r2lo, maskLow51Bits, c1, 1)
maskAndAdd(r3lo, maskLow51Bits, c2, 1)
maskAndAdd(r4lo, maskLow51Bits, c3, 1)
Comment("Second reduction chain (carryPropagate)")
// c0 = r0 >> 51
MOVQ(r0lo, c0)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c0)
// c1 = r1 >> 51
MOVQ(r1lo, c1)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c1)
// c2 = r2 >> 51
MOVQ(r2lo, c2)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c2)
// c3 = r3 >> 51
MOVQ(r3lo, c3)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c3)
// c4 = r4 >> 51
MOVQ(r4lo, c4)
SHRQ(Imm(51), c4)
maskAndAdd(r0lo, maskLow51Bits, c4, 19)
maskAndAdd(r1lo, maskLow51Bits, c0, 1)
maskAndAdd(r2lo, maskLow51Bits, c1, 1)
maskAndAdd(r3lo, maskLow51Bits, c2, 1)
maskAndAdd(r4lo, maskLow51Bits, c3, 1)
Comment("Store output")
out := Dereference(Param("out"))
Store(r0lo, out.Field("l0"))
Store(r1lo, out.Field("l1"))
Store(r2lo, out.Field("l2"))
Store(r3lo, out.Field("l3"))
Store(r4lo, out.Field("l4"))
// mul64 sets r to i * aX * bX.
func mul64(r uint128, i int, aX, bX namedComponent) {
switch i {
case 1:
Comment(fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s×%s", r, aX, bX))
Load(aX, RAX)
case 2:
Comment(fmt.Sprintf("%s = 2×%s×%s", r, aX, bX))
Load(aX, RAX)
SHLQ(Imm(1), RAX)
panic("unsupported i value")
MULQ(mustAddr(bX)) // RDX, RAX = RAX * bX
MOVQ(RAX, r.lo)
MOVQ(RDX, r.hi)
// addMul64 sets r to r + i * aX * bX.
func addMul64(r uint128, i uint64, aX, bX namedComponent) {
switch i {
case 1:
Comment(fmt.Sprintf("%s += %s×%s", r, aX, bX))
Load(aX, RAX)
Comment(fmt.Sprintf("%s += %d×%s×%s", r, i, aX, bX))
IMUL3Q(Imm(i), Load(aX, GP64()), RAX)
MULQ(mustAddr(bX)) // RDX, RAX = RAX * bX
ADDQ(RAX, r.lo)
ADCQ(RDX, r.hi)
// shiftRightBy51 returns r >> 51 and r.lo.
// After this function is called, the uint128 may not be used anymore.
func shiftRightBy51(r *uint128) (out, lo GPVirtual) {
out = r.hi
lo = r.lo
SHLQ(Imm(64-51), r.lo, r.hi)
r.lo, r.hi = nil, nil // make sure the uint128 is unusable
// maskAndAdd sets r = r&mask + c*i.
func maskAndAdd(r, mask, c GPVirtual, i uint64) {
ANDQ(mask, r)
if i != 1 {
IMUL3Q(Imm(i), c, c)
ADDQ(c, r)
func mustAddr(c Component) Op {
b, err := c.Resolve()
if err != nil {
return b.Addr