env/darwin: AWS darwin instances

This adds instructions and scripts for running darwin builders inside
QEMU on AWS Mac instances. Only darwin-amd64-12 is tested thus far.

For golang/go#48945.

Change-Id: I453c269c80f5b9af0f8059f3ea59ee517654baa8
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/build/+/432395
Reviewed-by: Jenny Rakoczy <jenny@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Heschi Kreinick <heschi@google.com>
diff --git a/env/darwin/aws/README.md b/env/darwin/aws/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..017346f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/darwin/aws/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Darwin builders on AWS
+Darwin builders on AWS run on [EC2 Mac
+Instances](https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/mac/), which are dedicated
+Mac Mini hosts. These dedicated hosts must be allocated for at least 24 hours at
+a time. They can be reimaged at any time while allocated, but the reimaging
+process takes around an hour. Thus, for faster refresh time on hermetic
+builders, we run buildlets as MacOS guests inside of QEMU on the dedicated
+## Creating a dedicated host
+Note that if you simply need more instances, an AMI with the final state is
+saved on the AWS account.
+To bring up a new host:
+1. In the EC2 console, go to "Dedicated Hosts" -> "Allocate Dedicated Host".
+2. Configure host type, zone. Instance family `mac1` is amd64; `mac2` is arm64.
+3. Once allocated and available, select the host and click "Actions" -> "Launch
+   Instance(s) onto host".
+4. Select a macOS AMI. If starting fresh, select the latest macOS version from
+   "Quick Start". If simply adding more instances, a fully set-up AMI is saved
+   in "My AMIs".
+5. Select a "Key pair" for SSH access. `ec2-go-builders` for official builders,
+   a custom key for testing. You will need the private key to login.
+6. Configure a 200GB disk.
+7. If creating from a fully set-up AMI, uncheck "Allow SSH Traffic".
+7. Other settings can remain at default. Launch instance.
+If creating from a fully set-up AMI, you are done!
+SSH with the key pair using the "Public IPv4 DNS" address from the "Instances"
+page. This won't appear until the instance is booted.
+$ export KEY_PATH=~/.ssh/ec2-go-builders.pem
+$ ssh -i $KEY_PATH ec2-user@$INSTANCE
+[See the AWS
+for setting up remote desktop access. Note that not all VNC client work with
+Apple's server. [Remmina](https://remmina.org/) works.
+The OS will only use 100GB of the disk by default. You must [increase the volume
+to utilize the full disk. This can be done while the disk is in use.
+Continue below to create a new guest image, or [skip ahead](#guest-creation) to
+use a pre-created image.
+## Creating a new guest image
+Steps to create a new QEMU macOS guest image:
+1. Build (`make dist`) or
+   [download](https://github.com/thenickdude/KVM-Opencore/releases) a copy of
+   the OpenCore bootloader from
+   https://github.com/thenickdude/KVM-Opencore.
+     1. Grab the `.iso.gz` file, `gunzip` it, and rename to `opencore.img` (it
+        is a raw disk image, not actually an `iso`).
+2. Create a macOS recovery disk image:
+   1. Clone https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM.
+   2. `cd scripts/monterey && make Monterey-recovery.dmg`
+3. Download the UTM QEMU fork and extract to `~/sysroot-macos-x86_64`.
+   1. Available as `Sysroot-macos-x86_64` in
+      https://github.com/utmapp/UTM/actions?query=event%3Arelease builds.
+4. Create a disk image to install macOS to.
+   1. `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/sysroot-macos-x86_64/lib"
+      "$HOME/sysroot-macos-x86_64/bin/qemu-img" create -f qcow2
+      macos-monterey.qcow2 128G`
+5. Determine the magic Apple OSK value.
+   1. Either [read it directly from the machine](https://www.nicksherlock.com/2021/10/installing-macos-12-monterey-on-proxmox-7/#:~:text=Fetch%20the%20OSK%20authentication%20key), or [find it in some code](https://github.com/kholia/OSX-KVM/blob/master/OpenCore-Boot-macOS.sh#L45).
+6. Copy the shell scripts from this directory to `$HOME`.
+6. Use `$HOME/start-installer.sh macos-monterey.qcow2 opencore.img
+   Monetery-recovery.dmg $OSK_VALUE` to launch the macOS installer in QEMU.
+This starts QEMU with the display on a VNC server at `localhost:5901`. Use SSH
+port forwarding to forward this to your local machine:
+$ ssh -i $KEY_PATH -L 5901:localhost:5901 -N ec2-user@$INSTANCE
+Then use a VNC client to connect to `localhost:5901`.
+1. Once connected, select "macOS Base Image" from the bootloader to launch the
+   installer.
+2. In the installer, open the Disk Utility, find the ~128GB QEMU hard disk,
+   click "Erase", name it "macOS", and leave other options at the default
+   settings.
+3. When formatting is complete, close Disk Utililty, and select "Reinstall
+   macOs Monterey".
+4. Click through the installer. The VM will reboot a few times. When it does,
+   select "macOS Installer" from the bootloader to continue installation.
+   Installation is complete when "macOS Installer" is replaced with "MacOS".
+5. Select "macOS" and go through the macOS setup as described in the [generic
+   setup notes](../setup-notes.md).
+Once macOS is fully installed, we will install OpenCore on the primary disk and
+configure it to autoboot to macOS.
+1. In the guest, find the OpenCore and primary disks with `diskutil list`.
+    * The OpenCore disk contains only one parition, of type "EFI". It is likely
+      /dev/disk0, EFI partition /dev/disk0s1.
+    * The primary disk contains two paritions, one of type "EFI", one of type
+      "Apple_APFS". It is likely /dev/disk2, EFI partition /dev/disk2s1.
+2. Copy the OpenCore EFI partition over the primary disk EFI partition.
+    * `sudo dd if=/dev/disk0s1 of=/dev/disk2s1`
+3. Mount the primary disk EFI partition to edit the configuration.
+    * `sudo mkdir /Volumes/EFI`
+    * `sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/EFI`
+4. Open `/Volumes/EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist`.
+    * Change the Misc -> Boot -> Timeout option from `0` to `1` to set the
+      bootloader to automatically boot macOS with a 1s delay.
+    * In the `7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82`, section, add `-v` to the
+      `boot-args` string value. This applies the `nvram` option mentioned in
+      [the setup notes](../setup-notes.md).
+5. Shutdown the VM and boot it again with `start-mutable.sh`.
+$ $HOME/start-mutable.sh macos-monterey.qcow2 $OSK_VALUE
+Now complete the remainder of the [machine setup](../setup-notes.md).
+Copy complete images to `s3://go-builder-data/darwin/` for use on other
+## Set up automated guest creation {#guest-creation}
+1. Download the latest image from `s3://go-builder-data/darwin/` and save it to
+   `$HOME/macos.qcow2`.
+2. Download the UTM QEMU fork and extract to `~/sysroot-macos-x86_64`.
+   1. Available as `Sysroot-macos-x86_64` in
+      https://github.com/utmapp/UTM/actions?query=event%3Arelease builds.
+3. Copy `qemu.sh` and `start-snapshot.sh` to `$HOME`.
+4. Create `$HOME/loop1.sh`:
+while true; do
+  echo "Running QEMU..."
+  $HOME/start-snapshot.sh $HOME/macos.qcow2 ${OSK_VALUE?} 1
+4. Create `$HOME/loop2.sh`:
+while true; do
+  echo "Running QEMU..."
+  $HOME/start-snapshot.sh $HOME/macos.qcow2 ${OSK_VALUE?} 2
+Replace `${OSK_VALUE?} with the OSK value described in the previous section.
+5. Setup Automator:
+  1. Open Automator
+  2. File > New > Application
+  3. Add "Run shell script"
+  4. `open -a Terminal.app $HOME/loop1.sh`
+  5. Save to desktop twice as `run-builder1`
+  2. File > New > Application
+  3. Add "Run shell script"
+  4. `open -a Terminal.app $HOME/loop2.sh`
+  5. Save to desktop twice as `run-builder2`
+Note that loop1.sh and loop2.sh guests will have a display at VNC port 5901 and
+5902, respectively.
+6. Setup login:
+  1. Users & Groups > ec2-user > Login Items > add run-builder1
+  2. Users & Groups > ec2-user > Login Items > add run-builder2
+  3. Users & Groups > Login Options > auto-login ec2-user
+  4. Desktop & Screensaver > uncheck show screensaver
+Once image is set up and working, stop the instance and create an AMI copy of
+the instance. On the EC2 "Instances" page, select the instance, and click
+"Actions" -> "Image and templates" -> "Create Image".
+Either create a new instance from this image with no SSH access, or edit the
+instance networking inbound rules to remove SSH access.
+## References
+* [EC2 Mac Instances USer
+  Guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-mac-instances.html):
+  Contains most of the useful how-tos on working with Mac instances.
+* [Remmina](https://remmina.org/): VNC client that works with Apple's [VNC
+  server](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-mac-instances.html#mac-instance-vnc)
+  (not all clients work).
+* [QEMU MacOS install
+  guide](https://www.nicksherlock.com/2021/10/installing-macos-12-monterey-on-proxmox-7/):
+  Guide with similar instructions for MacOS in QEMU.
diff --git a/env/darwin/aws/qemu.sh b/env/darwin/aws/qemu.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f1356fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/darwin/aws/qemu.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Go Authors All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Start macOS VM.
+if (( $# < 3 )); then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <disk-image.qcow2> <OSK value> <VNC port index> [extra qemu args]"
+  exit 1
+  -m 4096
+  -cpu host
+  -machine q35
+  -usb -device usb-kbd -device usb-tablet
+  # macOS only likes a power-of-two number of cores, but odd socket count is
+  # fine.
+  -smp cpus=6,sockets=3,cores=2,threads=1
+  -device usb-ehci,id=ehci
+  -device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci
+  -global nec-usb-xhci.msi=off
+  -device isa-applesmc,osk="$OSK"
+  -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file="$OVMF_CODE"
+  -smbios type=2
+  -device ich9-intel-hda -device hda-duplex
+  -device ich9-ahci,id=sata
+  -drive id=MacHDD,if=none,format=qcow2,file="$DISK"
+  -device ide-hd,bus=sata.2,drive=MacHDD
+  -netdev user,id=net0 # add ,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:22 to forward SSH to localhost:5555.
+  -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:c9:18:27
+  -monitor stdio
+  -device VGA,vgamem_mb=128
+  -M accel=hvf
+  -display vnc="$PORT"
+DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/sysroot-macos-x86_64/lib" "$HOME/sysroot-macos-x86_64/bin/qemu-system-x86_64" "${args[@]}" ${EXTRA_ARGS:+"$EXTRA_ARGS"}
diff --git a/env/darwin/aws/start-installer.sh b/env/darwin/aws/start-installer.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fc1a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/darwin/aws/start-installer.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Go Authors All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Start macOS installer to install to disk image.
+if [[ $# != 4 ]]; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <disk-image.qcow2> <opencore.img> <macos-recovery.dmg> <OSK value>"
+  exit 1
+  "$DISK"
+  "$OSK"
+  "$PORT"
+  -drive id=OpenCoreBoot,if=none,format=raw,file="$OPENCORE"
+  -device ide-hd,bus=sata.3,drive=OpenCoreBoot
+  -drive id=InstallMedia,if=none,format=raw,file="$RECOVERY"
+  -device ide-hd,bus=sata.4,drive=InstallMedia
+$HOME/qemu.sh "${args[@]}"
diff --git a/env/darwin/aws/start-mutable.sh b/env/darwin/aws/start-mutable.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25d97c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/darwin/aws/start-mutable.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Go Authors All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Start macOS VM from installed disk image. Changes written back to disk image.
+if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <disk-image.qcow2> <OSK value>"
+  exit 1
+  "$DISK"
+  "$OSK"
+  "$PORT"
+$HOME/qemu.sh "${args[@]}"
diff --git a/env/darwin/aws/start-snapshot.sh b/env/darwin/aws/start-snapshot.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9037ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/darwin/aws/start-snapshot.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Go Authors All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Start macOS VM from installed disk image. Changes discarded on exit.
+if [[ $# != 3 ]]; then
+  echo "Usage: $0 <disk-image.qcow2> <OSK value> <VNC port index>"
+  exit 1
+  "$DISK"
+  "$OSK"
+  "$PORT"
+  -snapshot
+$HOME/qemu.sh "${args[@]}"
diff --git a/env/darwin/setup-notes.md b/env/darwin/setup-notes.md
index 6c9522f..cc09af8 100644
--- a/env/darwin/setup-notes.md
+++ b/env/darwin/setup-notes.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# For VMs only #
+# For VMWare VMs only #
 The Disk should be formatted with a case insensitive file system (default).
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 Create `$HOME/stage0.sh`.
-**For VMs**
+**For VMWare VMs**
 while true; do (curl -v$(sw_vers -productVersion) | sh); sleep 5; done
 **For physical machines**
@@ -66,11 +66,37 @@
+**For QEMU VMs**
+set -x
+export GO_BUILDER_ENV=qemu_vm
+mkdir -p ~/go/bin;
+while true; do
+  rm -f ~/go/bin/buildlet
+  url="https://storage.googleapis.com/go-builder-data/buildlet.darwin-arm64"
+  while ! curl -f -o ~/go/bin/buildlet "$url"; do
+      echo
+      echo "curl failed to fetch $url"
+      echo "Sleeping before retrying..."
+      sleep 5
+  done
+  chmod +x ~/go/bin/buildlet
+  mkdir -p /tmp/buildlet
+  ~/go/bin/buildlet --coordinator=farmer.golang.org --reverse-type host-darwin-arm64-XX-aws --halt=true --workdir=/tmp/buildlet;
+   sleep 2;
 `chmod +x $HOME/stage0.sh`
 - Run Automator.
 - Create a new Application.
-- Add a "run shell script" item with the command: 
+- Add a "run shell script" item with the command:
   `open -a Terminal.app $HOME/stage0.sh`
 - Save it to the desktop as "run-builder".
@@ -91,5 +117,7 @@
 - run xcode-select: `sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app`
 - run `xcodebuild -version` and wait for Xcode to be verified, which will take a long time.
 - accept the license: `sudo xcodebuild -license accept`
+- install the command line tools: `sudo xcode-select --install`
+- run xcode-select: `sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools`
-Put a builder key in the usual spot.
\ No newline at end of file
+Put a builder key in the usual spot.