blob: a90a73eb16ec0d3494ceac3ef32fb6df2691542c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cloud
import (
var _ vmClient = (*fakeEC2Client)(nil)
type fakeEC2Client struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
// instances map of instanceId -> *ec2.Instance
instances map[string]*ec2.Instance
func newFakeEC2Client() *fakeEC2Client {
return &fakeEC2Client{
instances: make(map[string]*ec2.Instance),
// filterFunc represents a function used to filter out instances.
type filterFunc func(*ec2.Instance) bool
// createFilter returns filtering functions for a subset of `ec2.Filter`.
// The response in the function returned indicates whether the instance
// should be included.
func createFilter(f *ec2.Filter) filterFunc {
if *f.Name == "instance-state-name" {
states := aws.StringValueSlice(f.Values)
return func(i *ec2.Instance) bool {
for _, s := range states {
if *i.State.Name == s {
return true
return false
// return noop filter for unsupported filters
return func(i *ec2.Instance) bool { return true }
// createFilters creates a filtering function for a subset of `ec2.Filter`.
// The response for the returned function indicates whether the instance
// should be included after all of the supplied filters have been evaluated.
func createFilters(fs []*ec2.Filter) filterFunc {
if len(fs) == 0 {
// return noop filter for unsupported filters
return func(i *ec2.Instance) bool { return true }
filters := make([]filterFunc, 0, len(fs))
for _, f := range fs {
filters = append(filters, createFilter(f))
return func(i *ec2.Instance) bool {
for _, fn := range filters {
if !fn(i) {
return false
return true
func (f *fakeEC2Client) DescribeInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput, fn func(*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, bool) bool, opt ...request.Option) error {
if input == nil || fn == nil {
return errors.New("invalid input")
filters := createFilters(input.Filters)
insts := make([]*ec2.Instance, 0, len(f.instances))
for _, inst := range f.instances {
if !filters(inst) {
insts = append(insts, inst)
for it, inst := range insts {
Reservations: []*ec2.Reservation{
Instances: []*ec2.Instance{
}, it == len(insts)-1)
return nil
func (f *fakeEC2Client) DescribeInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput, opt ...request.Option) (*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, error) {
if ctx == nil || input == nil || len(input.InstanceIds) == 0 {
return nil, request.ErrInvalidParams{}
filters := createFilters(input.Filters)
instances := make([]*ec2.Instance, 0, len(input.InstanceIds))
for _, id := range aws.StringValueSlice(input.InstanceIds) {
inst, ok := f.instances[id]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("instance not found")
if !filters(inst) {
instances = append(instances, inst)
return &ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput{
Reservations: []*ec2.Reservation{
Instances: instances,
}, nil
func (f *fakeEC2Client) RunInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.RunInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ec2.Reservation, error) {
if ctx == nil || input == nil {
return nil, request.ErrInvalidParams{}
if input.ImageId == nil || aws.StringValue(input.ImageId) == "" ||
input.InstanceType == nil || aws.StringValue(input.InstanceType) == "" ||
input.MinCount == nil || aws.Int64Value(input.MinCount) == 0 ||
input.Placement == nil || aws.StringValue(input.Placement.AvailabilityZone) == "" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid instance configuration")
instCount := int(aws.Int64Value(input.MaxCount))
instances := make([]*ec2.Instance, 0, instCount)
for i := 0; i < instCount; i++ {
inst := &ec2.Instance{
CpuOptions: &ec2.CpuOptions{
CoreCount: aws.Int64(4),
ImageId: input.ImageId,
InstanceType: input.InstanceType,
InstanceId: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("instance-%s", randHex(10))),
Placement: input.Placement,
PrivateIpAddress: aws.String(randIPv4()),
PublicIpAddress: aws.String(randIPv4()),
State: &ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
Tags: []*ec2.Tag{},
KeyName: input.KeyName,
SecurityGroups: []*ec2.GroupIdentifier{},
LaunchTime: aws.Time(time.Now()),
for _, id := range input.SecurityGroups {
inst.SecurityGroups = append(inst.SecurityGroups, &ec2.GroupIdentifier{
GroupId: id,
for _, tagSpec := range input.TagSpecifications {
for _, tag := range tagSpec.Tags {
inst.Tags = append(inst.Tags, tag)
f.instances[*inst.InstanceId] = inst
instances = append(instances, inst)
return &ec2.Reservation{
Instances: instances,
ReservationId: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("reservation-%s", randHex(10))),
}, nil
func (f *fakeEC2Client) TerminateInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.TerminateInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ec2.TerminateInstancesOutput, error) {
if ctx == nil || input == nil || len(input.InstanceIds) == 0 {
return nil, request.ErrInvalidParams{}
isc := make([]*ec2.InstanceStateChange, 0, len(input.InstanceIds))
for _, id := range input.InstanceIds {
if *id == "" {
return nil, errors.New("invalid instance id")
var prevState string
inst, ok := f.instances[*id]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("instance not found")
prevState = *inst.State.Name
inst.State.Name = aws.String(ec2.InstanceStateNameTerminated)
isc = append(isc, &ec2.InstanceStateChange{
CurrentState: &ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String(prevState),
InstanceId: id,
PreviousState: &ec2.InstanceState{
Code: nil,
Name: aws.String(ec2.InstanceStateNameTerminated),
return &ec2.TerminateInstancesOutput{
TerminatingInstances: isc,
}, nil
func (f *fakeEC2Client) WaitUntilInstanceRunningWithContext(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeInstancesInput, opt ...request.WaiterOption) error {
if ctx == nil || input == nil || len(input.InstanceIds) == 0 {
return request.ErrInvalidParams{}
for _, id := range input.InstanceIds {
inst, ok := f.instances[*id]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("instance %s not found", *id)
inst.State = &ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String("running"),
return nil
func fakeClient() *AWSClient {
return &AWSClient{
ec2Client: newFakeEC2Client(),
func fakeClientWithInstances(t *testing.T, count int) (*AWSClient, []*Instance) {
c := fakeClient()
ctx := context.Background()
insts := make([]*Instance, 0, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
inst, err := c.CreateInstance(ctx, randomVMConfig())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create instance: %s", err)
insts = append(insts, inst)
return c, insts
func randomVMConfig() *EC2VMConfiguration {
return &EC2VMConfiguration{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("description-" + randHex(4)),
ImageID: fmt.Sprintf("image-" + randHex(4)),
Name: fmt.Sprintf("name-" + randHex(4)),
SSHKeyID: fmt.Sprintf("ssh-key-id-" + randHex(4)),
SecurityGroups: []string{fmt.Sprintf("sg-" + randHex(4))},
Tags: map[string]string{
fmt.Sprintf("tag-key-" + randHex(4)): fmt.Sprintf("tag-value-" + randHex(4)),
Type: fmt.Sprintf("type-" + randHex(4)),
UserData: fmt.Sprintf("user-data-" + randHex(4)),
Zone: fmt.Sprintf("zone-" + randHex(4)),
func TestRunningInstances(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("query-all-instances", func(t *testing.T) {
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, 4)
gotInsts, gotErr := c.RunningInstances(context.Background())
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Instances(ctx) = %+v, %s; want nil, nil", gotInsts, gotErr)
if len(gotInsts) != len(wantInsts) {
t.Errorf("got instance count %d: want %d", len(gotInsts), len(wantInsts))
t.Run("query-with-a-terminated-instance", func(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, 4)
gotErr := c.DestroyInstances(ctx, wantInsts[0].ID)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to destroy instance: %s", gotErr)
gotInsts, gotErr := c.RunningInstances(ctx)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Instances(ctx) = %+v, %s; want nil, nil", gotInsts, gotErr)
if len(gotInsts) != len(wantInsts)-1 {
t.Errorf("got instance count %d: want %d", len(gotInsts), len(wantInsts)-1)
func TestInstance(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("query-instance", func(t *testing.T) {
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, 1)
wantInst := wantInsts[0]
gotInst, gotErr := c.Instance(context.Background(), wantInst.ID)
if gotErr != nil || gotInst == nil || gotInst.ID != wantInst.ID {
t.Errorf("Instance(ctx, %s) = %+v, %s; want no error", wantInst.ID, gotInst, gotErr)
t.Run("query-terminated-instance", func(t *testing.T) {
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, 1)
wantInst := wantInsts[0]
ctx := context.Background()
gotErr := c.DestroyInstances(ctx, wantInst.ID)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to destroy instance: %s", gotErr)
gotInst, gotErr := c.Instance(ctx, wantInst.ID)
if gotErr != nil || gotInst == nil || gotInst.ID != wantInst.ID {
t.Errorf("Instance(ctx, %s) = %+v, %s; want no error", wantInst.ID, gotInst, gotErr)
func TestCreateInstance(t *testing.T) {
ud := &EC2UserData{
BuildletBinaryURL: "b-url",
BuildletHostType: "b-host-type",
BuildletImageURL: "b-image-url",
BuildletName: "b-name",
Metadata: map[string]string{
"tag-a": "value-b",
TLSCert: "cert-a",
TLSKey: "key-a",
TLSPassword: "pass-a",
config := &EC2VMConfiguration{
Description: "description-a",
ImageID: "my-image",
Name: "my-instance",
SSHKeyID: "my-key",
SecurityGroups: []string{"test-key"},
Tags: map[string]string{
"tag-1": "value-1",
Type: "xby.large",
UserData: ud.EncodedString(),
Zone: "us-west-14",
c := fakeClient()
gotInst, gotErr := c.CreateInstance(context.Background(), config)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Errorf("CreateInstance(ctx, %v) = %+v, %s; want no error", config, gotInst, gotErr)
if gotInst.Description != config.Description {
t.Errorf("Instance.Description = %s; want %s", gotInst.Description, config.Description)
if gotInst.ImageID != config.ImageID {
t.Errorf("Instance.ImageID = %s; want %s", gotInst.ImageID, config.ImageID)
if gotInst.Name != config.Name {
t.Errorf("Instance.Name = %s; want %s", gotInst.Name, config.Name)
if gotInst.SSHKeyID != config.SSHKeyID {
t.Errorf("Instance.SSHKeyID = %s; want %s", gotInst.SSHKeyID, config.SSHKeyID)
if !cmp.Equal(gotInst.SecurityGroups, config.SecurityGroups) {
t.Errorf("Instance.SecruityGroups = %v; want %v", gotInst.SecurityGroups, config.SecurityGroups)
if !cmp.Equal(gotInst.Tags, config.Tags) {
t.Errorf("Instance.Tags = %v want %v", gotInst.Tags, config.Tags)
if gotInst.Type != config.Type {
t.Errorf("Instance.Type = %s; want %s", gotInst.Type, config.Type)
if gotInst.Zone != config.Zone {
t.Errorf("Instance.Zone = %s; want %s", gotInst.Zone, config.Zone)
func TestCreateInstanceError(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
vmConfig *EC2VMConfiguration
desc: "missing-vmConfig",
vmConfig: nil,
desc: "missing-image-type",
vmConfig: &EC2VMConfiguration{
Type: "type-a",
Zone: "eu-15",
desc: "missing-vm-type",
vmConfig: &EC2VMConfiguration{
ImageID: "ami-15",
Zone: "eu-15",
desc: "missing-zone",
vmConfig: &EC2VMConfiguration{
ImageID: "ami-15",
Type: "abc.large",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c := fakeClient()
gotInst, gotErr := c.CreateInstance(context.Background(), tc.vmConfig)
if gotErr == nil || gotInst != nil {
t.Errorf("CreateInstance(ctx, %+v) = %+v, %s; want error", tc.vmConfig, gotInst, gotErr)
func TestDestroyInstances(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
ctx context.Context
vmCount int
wantErr bool
{"baseline request", context.Background(), 1, false},
{"nil context", nil, 1, true},
{"missing vmID", context.Background(), 0, true},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c, insts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, tc.vmCount)
instIDs := make([]string, 0, tc.vmCount)
for _, inst := range insts {
instIDs = append(instIDs, inst.ID)
gotErr := c.DestroyInstances(tc.ctx, instIDs...)
if (gotErr != nil) != tc.wantErr {
t.Errorf("DestroyVM(%v, %+v) = %v; want error %t", tc.ctx, instIDs, gotErr, tc.wantErr)
func TestWaitUntilInstanceRunning(t *testing.T) {
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, 1)
wantInst := wantInsts[0]
ctx := context.Background()
gotErr := c.WaitUntilInstanceRunning(ctx, wantInst.ID)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Errorf("WaitUntilVMExists(%v, %v) failed with error %s", ctx, wantInst.ID, gotErr)
func TestWaitUntilInstanceRunningErr(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
ctx context.Context
vmCount int
{"nil-context", nil, 1},
{"missing vmID", context.Background(), 0},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c, wantInsts := fakeClientWithInstances(t, tc.vmCount)
ctx := context.Background()
wantID := ""
if len(wantInsts) > 0 {
wantID = wantInsts[0].ID
gotErr := c.WaitUntilInstanceRunning(tc.ctx, wantID)
if gotErr == nil {
t.Errorf("WaitUntilVMExists(%v, %v) = %s: want error", ctx, wantID, gotErr)
func TestEC2ToInstance(t *testing.T) {
wantCreationTime := time.Unix(1, 1)
wantDescription := "my-desc"
wantID := "inst-55"
wantIPExt := ""
wantIPInt := ""
wantImage := "ami-56"
wantKey := "my-key"
wantName := "my-name"
wantSecurityGroup := "22"
wantTagKey := "tag1"
wantTagValue := "taggy1"
wantType := "type-1"
wantZone := "us-east-22"
wantState := "running"
var wantCPUCount int64 = 66
ei := &ec2.Instance{
CpuOptions: &ec2.CpuOptions{
CoreCount: aws.Int64(wantCPUCount),
ImageId: aws.String(wantImage),
InstanceId: aws.String(wantID),
InstanceType: aws.String(wantType),
KeyName: aws.String(wantKey),
LaunchTime: aws.Time(wantCreationTime),
Placement: &ec2.Placement{
AvailabilityZone: aws.String(wantZone),
PrivateIpAddress: aws.String(wantIPInt),
PublicIpAddress: aws.String(wantIPExt),
SecurityGroups: []*ec2.GroupIdentifier{
GroupId: aws.String(wantSecurityGroup),
State: &ec2.InstanceState{
Name: aws.String(wantState),
Tags: []*ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String(tagName),
Value: aws.String(wantName),
Key: aws.String(tagDescription),
Value: aws.String(wantDescription),
Key: aws.String(wantTagKey),
Value: aws.String(wantTagValue),
gotInst := ec2ToInstance(ei)
if gotInst.CPUCount != wantCPUCount {
t.Errorf("CPUCount %d; want %d", gotInst.CPUCount, wantCPUCount)
if gotInst.CreatedAt != wantCreationTime {
t.Errorf("CreatedAt %s; want %s", gotInst.CreatedAt, wantCreationTime)
if gotInst.Description != wantDescription {
t.Errorf("Description %s; want %s", gotInst.Description, wantDescription)
if gotInst.ID != wantID {
t.Errorf("ID %s; want %s", gotInst.ID, wantID)
if gotInst.IPAddressExternal != wantIPExt {
t.Errorf("IPAddressExternal %s; want %s", gotInst.IPAddressExternal, wantIPExt)
if gotInst.IPAddressInternal != wantIPInt {
t.Errorf("IPAddressInternal %s; want %s", gotInst.IPAddressInternal, wantIPInt)
if gotInst.ImageID != wantImage {
t.Errorf("Image %s; want %s", gotInst.ImageID, wantImage)
if gotInst.Name != wantName {
t.Errorf("Name %s; want %s", gotInst.Name, wantName)
if gotInst.SSHKeyID != wantKey {
t.Errorf("SSHKeyID %s; want %s", gotInst.SSHKeyID, wantKey)
found := false
for _, sg := range gotInst.SecurityGroups {
if sg == wantSecurityGroup {
found = true
if !found {
t.Errorf("SecurityGroups not found")
if gotInst.State != wantState {
t.Errorf("State %s; want %s", gotInst.State, wantState)
if gotInst.Type != wantType {
t.Errorf("Type %s; want %s", gotInst.Type, wantType)
if gotInst.Zone != wantZone {
t.Errorf("Zone %s; want %s", gotInst.Zone, wantZone)
gotValue, ok := gotInst.Tags[wantTagKey]
if !ok || gotValue != wantTagValue {
t.Errorf("Tags[%s] = %s, %t; want %s, %t", wantTagKey, gotValue, ok, wantTagValue, true)
func TestVMConfig(t *testing.T) {
wantDescription := "desc"
wantImage := "ami-56"
wantName := "my-instance"
wantKey := "my-key"
wantSecurityGroups := []string{"22"}
wantTags := map[string]string{
"tag1": "taggy1",
"tag2": "taggy2",
wantType := "type-1"
wantUserData := "user-data-x"
wantZone := "us-east-22"
rii := vmConfig(&EC2VMConfiguration{
Description: wantDescription,
ImageID: wantImage,
Name: wantName,
SSHKeyID: wantKey,
SecurityGroups: wantSecurityGroups,
Tags: wantTags,
Type: wantType,
UserData: wantUserData,
Zone: wantZone,
if *rii.ImageId != wantImage {
t.Errorf("image id %s; want %s", *rii.ImageId, wantImage)
if *rii.InstanceType != wantType {
t.Errorf("image id %s; want %s", *rii.ImageId, wantImage)
if *rii.MinCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("MinCount %d; want %d", *rii.MinCount, 1)
if *rii.MaxCount != 1 {
t.Errorf("MaxCount %d; want %d", *rii.MaxCount, 1)
if *rii.Placement.AvailabilityZone != wantZone {
t.Errorf("AvailabilityZone %s; want %s", *rii.Placement.AvailabilityZone, wantZone)
if !cmp.Equal(*rii.KeyName, wantKey) {
t.Errorf("SSHKeyID %+v; want %+v", *rii.KeyName, wantKey)
if *rii.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior != ec2.ShutdownBehaviorTerminate {
t.Errorf("Shutdown Behavior %s; want %s", *rii.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior, ec2.ShutdownBehaviorTerminate)
if *rii.UserData != wantUserData {
t.Errorf("UserData %s; want %s", *rii.UserData, wantUserData)
contains := func(tagSpec []*ec2.TagSpecification, key, value string) bool {
for _, ts := range tagSpec {
for _, t := range ts.Tags {
if *t.Key == key && *t.Value == value {
return true
return false
if !contains(rii.TagSpecifications, tagName, wantName) {
t.Errorf("want Tag Key: %s, Value: %s", tagName, wantName)
if !contains(rii.TagSpecifications, tagDescription, wantDescription) {
t.Errorf("want Tag Key: %s, Value: %s", tagDescription, wantDescription)
for k, v := range wantTags {
if !contains(rii.TagSpecifications, k, v) {
t.Errorf("want Tag Key: %s, Value: %s", k, v)
if !cmp.Equal(aws.StringValueSlice(rii.SecurityGroups), wantSecurityGroups) {
t.Errorf("SecurityGroups %v; want %v", aws.StringValueSlice(rii.SecurityGroups), wantSecurityGroups)
func TestEncodedString(t *testing.T) {
ud := EC2UserData{
BuildletBinaryURL: "binary_url_b",
BuildletHostType: "host_type_a",
BuildletImageURL: "image_url_c",
BuildletName: "name_d",
Metadata: map[string]string{
"key": "value",
TLSCert: "x",
TLSKey: "y",
TLSPassword: "z",
jsonUserData, err := json.Marshal(ud)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to marshal user data to json: %s", err)
wantUD := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(jsonUserData))
if ud.EncodedString() != wantUD {
t.Errorf("EncodedString() = %s; want %s", ud.EncodedString(), wantUD)