blob: 06e41b7f079f721ea9da1540b496d5b62a896e96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var autocertManager *autocert.Manager
func certInit() {
var cache autocert.Cache
if b := *autoCertCacheBucket; b != "" {
sc, err := storage.NewClient(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)
cache = autocertcache.NewGoogleCloudStorageCache(sc, b)
autocertManager = &autocert.Manager{
Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS,
HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(strings.Split(*autoCertDomain, ",")...),
Cache: cache,
func runHTTPS(h http.Handler) error {
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":https",
Handler: h,
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
GetCertificate: autocertManager.GetCertificate,
return s.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
func wrapHTTPMux(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return autocertManager.HTTPHandler(h)