tree: e209141a2398cf8710fd07dca44861e049aae848 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Dockerfile
  2. Dockerfile.test
  3. main.go
  4. Makefile
  6. schema.sql
  7. sqlc.yaml

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relui is a web interface for managing the release process of Go.


Run the command with the appropriate libpq-style environment variables set.

PGHOST=localhost PGDATABASE=relui-dev PGUSER=postgres go run ./

Alternatively, using docker:

make dev

Updating Queries

Create or edit SQL files in internal/relui/queries. After editing the query, run sqlc generate in this directory. The internal/relui/db package contains the generated code.

See sqlc documentation for further details.


Run go test with the appropriate libpq-style environment variables set. If the database connection fails, database integration tests will be skipped. If PGDATABSE is unset, relui-test is used by default.

PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres go test -v ./... ../../internal/relui/...

Alternatively, using docker:

make test