blob: 8fe1ae684cd8bdb7fcc17bcdfb34d154bd3ea822 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package buildlet
import (
func TestStartNewVM(t *testing.T) {
kp, err := NewKeyPair()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to generate key pair: %s", err)
buildEnv := &buildenv.Environment{}
hconf := &dashboard.HostConfig{
VMImage: "image-x",
vmName := "sample-vm"
hostType := "host-sample-os"
opts := &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
TLS: kp,
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
SkipEndpointVerification: true,
c := &EC2Client{
client: cloud.NewFakeAWSClient(),
gotClient, gotErr := c.StartNewVM(context.Background(), buildEnv, hconf, vmName, hostType, opts)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("error is not nil: %v", gotErr)
if gotClient == nil {
t.Fatalf("response is nil")
func TestStartNewVMError(t *testing.T) {
kp, err := NewKeyPair()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to generate key pair: %s", err)
testCases := []struct {
desc string
buildEnv *buildenv.Environment
hconf *dashboard.HostConfig
vmName string
hostType string
opts *VMOpts
desc: "nil-buildenv",
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{},
vmName: "sample-vm",
hostType: "host-sample-os",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
TLS: kp,
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
desc: "nil-hconf",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
vmName: "sample-vm",
hostType: "host-sample-os",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
TLS: kp,
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
desc: "empty-vnName",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{},
vmName: "",
hostType: "host-sample-os",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
TLS: kp,
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
desc: "empty-hostType",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{},
vmName: "sample-vm",
hostType: "",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
TLS: kp,
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
desc: "missing-certs",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{},
vmName: "sample-vm",
hostType: "host-sample-os",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "us-west",
ProjectID: "project1",
Description: "Golang builder for sample",
Meta: map[string]string{
"Owner": "george",
DeleteIn: 45 * time.Second,
desc: "nil-opts",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{},
vmName: "sample-vm",
hostType: "host-sample-os",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &EC2Client{
client: cloud.NewFakeAWSClient(),
gotClient, gotErr := c.StartNewVM(context.Background(), tc.buildEnv, tc.hconf, tc.vmName, tc.hostType, tc.opts)
if gotErr == nil {
t.Errorf("StartNewVM(ctx, %+v, %+v, %s, %s, %+v) = %+v, nil; want error", tc.buildEnv, tc.hconf, tc.vmName, tc.hostType, tc.opts, gotClient)
if gotClient != nil {
t.Errorf("got %+v; expected nil", gotClient)
func TestWaitUntilInstanceExists(t *testing.T) {
vmConfig := &cloud.EC2VMConfiguration{
ImageID: "foo",
Type: "type-a",
Zone: "eu-15",
invoked := false
opts := &VMOpts{
OnInstanceCreated: func() {
invoked = true
ctx := context.Background()
c := &EC2Client{
client: cloud.NewFakeAWSClient(),
gotVM, gotErr := c.createVM(ctx, vmConfig, opts)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("createVM(ctx, %v, %v) failed with %s", vmConfig, opts, gotErr)
gotErr = c.WaitUntilVMExists(ctx, gotVM.ID, opts)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("WaitUntilVMExists(%v, %v, %v) failed with error %s", ctx, gotVM.ID, opts, gotErr)
if !invoked {
t.Errorf("OnInstanceCreated() was not invoked")
func TestCreateVM(t *testing.T) {
vmConfig := &cloud.EC2VMConfiguration{
ImageID: "foo",
Type: "type-a",
Zone: "eu-15",
invoked := false
opts := &VMOpts{
OnInstanceRequested: func() {
invoked = true
c := &EC2Client{
client: cloud.NewFakeAWSClient(),
gotVM, gotErr := c.createVM(context.Background(), vmConfig, opts)
if gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("createVM(ctx, %v, %v) failed with %s", vmConfig, opts, gotErr)
if gotVM.ImageID != vmConfig.ImageID || gotVM.Type != vmConfig.Type || gotVM.Zone != vmConfig.Zone {
t.Errorf("createVM(ctx, %+v, %+v) = %+v, nil; want vm to match config", vmConfig, opts, gotVM)
if !invoked {
t.Errorf("OnInstanceRequested() was not invoked")
func TestCreateVMError(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
vmConfig *cloud.EC2VMConfiguration
opts *VMOpts
desc: "missing-vmConfig",
desc: "missing-image-id",
vmConfig: &cloud.EC2VMConfiguration{
Type: "type-a",
Zone: "eu-15",
opts: &VMOpts{
OnInstanceRequested: func() {},
desc: "missing-instance-id",
vmConfig: &cloud.EC2VMConfiguration{
ImageID: "foo",
Zone: "eu-15",
opts: &VMOpts{
OnInstanceRequested: func() {},
desc: "missing-placement",
vmConfig: &cloud.EC2VMConfiguration{
Name: "foo",
Type: "type-a",
opts: &VMOpts{
OnInstanceRequested: func() {},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &EC2Client{
client: cloud.NewFakeAWSClient(),
//client: &fakeAWSClient{},
gotVM, gotErr := c.createVM(context.Background(), tc.vmConfig, tc.opts)
if gotErr == nil {
t.Errorf("createVM(ctx, %v, %v) = %s, %v; want error", tc.vmConfig, tc.opts, gotVM.ID, gotErr)
if gotVM != nil {
t.Errorf("createVM(ctx, %v, %v) = %s, %v; %q, error", tc.vmConfig, tc.opts, gotVM.ID, gotErr, "")
func TestEC2BuildletParams(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
inst *cloud.Instance
opts *VMOpts
wantURL string
wantPort string
wantCalled bool
wantErr bool
desc: "base-case",
inst: &cloud.Instance{
IPAddressExternal: "",
IPAddressInternal: "",
opts: &VMOpts{},
wantCalled: true,
wantURL: "",
wantPort: "",
wantErr: false,
desc: "missing-int-ip",
inst: &cloud.Instance{
IPAddressExternal: "",
opts: &VMOpts{},
wantCalled: true,
wantURL: "",
wantPort: "",
wantErr: false,
desc: "missing-ext-ip",
inst: &cloud.Instance{
IPAddressInternal: "",
opts: &VMOpts{},
wantCalled: true,
wantURL: "",
wantPort: "",
wantErr: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
gotURL, gotPort, gotErr := ec2BuildletParams(tc.inst, tc.opts)
if gotURL != tc.wantURL || gotPort != tc.wantPort || tc.wantErr != (gotErr != nil) {
t.Errorf("ec2BuildletParams(%v, %v) = %q, %q, nil; want %q, %q, nil", tc.inst, tc.opts, gotURL, gotPort, tc.wantURL, tc.wantPort)
func TestConfigureVM(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
buildEnv *buildenv.Environment
hconf *dashboard.HostConfig
hostType string
opts *VMOpts
vmName string
wantDesc string
wantImageID string
wantInstanceType string
wantName string
wantZone string
wantBuildletName string
wantBuildletImage string
desc: "default-values",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{
KonletVMImage: "",
vmName: "base_vm",
hostType: "host-foo-bar",
opts: &VMOpts{},
wantInstanceType: "n1-highcpu-2",
wantName: "base_vm",
wantBuildletName: "base_vm",
wantBuildletImage: "",
desc: "full-configuration",
buildEnv: &buildenv.Environment{},
hconf: &dashboard.HostConfig{
VMImage: "awesome_image",
KonletVMImage: "",
vmName: "base-vm",
hostType: "host-foo-bar",
opts: &VMOpts{
Zone: "sa-west",
TLS: KeyPair{
CertPEM: "abc",
KeyPEM: "xyz",
Description: "test description",
Meta: map[string]string{
"sample": "value",
wantDesc: "test description",
wantImageID: "awesome_image",
wantInstanceType: "n1-highcpu-2",
wantName: "base-vm",
wantZone: "sa-west",
wantBuildletName: "base-vm",
wantBuildletImage: "",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
got := configureVM(tc.buildEnv, tc.hconf, tc.vmName, tc.hostType, tc.opts)
if got.ImageID != tc.wantImageID {
t.Errorf("ImageId got %s; want %s", got.ImageID, tc.wantImageID)
if got.Type != tc.wantInstanceType {
t.Errorf("Type got %s; want %s", got.Type, tc.wantInstanceType)
if got.Zone != tc.wantZone {
t.Errorf("Zone got %s; want %s", got.Zone, tc.wantZone)
if got.Name != tc.wantName {
t.Errorf("Name got %s; want %s", got.Name, tc.wantName)
if got.Description != tc.wantDesc {
t.Errorf("Description got %s; want %s", got.Description, tc.wantDesc)
gotUDJson, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(got.UserData)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to base64 decode string %q: %s", got.UserData, err)
gotUD := &cloud.EC2UserData{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(gotUDJson), gotUD)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("unable to unmarshal user data: %v", err)
if gotUD.BuildletBinaryURL != tc.hconf.BuildletBinaryURL(tc.buildEnv) {
t.Errorf("buildletBinaryURL got %s; want %s", gotUD.BuildletBinaryURL, tc.hconf.BuildletBinaryURL(tc.buildEnv))
if gotUD.BuildletHostType != tc.hostType {
t.Errorf("buildletHostType got %s; want %s", gotUD.BuildletHostType, tc.hostType)
if gotUD.BuildletName != tc.wantBuildletName {
t.Errorf("buildletName got %s; want %s", gotUD.BuildletName, tc.wantBuildletName)
if gotUD.BuildletImageURL != tc.wantBuildletImage {
t.Errorf("buildletImageURL got %s; want %s", gotUD.BuildletImageURL, tc.wantBuildletImage)
if gotUD.TLSCert != tc.opts.TLS.CertPEM {
t.Errorf("TLSCert got %s; want %s", gotUD.TLSCert, tc.opts.TLS.CertPEM)
if gotUD.TLSKey != tc.opts.TLS.KeyPEM {
t.Errorf("TLSKey got %s; want %s", gotUD.TLSKey, tc.opts.TLS.KeyPEM)
if gotUD.TLSPassword != tc.opts.TLS.Password() {
t.Errorf("TLSPassword got %s; want %s", gotUD.TLSPassword, tc.opts.TLS.Password())