blob: 7257db4542b86b7fbfbb0be39a1a501dcb0d68cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Watchflakes is a program that triages apparent test flakes
// on the dashboards. See
package main
import (
bbpb ""
rdbpb ""
// TODO:
// - subrepos by go commit
var _ = fmt.Print
// Query failures within most recent timeLimit.
const timeLimit = 45 * 24 * time.Hour
const maxFailPerBuild = 3
var (
build = flag.String("build", "", "a particular build ID or URL to analyze (mainly for debugging)")
md = flag.Bool("md", false, "print Markdown output suitable for GitHub issues")
post = flag.Bool("post", false, "post updates to GitHub issues")
repeat = flag.Duration("repeat", 0, "keep running with specified `period`; zero means to run once and exit")
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "print verbose posting decisions")
useSecretManager = flag.Bool("use-secret-manager", false, "fetch GitHub token from Secret Manager instead of $HOME/.netrc")
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: watchflakes [options] [script]\n")
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("watchflakes: ")
flag.Usage = usage
if flag.NArg() > 1 {
var query *Issue
if flag.NArg() == 1 {
s, err := script.Parse("script", flag.Arg(0), fields)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("parsing query:\n%s", err)
query = &Issue{Issue: new(github.Issue), Script: s, ScriptText: flag.Arg(0)}
// Create an authenticated GitHub client.
if *useSecretManager {
// Fetch credentials from Secret Manager.
secretCl, err := secret.NewClientInProject(buildenv.FromFlags().ProjectName)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("failed to create a Secret Manager client:", err)
ghToken, err := secretCl.Retrieve(context.Background(), secret.NameWatchflakesGitHubToken)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("failed to retrieve GitHub token from Secret Manager:", err)
gh = github.NewClient(ghToken)
} else {
// Use credentials in $HOME/.netrc.
var err error
gh, err = github.Dial("")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("github.Dial:", err)
// Load LUCI dashboards
c := NewLUCIClient(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) * 4)
c.TraceSteps = true
var ticker *time.Ticker
timeout := 30 * time.Minute // default timeout for one-off run
if *repeat != 0 {
ticker = time.NewTicker(*repeat)
timeout = *repeat * 2 // expected to finish in one repeat cycle, give some extra room
startTime := time.Now()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
var boards []*Dashboard
if *build == "" {
// fetch the dashboard
var err error
boards, err = c.ListBoards(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("ListBoards:", err)
err = c.ReadBoards(ctx, boards, startTime.Add(-timeLimit))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("ReadBoards:", err)
} else {
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(*build, ""), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("invalid build ID for -build flag: %q\n\texpect a build ID or URL", *build)
r, err := c.GetBuild(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("GetBuild %d: %v", id, err)
// make a one-entry board
board := &Dashboard{
Builders: []Builder{{r.Builder, r.BuilderConfigProperties}},
Commits: []Commit{{Hash: r.Commit}},
Results: [][]*BuildResult{{r}},
boards = []*Dashboard{board}
failRes := c.FindFailures(ctx, boards)
if *verbose {
for _, r := range failRes {
fmt.Printf("failure %s %s %s\n", r.Builder, shortHash(r.Commit), buildURL(r.ID))
// Load GitHub issues
var issues []*Issue
issues, err := readIssues(issues)
if err != nil {
if query == nil {
if query != nil {
issues = []*Issue{query}
for _, r := range failRes {
newIssue := 0
fs := r.Failures
fs = coalesceFailures(fs)
if len(fs) == 0 {
// No test failure, Probably a build failure.
// E.g.
// Make a dummy failure.
f := &Failure{
Status: rdbpb.TestStatus_FAIL,
LogText: r.StepLogText,
fs = []*Failure{f}
for _, f := range fs {
fp := NewFailurePost(r, f)
record := fp.Record()
action, targets := run(issues, record)
if *verbose {
printRecord(record, false)
fmt.Printf("\t%s %v\n", action, targets)
switch action {
case "skip":
// do nothing
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("%s: skipped by #%d\n", fp.URL, targets[0].Number)
case "":
if newIssue > 0 {
// If we already opened a new issue for a build, don't open another one.
// It could be that the build is just broken.
// One can look at the issue and split if necessary.
// create a new issue
if query == nil {
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("%s: new issue\n", fp.URL)
issue, err := prepareNew(fp)
if err != nil {
issues = append(issues, issue)
case "default", "post", "take":
for _, issue := range targets {
if !issue.Mentions[fp.URL] && issue.Stale {
if *verbose {
mentioned := "un"
if issue.Mentions[fp.URL] {
mentioned = "already "
fmt.Printf("%s: %s #%d, %smentioned\n", fp.URL, action, issue.Number, mentioned)
if !issue.Mentions[fp.URL] {
issue.Post = append(issue.Post, fp)
if query != nil {
format := (*FailurePost).Text
if *md {
format = (*FailurePost).Markdown
for i, fp := range query.Post {
if i > 0 {
if *md {
posts := 0
for _, issue := range issues {
if len(issue.Post) > 0 {
if *post && issue.Number == 0 {
issue.Issue = postNew(issue.Title, issue.Body)
fmt.Printf(" - new for #%d %s\n", issue.Number, issue.Title)
for _, fp := range issue.Post {
fmt.Printf(" - %s\n %s\n", fp, fp.URL)
msg := updateText(issue)
if *verbose {
fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", indent(spaces[:3], msg))
if *post {
if err := postComment(issue, msg); err != nil {
if issue.Mentions == nil {
issue.Mentions = make(map[string]bool)
for _, fp := range issue.Post {
issue.Mentions[fp.URL] = true
log.Printf("Done. %d boards, %d failures, %d issues, %d posts, in %v\n", len(boards), len(failRes), len(issues), posts, time.Since(startTime))
if *repeat != 0 {
goto Repeat
const SKIP = bbpb.Status_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED // for smashing the status to skip a non-flake failure
// skipBrokenCommits identifies broken commits,
// which are the ones that failed on at least 1/4 of builders,
// and then changes all results for those commits to SKIP.
func skipBrokenCommits(boards []*Dashboard) {
for _, dash := range boards {
builderThreshold := len(dash.Builders) / 4
for i := 0; i < len(dash.Commits); i++ {
bad := 0
good := 0
for _, rs := range dash.Results {
if rs[i] == nil {
switch rs[i].Status {
case bbpb.Status_SUCCESS:
case bbpb.Status_FAILURE:
// ignore other status
if bad > builderThreshold || good < builderThreshold {
fmt.Printf("skip: commit %s (%s %s) is broken (good=%d bad=%d)\n", shortHash(dash.Commits[i].Hash), dash.Repo, dash.GoBranch, good, bad)
for _, rs := range dash.Results {
if rs[i] != nil {
rs[i].Status = SKIP
// skipBrokenBuilders identifies builders that were consistently broken
// (at least tooManyToBeFlakes failures in a row) and then turned ok.
// It changes those consistent failures to SKIP.
func skipBrokenBuilders(boards []*Dashboard) {
const tooManyToBeFlakes = 4
for _, dash := range boards {
for _, rs := range dash.Results {
bad := 100 // squash failures at the top of the dashboard, which may turn out to be consistent
badStart := 0
skip := func(i int) { // skip the i-th result
if rs[i] != nil {
fmt.Printf("skip: builder %s was broken at %s (%s %s)\n", rs[i].Builder, shortHash(rs[i].Commit), dash.Repo, dash.GoBranch)
rs[i].Status = SKIP
for i, r := range rs {
if rs[i] == nil {
switch r.Status {
case bbpb.Status_SUCCESS:
bad = 0
case bbpb.Status_FAILURE:
default: // ignore other status
switch bad {
case 1:
badStart = i
case tooManyToBeFlakes:
// Skip the run so far.
for j := badStart; j < i; j++ {
if bad >= tooManyToBeFlakes {
// Bad entries ending just before the cutoff are not flakes
// even if there are just a few of them. Otherwise we get
// spurious flakes when there's one bad entry before the
// cutoff and lots after the cutoff.
if bad > 0 && badStart > 0 {
for j := badStart; j < len(rs); j++ {
// run runs the scripts in issues on record.
// It returns the desired action (skip, post, default)
// as well as the list of target issues (for post or default).
func run(issues []*Issue, record script.Record) (action string, targets []*Issue) {
var def, post []*Issue
for _, issue := range issues {
if issue.Script != nil {
switch issue.Script.Action(record) {
case "skip":
return "skip", []*Issue{issue}
case "take":
println("TAKE", issue.Number)
case "default":
def = append(def, issue)
case "post":
post = append(post, issue)
if len(post) > 0 {
return "post", post
if len(def) > 0 {
return "default", def[:1]
return "", nil
// FailurePost is a failure to be posted on an issue.
type FailurePost struct {
URL string // LUCI build page
Pkg string
Test string
Snippet string
func NewFailurePost(r *BuildResult, f *Failure) *FailurePost {
pkg, test := splitTestID(f.TestID)
snip := snippet(f.LogText)
if snip == "" {
snip = snippet(r.LogText)
fp := &FailurePost{
BuildResult: r,
Failure: f,
URL: buildURL(r.ID),
Pkg: pkg,
Test: test,
Snippet: snip,
return fp
// fields is the list of known fields for use by script patterns.
// It must be in sync with the Record method below.
var fields = []string{
"section", // not used, keep for compatibility with old watchflakes
func (fp *FailurePost) Record() script.Record {
// Note: update fields above if any new fields are added to this record.
m := script.Record{
"pkg": fp.Pkg,
"test": fp.Test,
"output": fp.Failure.LogText,
"snippet": fp.Snippet,
"date": fp.Time.Format(time.RFC3339),
"builder": fp.Builder,
"repo": fp.Repo,
"goos": fp.Target.GOOS,
"goarch": fp.Target.GOARCH,
"log": fp.BuildResult.LogText,
"status": fp.Failure.Status.String(),
m[""] = m["output"] // default field for `regexp` search (as opposed to field ~ `regexp`)
if fp.IsBuildFailure() {
m["mode"] = "build"
return m
func printRecord(r script.Record, verbose bool) {
fmt.Printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", r["date"], r["builder"], r["goos"], r["goarch"],
r["pkg"], r["test"])
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", indent(spaces[:4], r["snippet"]))
func (fp *FailurePost) IsBuildFailure() bool {
// no test ID. dummy for build failure.
return fp.Failure.TestID == ""
// String returns a header to identify the log and failure.
func (fp *FailurePost) String() string {
repo := fp.Repo
sep := ""
if fp.GoCommit != "" {
sep = " go@"
if fp.GoBranch != "" && fp.GoBranch != "master" {
b := strings.TrimPrefix(fp.GoBranch, " release-branch.")
if repo == "go" {
repo = b
if sep == " go@" {
sep = " " + b + "@"
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s@%s%s%s",
fp.Time.Format("2006-01-02 15:04"),
fp.Builder, repo, shortHash(fp.Commit),
sep, shortHash(fp.GoCommit))
if fp.Pkg != "" || fp.Test != "" {
s += " " + shortPkg(fp.Pkg)
if fp.Pkg != "" && fp.Test != "" {
s += "."
s += fp.Test
if fp.IsBuildFailure() {
s += " [build]"
if fp.Failure.Status != rdbpb.TestStatus_FAIL {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", fp.Failure.Status)
return s
// Markdown returns Markdown suitable for posting to GitHub.
func (fp *FailurePost) Markdown() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<details><summary>%s (<a href=\"%s\">log</a>)</summary>\n\n%s</details>\n",
fp.String(), fp.URL, indent(spaces[:4], fp.Snippet))
// Text returns text suitable for reading in interactive use or debug logging.
func (fp *FailurePost) Text() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", fp, fp.URL, strings.TrimRight(fp.Snippet, "\n"))
var spaces = strings.Repeat(" ", 100)
// indent returns a copy of text in which every line has been indented by prefix.
// It also ensures that, except when text is empty, text ends in a \n character.
func indent(prefix, text string) string {
if text == "" {
return ""
text = strings.TrimRight(text, "\n")
return prefix + strings.ReplaceAll(text, "\n", "\n"+prefix) + "\n"
// shortPkg shortens pkg by removing any leading
// (for packages like
func shortPkg(pkg string) string {
pkg = strings.TrimPrefix(pkg, "")
return pkg
// shorten the output lines to form a snippet
func snippet(log string) string {
lines := strings.SplitAfter(log, "\n")
// Remove beginning and trailing blank lines.
for len(lines) > 0 && strings.TrimSpace(lines[0]) == "" {
lines = lines[1:]
for len(lines) > 0 && strings.TrimSpace(lines[len(lines)-1]) == "" {
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
// If we have more than 30 lines, make the snippet by taking the first 10,
// the last 10, and possibly a middle 10. The middle 10 is included when
// the interior lines (between the first and last 10) contain an important-looking
// message like "panic:" or "--- FAIL:". The middle 10 start at the important-looking line.
// such as
if len(lines) > 30 {
var keep []string
keep = append(keep, lines[:10]...)
dots := true
for i := 10; i < len(lines)-10; i++ {
s := strings.TrimSpace(lines[i])
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "panic:") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "fatal error:") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "--- FAIL:") || strings.Contains(s, ": internal compiler error:") {
if i > 10 {
keep = append(keep, "...\n")
end := i + 10
if end >= len(lines)-10 {
dots = false
end = len(lines) - 10
keep = append(keep, lines[i:end]...)
if dots {
keep = append(keep, "...\n")
keep = append(keep, lines[len(lines)-10:]...)
lines = keep
return strings.Join(lines, "")
// If a build that has too many failures, the build is probably broken
// (e.g. timeout, crash). Coalesce the failures and report maxFailPerBuild
// of them.
func coalesceFailures(fs []*Failure) []*Failure {
var res []*Failure
// A subtest fail may cause the parent test to fail, combine them.
// So is a test failure causing package-level failure.
var cur *Failure
for _, f := range fs {
if cur != nil {
cpkg, ctst := splitTestID(cur.TestID)
if (ctst == "" && strings.HasPrefix(f.TestID, cpkg+".")) ||
strings.HasPrefix(f.TestID, cur.TestID+"/") {
// 1. cur is a package-level failure, and f is a test in that package
// 2. f is a subtest of cur.
// In either case, consume cur, replace with f.
res[len(res)-1] = f
cur = f
cur = f
res = append(res, f)
if len(res) <= maxFailPerBuild {
return res
// If multiple subtests fail under the same parent, pick one that is
// more likely to be helpful. Prefer the one containing "FAIL", then
// the longer log message.
moreLikelyUseful := func(f, last *Failure) bool {
return strings.Contains(f.LogText, "--- FAIL") &&
(!strings.Contains(last.LogText, "--- FAIL") || len(f.LogText) > len(last.LogText))
siblingSubtests := func(f, last *Failure) bool {
pkg, tst := splitTestID(f.TestID)
pkg2, tst2 := splitTestID(last.TestID)
if pkg != pkg2 {
return false
par, _, ok := strings.Cut(tst, "/")
par2, _, ok2 := strings.Cut(tst2, "/")
return ok && ok2 && par == par2
cur = nil
fs = res
res = fs[:0]
for _, f := range fs {
if cur != nil && siblingSubtests(f, cur) {
if moreLikelyUseful(f, res[len(res)-1]) {
res[len(res)-1] = f
cur = f
res = append(res, f)
if len(res) <= maxFailPerBuild {
return res
// If there are still too many failures, coalesce by package (pick one with longest log).
fs = res
res = fs[:0]
curpkg := ""
for _, f := range fs {
pkg, _ := splitTestID(f.TestID)
if curpkg != "" && curpkg == pkg {
if moreLikelyUseful(f, res[len(res)-1]) {
res[len(res)-1] = f
curpkg = pkg
res = append(res, f)
if len(res) > maxFailPerBuild {
res = res[:maxFailPerBuild]
return res