dashboard: create misc-compile-darwinarm64 builder

Create the builder as a post-submit builder with a non-zero KnownIssue
value first. Once we know it works well, we'll have the confidence to
be able to safely promote it to a normal TryBot, without the risk of
causing disruption for contributors.

It's different from misc-compile-darwin since it needs to run on recent
Go 1.16 commits only.

For golang/go#42341.

Change-Id: I67170988d7323cb73439755a3961532c668040e7
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/build/+/267105
Trust: Dmitri Shuralyov <dmitshur@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Zhang <cherryyz@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Carlos Amedee <carlos@golang.org>
diff --git a/dashboard/builders.go b/dashboard/builders.go
index 8f1026c..5f8a84d 100644
--- a/dashboard/builders.go
+++ b/dashboard/builders.go
@@ -1553,13 +1553,41 @@
 			tryOnly:     true,
 			CompileOnly: true,
-			Notes:       "Runs buildall.sh to cross-compile & vet std+cmd packages for " + rx + ", but doesn't run any tests.",
+			Notes:       "Runs buildall.bash to cross-compile & vet std+cmd packages for " + rx + ", but doesn't run any tests.",
 			allScriptArgs: []string{
 				// Filtering pattern to buildall.bash:
+	// tryNewMiscCompile is an intermediate step towards adding a real addMiscCompile TryBot.
+	// It adds a post-submit-only builder with KnownIssue, GoDeps set to the provided values,
+	// and runs on a limited set of branches to get test results without potential disruption
+	// for contributors. It can be modified as needed when onboarding a misc-compile builder.
+	tryNewMiscCompile := func(suffix, rx string, knownIssue int, goDeps []string) {
+		addBuilder(BuildConfig{
+			Name:        "misc-compile" + suffix,
+			HostType:    "host-linux-jessie",
+			buildsRepo:  func(repo, branch, goBranch string) bool { return repo == "go" && branch == "master" },
+			KnownIssue:  knownIssue,
+			GoDeps:      goDeps,
+			env:         []string{"GO_DISABLE_OUTBOUND_NETWORK=1"},
+			CompileOnly: true,
+			Notes:       fmt.Sprintf("Tries buildall.bash to cross-compile & vet std+cmd packages for "+rx+", but doesn't run any tests. See golang.org/issue/%d.", knownIssue),
+			allScriptArgs: []string{
+				// Filtering pattern to buildall.bash:
+				rx,
+			},
+		})
+	}
+	// TODO(golang.org/issue/42341): Try out misc-compile-darwinarm64.
+	tryNewMiscCompile("-darwinarm64", "^darwin-arm64$", 42341,
+		[]string{
+			"b85c2dd56c4ecc7bf445bd1615467ecd38598eee", // CL 265121, "cmd/link: enable internal linking by default on darwin/arm64".
+		},
+	) // 1: arm64 (for Go 1.16 and newer)
 	addMiscCompile("-linuxarm", "^linux-arm")                // 2: arm, arm64
 	addMiscCompile("-darwin", "^darwin-(386|amd64)$")        // 1: amd64 (in Go 1.14: 386, amd64)
 	addMiscCompile("-mips", "^linux-mips")                   // 4: mips, mipsle, mips64, mips64le