AWS Linux ARM64 Builders


The AWS builders use the a1 instance types which are arm64 based machines of varying specifications. The base type used will be a1.xlarge 4 vCPUs, 8192 MiB.

Machine Image

Machine images are stored on AWS EBS service as a snapshot. New VMs can use the snapshot as an image by providing the AMI ID as the base image when a new VM is created. The machine image will be configured to install and initialize rundockerbuildlet.

Creating a New Image


Two environmental variables are required to be set before initiating the command: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be set with the appropriate values.

The packer binary should be in PATH.


make create-aws-image


AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret> make create-aws-image

Buildlet Image

Buildlet images with stage0 installed can be created via:


make prod


make staging