blob: 19ee4aeb3a03a630b774ccc41b4410382230cbae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package logparse
import (
// Failure records a failure extracted from an all.bash log.
type Failure struct {
// Package is the Go package of this failure. In the case of a
// testing.T failure, this will be the package of the test.
Package string
// Test identifies the failed test function. If this is not a
// testing.T failure, this will be "".
Test string
// Message is the summarized failure message. This will be one
// line of text.
Message string
// FullMessage is a substring of the log that captures the
// entire failure message. It may be many lines long.
FullMessage string
// Function is the fully qualified name of the function where
// this failure happened, if known. This helps distinguish
// between generic errors like "out of bounds" and is more
// stable for matching errors than file/line.
Function string
// File is the source file where this failure happened, if
// known.
File string
// Line is the source line where this failure happened, if
// known.
Line int
// OS and Arch are the GOOS and GOARCH of this failure.
OS, Arch string
func (f Failure) String() string {
s := f.Package
if f.Test != "" {
s += "." + f.Test
if f.Function != "" || f.File != "" {
if s != "" {
s += " "
if f.Function != "" {
s += "at " + f.Function
} else {
s += "at " + f.File
if f.Line != 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(":%d", f.Line)
if s != "" {
s += ": "
s += f.Message
return s
func (f *Failure) canonicalMessage() string {
// Do we need to do anything to the message?
for _, c := range f.Message {
if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
goto rewrite
return f.Message
// Canonicalize any "word" of the message containing numbers.
// TODO: "Escape" any existing … to make this safe as a key
// for later use with canonicalFields (direct use is
// unimportant).
return numberWords.ReplaceAllString(f.Message, "…")
// numberWords matches words that consist of both letters and
// digits. Since this is meant to canonicalize numeric fields
// of error messages, we accept any Unicode letter, but only
// digits 0-9. We match the whole word to catch things like
// hexadecimal and temporary file names.
var numberWords = regexp.MustCompile(`\pL*[0-9][\pL0-9]*`)
var (
linesStar = `(?:.*\n)*?`
linesPlus = `(?:.*\n)+?`
// failPkg matches the FAIL line for a package.
// In case of failure the Android wrapper prints "exitcode=1" without a newline,
// so for logs prior to the fix for we need to
// strip that from the beginning of the line.
failPkg = `(?m:^(?:exitcode=1)?FAIL[ \t]+(\S+))`
// logTruncated matches the "log truncated" line injected by the coordinator.
logTruncated = `(?:\n\.\.\. log truncated \.\.\.)`
endOfTest = `(?:` + failPkg + `|` + logTruncated + `)`
canonLine = regexp.MustCompile(`\r+\n`)
// testingHeader matches the beginning of the go test std
// section. On Plan 9 there used to be just one #.
testingHeader = regexp.MustCompile(`^#+ Testing packages`)
// sectionHeader matches the header of each testing section
// printed by go tool dist test.
sectionHeader = regexp.MustCompile(`^##### (.*)`)
// testingFailed matches a testing.T failure. This may be a
// T.Error or a recovered panic. There was a time when the
// test name included GOMAXPROCS (like how benchmark names
// do), so we strip that out.
testingFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^--- FAIL: ([^-\s]+).*\n(` + linesStar + `)` + endOfTest)
// testingError matches the file name and message of the last
// T.Error in a testingFailed log.
testingError = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:.*\n)*\t([^:]+):([0-9]+): (.*)\n`)
// testingPanic matches a recovered panic in a testingFailed
// log.
testingPanic = regexp.MustCompile(`panic: (.*?)(?: \[recovered\])`)
// gotestFailed matches a $GOROOT/test failure.
gotestFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^# go run run\.go.*\n(` + linesPlus + `)` + endOfTest)
// buildFailed matches build failures from the testing package.
buildFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + failPkg + `\s+\[build failed\]`)
// timeoutPanic1 matches a test timeout detected by the testing package.
timeoutPanic1 = regexp.MustCompile(`^panic: test timed out after .*\n(` + linesStar + `)` + endOfTest)
// timeoutPanic2 matches a test timeout detected by go test.
timeoutPanic2 = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*\*\* Test killed.*ran too long\n` + endOfTest)
// coordinatorTimeout matches a test timeout detected by the
// coordinator, for both non-sharded and sharded tests.
coordinatorTimeout = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^Build complete.*Result: error: timed out|^Test "[^"]+" ran over [0-9a-z]+ limit`)
// tbEntry is a regexp string that matches a single
// function/line number entry in a traceback. Group 1 matches
// the fully qualified function name. Groups 2 and 3 match the
// file name and line number.
// Most entries have trailing stack metadata for each frame,
// but inlined calls, lacking a frame, may omit that metadata.
tbEntry = `(\S+)\(.*\)\n\t(.*):([0-9]+)(?: .*)?\n`
// runtimeFailed matches a runtime throw or testing package
// panic. Matching the panic is fairly loose because in some
// cases a "fatal error:" can be preceded by a "panic:" if
// we've started the panic and then realize we can't (e.g.,
// sigpanic). Also gather up the "runtime:" prints preceding a
// throw.
runtimeFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:runtime:.*\n)*.*(?:panic: |fatal error: )(.*)`)
runtimeLiterals = []string{"runtime:", "panic:", "fatal error:"}
runtimeFailedTrailer = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:exit status.*\n)?(?:\*\*\* Test killed.*\n)?` + endOfTest + `?`)
// apiCheckerFailed matches an API checker failure.
apiCheckerFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^Error running API checker: (.*)`)
// goodLine matches known-good lines so we can ignore them
// before doing more aggressive/fuzzy failure extraction.
goodLine = regexp.MustCompile(`^#|^ok\s|^\?\s|^Benchmark|^PASS|^=== |^--- `)
// testingUnknownFailed matches the last line of some unknown
// failure detected by the testing package.
testingUnknownFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + endOfTest)
// miscFailed matches the log.Fatalf in go tool dist test when
// a test fails. We use this as a last resort, mostly to pick
// up failures in sections that don't use the testing package.
miscFailed = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*Failed: (?:exit status|test failed)`)
// An extractCache speeds up failure extraction from multiple logs by
// caching known lines. It is *not* thread-safe, so we track it in a
// sync.Pool.
type extractCache struct {
boringLines map[string]bool
var extractCachePool sync.Pool
func init() {
extractCachePool.New = func() interface{} {
return &extractCache{make(map[string]bool)}
// Extract parses the failures from all.bash log m.
func Extract(m string, os, arch string) ([]*Failure, error) {
fs := []*Failure{}
testingStarted := false
section := ""
sectionHeaderFailures := 0 // # failures at section start
unknown := []string{}
cache := extractCachePool.Get().(*extractCache)
defer extractCachePool.Put(cache)
// Canonicalize line endings. Note that some logs have a mix
// of line endings and some somehow have multiple \r's.
m = canonLine.ReplaceAllString(m, "\n")
var s []string
matcher := newMatcher(m)
consume := func(r *regexp.Regexp) bool {
matched := matcher.consume(r)
s = matcher.groups
if matched && !strings.HasSuffix(s[0], "\n") {
// Consume the rest of the line.
return matched
firstBadLine := func() string {
for _, u := range unknown {
if len(u) > 0 {
return u
return ""
for !matcher.done() {
// Check for a cached result.
line, nextLinePos := matcher.peekLine()
isGoodLine, cached := cache.boringLines[line]
// Process the line.
isKnown := true
switch {
case cached:
matcher.pos = nextLinePos
if !isGoodLine {
// This line is known to not match any
// regexps. Follow the default case.
isKnown = false
unknown = append(unknown, line)
case consume(testingHeader):
testingStarted = true
case consume(sectionHeader):
section = s[1]
sectionHeaderFailures = len(fs)
case consume(testingFailed):
f := &Failure{
Test: s[1],
Package: s[3],
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: "unknown testing.T failure",
// TODO: Can have multiple errors per FAIL:
// ../fetchlogs/rev/2015-03-24T19:51:21-41f9c43/linux-arm64-canonical
sError := testingError.FindStringSubmatch(s[2])
sPanic := testingPanic.FindStringSubmatch(s[2])
if sError != nil {
f.File, f.Line, f.Message = sError[1], atoi(sError[2]), sError[3]
} else if sPanic != nil {
f.Function, f.File, f.Line = panicWhere(s[2])
f.Message = sPanic[1]
fs = append(fs, f)
case consume(gotestFailed):
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Package: "test/" + s[2],
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: firstLine(s[1]),
case consume(buildFailed):
// This may have an accompanying compiler
// crash, but it's interleaved with other "ok"
// lines, so it's hard to find.
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: "build failed",
Package: s[1],
case consume(timeoutPanic1):
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Test: testFromTraceback(s[1]),
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: "test timed out",
Package: s[2],
case consume(timeoutPanic2):
tb := strings.Join(unknown, "\n")
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Test: testFromTraceback(tb),
FullMessage: tb + "\n" + s[0],
Message: "test timed out",
Package: s[1],
case matcher.lineHasLiteral(runtimeLiterals...) && consume(runtimeFailed):
start := matcher.matchPos
msg := s[1]
pkg := "testing"
if strings.Contains(s[0], "fatal error:") {
pkg = "runtime"
traceback := consumeTraceback(matcher)
fn, file, line := panicWhere(traceback)
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Package: pkg,
FullMessage: matcher.str[start:matcher.pos],
Message: msg,
Function: fn,
File: file,
Line: line,
case consume(apiCheckerFailed):
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Package: "API checker",
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: s[1],
case consume(goodLine):
// Ignore. Just cache and clear unknown.
cache.boringLines[line] = true
case consume(testingUnknownFailed):
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Package: s[1],
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: "unknown failure: " + firstBadLine(),
case len(fs) == sectionHeaderFailures && consume(miscFailed):
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Package: section,
FullMessage: s[0],
Message: "unknown failure: " + firstBadLine(),
isKnown = false
unknown = append(unknown, line)
cache.boringLines[line] = false
matcher.pos = nextLinePos
// Clear unknown lines on any known line.
if isKnown {
unknown = unknown[:0]
// TODO: FullMessages for these.
if len(fs) == 0 && strings.Contains(m, "no space left on device") {
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Message: "build failed (no space left on device)",
if len(fs) == 0 && coordinatorTimeout.MatchString(m) {
// all.bash was killed by coordinator.
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Message: "build failed (timed out)",
if len(fs) == 0 && strings.Contains(m, "Failed to schedule") {
// Test sharding failed.
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Message: "build failed (failed to schedule)",
if len(fs) == 0 && strings.Contains(m, "nosplit stack overflow") {
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Message: "build failed (nosplit stack overflow)",
// If the same (message, where) shows up in more than five
// packages, it's probably a systemic issue, so collapse it
// down to one failure with no package.
type dedup struct {
packages map[string]bool
kept bool
msgDedup := map[Failure]*dedup{}
failureMap := map[*Failure]*dedup{}
maxCount := 0
for _, f := range fs {
key := Failure{
Message: f.canonicalMessage(),
Function: f.Function,
File: f.File,
Line: f.Line,
d := msgDedup[key]
if d == nil {
d = &dedup{packages: map[string]bool{}}
msgDedup[key] = d
d.packages[f.Package] = true
if len(d.packages) > maxCount {
maxCount = len(d.packages)
failureMap[f] = d
if maxCount >= 5 {
fsn := []*Failure{}
for _, f := range fs {
d := failureMap[f]
if len(d.packages) < 5 {
fsn = append(fsn, f)
} else if !d.kept {
d.kept = true
f.Test, f.Package = "", ""
fsn = append(fsn, f)
fs = fsn
// Check if we even got as far as testing. Note that there was
// a period when we didn't print the "testing" header, so as
// long as we found failures, we don't care if we found the
// header.
if !testingStarted && len(fs) == 0 {
fs = append(fs, &Failure{
Message: "toolchain build failed",
for _, f := range fs {
f.OS, f.Arch = os, arch
// Clean up package. For misc/cgo tests, this will be
// something like
// _/tmp/buildlet-scatch825855615/go/misc/cgo/test.
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Package, "_/tmp/") {
f.Package = strings.SplitN(f.Package, "/", 4)[3]
// Trim trailing newlines from FullMessage.
f.FullMessage = strings.TrimRight(f.FullMessage, "\n")
return fs, nil
func atoi(s string) int {
v, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
panic("expected number, got " + s)
return v
// firstLine returns the first line from s, not including the line
// terminator.
func firstLine(s string) string {
if i := strings.Index(s, "\n"); i >= 0 {
return s[:i]
return s
var (
tracebackStart = regexp.MustCompile(`^(goroutine [0-9]+.*:|runtime stack:)\n`)
tracebackEntry = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + tbEntry)
// consumeTraceback consumes a traceback from m.
func consumeTraceback(m *matcher) string {
// Find the beginning of the traceback.
for !m.done() && !m.peek(tracebackStart) {
start := m.pos
for !m.done() {
switch {
case m.hasPrefix("\n") || m.hasPrefix("\t") ||
m.hasPrefix("goroutine ") || m.hasPrefix("runtime stack:") ||
m.hasPrefix("created by "):
case m.consume(tracebackEntry):
// Do nothing.
break loop
return m.str[start:m.pos]
var (
// testFromTracebackRe matches a traceback entry from a
// function named Test* in a file named *_test.go. It ignores
// "created by" lines.
testFromTracebackRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\.(Test[^(\n]+)\(.*\n.*_test\.go`)
panicWhereRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m:^)` + tbEntry)
// testFromTraceback attempts to return the test name from a
// traceback.
func testFromTraceback(tb string) string {
s := testFromTracebackRe.FindStringSubmatch(tb)
if s == nil {
return ""
return s[1]
// panicWhere attempts to return the fully qualified name, source
// file, and line number of the panicking function in traceback tb.
func panicWhere(tb string) (fn string, file string, line int) {
m := matcher{str: tb}
for m.consume(panicWhereRe) {
fn := m.groups[1]
// Ignore functions involved in panic handling.
if strings.HasPrefix(fn, "runtime.panic") || fn == "runtime.throw" || fn == "runtime.sigpanic" {
return fn, m.groups[2], atoi(m.groups[3])
return "", "", 0