| // Copyright 2021 Observable, Inc. |
| // Released under the ISC license. |
| // https://observablehq.com/@d3/band-chart |
| |
| function BandChart(data, { |
| defined, |
| marginTop = 30, // top margin, in pixels |
| marginRight = 15, // right margin, in pixels |
| marginBottom = 30, // bottom margin, in pixels |
| marginLeft = 40, // left margin, in pixels |
| width = 480, // outer width, in pixels |
| height = 240, // outer height, in pixels |
| benchmark, |
| unit, |
| platform, |
| repository, |
| minViewDeltaPercent, |
| higherIsBetter, |
| history, |
| } = {}) { |
| // Compute a set of valid hashes so we can filter out any bad values. |
| // This is to work around a bug where some test results have bad commits |
| // attached to them. |
| // TODO(mknyszek): Consider doing this data cleaning server-side. |
| let historySet = new Set(); |
| for (let i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { |
| historySet.add(history[i].Hash); |
| } |
| data = data.filter(d => historySet.has(d.CommitHash)); |
| |
| // Compute values. |
| const CT = d3.map(data, d => d.CommitDate); |
| const X = d3.map(data, d => d.CommitHash); |
| const Y = d3.map(data, d => d.Center); |
| const Y1 = d3.map(data, d => d.Low); |
| const Y2 = d3.map(data, d => d.High); |
| const I = d3.range(X.length); |
| if (defined === undefined) defined = (d, i) => !isNaN(Y1[i]) && !isNaN(Y2[i]); |
| const D = d3.map(data, defined); |
| |
| const xRange = [marginLeft, width - marginRight]; // [left, right] |
| const yRange = [height - marginBottom, marginTop]; // [bottom, top] |
| |
| // Compute default domains. |
| let yDomain = d3.nice(...d3.extent([...Y1, ...Y2]), 10); |
| |
| // Determine Y domain. |
| // |
| // Three cases: |
| // (1) All data is above Y=0 line. |
| // (2) All data is below Y=0 line. |
| // (3) Data crosses the Y=0 line. |
| // |
| // For (1) set the Y=0 line as the bottom of the domain. |
| // For (2) set it at the top. |
| // For (3) make sure the Y=0 line is in the middle. |
| // |
| // Finally, make sure we don't get closer than minViewDeltaPercent, |
| // because otherwise it just looks really noisy. |
| const minYDomain = [-minViewDeltaPercent, minViewDeltaPercent]; |
| if (yDomain[0] > 0) { |
| // (1) |
| yDomain[0] = 0; |
| if (yDomain[1] < minYDomain[1]) { |
| yDomain[1] = minYDomain[1]; |
| } |
| } else if (yDomain[1] < 0) { |
| // (2) |
| yDomain[1] = 0; |
| if (yDomain[0] > minYDomain[0]) { |
| yDomain[0] = minYDomain[0]; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // (3) |
| if (Math.abs(yDomain[1]) > Math.abs(yDomain[0])) { |
| yDomain[0] = -Math.abs(yDomain[1]); |
| } else { |
| yDomain[1] = Math.abs(yDomain[0]); |
| } |
| if (yDomain[0] > minYDomain[0]) { |
| yDomain[0] = minYDomain[0]; |
| } |
| if (yDomain[1] < minYDomain[1]) { |
| yDomain[1] = minYDomain[1]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Construct scales and axes. |
| const xOrdTicks = d3.range(xRange[0], xRange[1], (xRange[1]-xRange[0])/(history.length-1)); |
| xOrdTicks.push(xRange[1]); |
| const xScale = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.map(history, d => d.Hash), xOrdTicks); |
| const yScale = d3.scaleLinear(yDomain, yRange); |
| const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale).ticks(height / 40, "+%"); |
| |
| const svg = d3.create("svg") |
| .attr("width", width) |
| .attr("height", height) |
| .attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, height]) |
| .attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto; height: intrinsic;"); |
| |
| // Chart area background color. |
| svg.append("rect") |
| .attr("fill", "white") |
| .attr("x", xRange[0]) |
| .attr("y", yRange[1]) |
| .attr("width", xRange[1] - xRange[0]) |
| .attr("height", yRange[0] - yRange[1]); |
| |
| // Set up the params for the link to the unit page. |
| let unitLinkParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); |
| unitLinkParams.set("unit", unit); |
| unitLinkParams.set("platform", platform); |
| unitLinkParams.set("benchmark", benchmark); |
| |
| // Title (unit). |
| svg.append("g") |
| .attr("transform", `translate(${marginLeft},0)`) |
| .call(yAxis) |
| .call(g => g.select(".domain").remove()) |
| .call(g => g.selectAll(".tick line").clone() |
| .attr("x2", width - marginLeft - marginRight) |
| .attr("stroke-opacity", 0.1)) |
| .call(g => g.append("a") |
| .attr("xlink:href", "?" + unitLinkParams.toString()) |
| .append("text") |
| .attr("x", xRange[0]-40) |
| .attr("y", 24) |
| .attr("fill", "currentColor") |
| .attr("text-anchor", "start") |
| .attr("font-size", "16px") |
| .text(unit)); |
| |
| const defs = svg.append("defs") |
| |
| const maxHalfColorValue = 0.10; |
| const maxHalfColorOpacity = 0.5; |
| |
| // Draw top half. |
| const goodColor = "#005AB5"; |
| const badColor = "#DC3220"; |
| |
| // By default, lower is better. |
| var bottomColor = goodColor; |
| var topColor = badColor; |
| if (higherIsBetter) { |
| bottomColor = badColor; |
| topColor = goodColor; |
| } |
| |
| // IDs, even within SVGs, are shared across the entire page. (what?) |
| // So, at least try to avoid a collision. |
| const gradientIDSuffix = Math.random()*10000000.0; |
| |
| const topGradient = defs.append("linearGradient") |
| .attr("id", "topGradient"+gradientIDSuffix) |
| .attr("x1", "0%") |
| .attr("x2", "0%") |
| .attr("y1", "100%") |
| .attr("y2", "0%"); |
| topGradient.append("stop") |
| .attr("offset", "0%") |
| .style("stop-color", topColor) |
| .style("stop-opacity", 0); |
| let topGStopOpacity = maxHalfColorOpacity; |
| let topGOffsetPercent = 100.0; |
| if (yDomain[1] > maxHalfColorValue) { |
| topGOffsetPercent *= maxHalfColorValue/yDomain[1]; |
| } else { |
| topGStopOpacity *= yDomain[1]/maxHalfColorValue; |
| } |
| topGradient.append("stop") |
| .attr("offset", topGOffsetPercent+"%") |
| .style("stop-color", topColor) |
| .style("stop-opacity", topGStopOpacity); |
| |
| const bottomGradient = defs.append("linearGradient") |
| .attr("id", "bottomGradient"+gradientIDSuffix) |
| .attr("x1", "0%") |
| .attr("x2", "0%") |
| .attr("y1", "0%") |
| .attr("y2", "100%"); |
| bottomGradient.append("stop") |
| .attr("offset", "0%") |
| .style("stop-color", bottomColor) |
| .style("stop-opacity", 0); |
| let bottomGStopOpacity = maxHalfColorOpacity; |
| let bottomGOffsetPercent = 100.0; |
| if (yDomain[0] < -maxHalfColorValue) { |
| bottomGOffsetPercent *= -maxHalfColorValue/yDomain[0]; |
| } else { |
| bottomGStopOpacity *= -yDomain[0]/maxHalfColorValue; |
| } |
| bottomGradient.append("stop") |
| .attr("offset", bottomGOffsetPercent+"%") |
| .style("stop-color", bottomColor) |
| .style("stop-opacity", bottomGStopOpacity); |
| |
| // Top half color. |
| svg.append("rect") |
| .attr("fill", "url(#topGradient"+gradientIDSuffix+")") |
| .attr("x", xRange[0]) |
| .attr("y", yScale(yDomain[1])) |
| .attr("width", xRange[1] - xRange[0]) |
| .attr("height", (yDomain[1]/(yDomain[1]-yDomain[0]))*(height-marginTop-marginBottom)); |
| |
| // Bottom half color. |
| svg.append("rect") |
| .attr("fill", "url(#bottomGradient"+gradientIDSuffix+")") |
| .attr("x", xRange[0]) |
| .attr("y", yScale(0)) |
| .attr("width", xRange[1] - xRange[0]) |
| .attr("height", (-yDomain[0]/(yDomain[1]-yDomain[0]))*(height-marginTop-marginBottom)); |
| |
| // Add a harder gridline for Y=0 to make it stand out. |
| |
| const line0 = d3.line() |
| .defined(i => xRange[i]) |
| .x(i => xRange[i]) |
| .y(i => yScale(0)) |
| |
| svg.append("path") |
| .attr("fill", "none") |
| .attr("stroke", "#999999") |
| .attr("stroke-width", 2) |
| .attr("d", line0(I)) |
| |
| // Create CI area. |
| |
| const area = d3.area() |
| .defined(i => D[i]) |
| .curve(d3.curveLinear) |
| .x(i => xScale(X[i])) |
| .y0(i => yScale(Y1[i])) |
| .y1(i => yScale(Y2[i])); |
| |
| svg.append("path") |
| .attr("fill", "black") |
| .attr("opacity", 0.1) |
| .attr("d", area(I)); |
| |
| // Add X axis label. |
| svg.append("text") |
| .attr("x", xRange[0] + (xRange[1]-xRange[0])/2) |
| .attr("y", yRange[0] + (yRange[0]-yRange[1])*0.10) |
| .attr("fill", "currentColor") |
| .attr("text-anchor", "middle") |
| .attr("font-size", "12px") |
| .text("Commits"); |
| |
| // Create center line. |
| |
| const line = d3.line() |
| .defined(i => D[i]) |
| .x(i => xScale(X[i])) |
| .y(i => yScale(Y[i])) |
| |
| svg.append("path") |
| .attr("fill", "none") |
| .attr("stroke", "#212121") |
| .attr("stroke-width", 2.5) |
| .attr("d", line(I)) |
| |
| // Divide the chart into columns and apply links and hover actions to them. |
| svg.append("g") |
| .attr("stroke", "#2074A0") |
| .attr("stroke-opacity", 0) |
| .attr("fill", "none") |
| .selectAll("path") |
| .data(I) |
| .join("a") |
| .attr("xlink:href", (d, i) => "?" + unitLinkParams.toString() + "#commit" + X[i]) |
| .append("rect") |
| .attr("pointer-events", "all") |
| .attr("x", (d, i) => { |
| if (i == 0) { |
| return xScale(X[i]); |
| } |
| return xScale(X[i]) - (xScale(X[i])-xScale(X[i-1]))/2; |
| }) |
| .attr("y", marginTop) |
| .attr("width", (d, i) => { |
| if (i == 0) { |
| return (xScale(X[i+1])-xScale(X[i]))/2; |
| } |
| if (i == X.length-1) { |
| return (xScale(X[i])-xScale(X[i-1]))/2; |
| } |
| return (xScale(X[i])-xScale(X[i-1]))/2 + (xScale(X[i+1])-xScale(X[i]))/2; |
| }) |
| .attr("height", height-marginTop-marginBottom) |
| .on("mouseover", (d, i) => { |
| svg.append('a') |
| .attr("class", "tooltip") |
| .call(g => g.append('line') |
| .attr("x1", xScale(X[i])) |
| .attr("y1", yRange[0]) |
| .attr("x2", xScale(X[i])) |
| .attr("y2", yRange[1]) |
| .attr("stroke", "black") |
| .attr("stroke-width", 1) |
| .attr("stroke-dasharray", 2) |
| .attr("opacity", 0.5) |
| .attr("pointer-events", "none") |
| ) |
| .call(g => g.append('text') |
| // Point metadata (commit hash and date). |
| // Above graph, top-right. |
| .attr("x", xRange[1]) |
| .attr("y", yRange[1] - 6) |
| .attr("pointer-events", "none") |
| .attr("fill", "currentColor") |
| .attr("text-anchor", "end") |
| .attr("font-family", "sans-serif") |
| .attr("font-size", 12) |
| .text(X[i].slice(0, 7) + " (" |
| + Intl.DateTimeFormat([], { |
| dateStyle: "long", |
| timeStyle: "short" |
| }).format(CT[i]) |
| + ")") |
| ) |
| .call(g => g.append('text') |
| // Point center, low, high values. |
| // Bottom-right corner, next to "Commits". |
| .attr("x", xRange[1]) |
| .attr("y", yRange[0] + (yRange[0]-yRange[1])*0.10) |
| .attr("pointer-events", "none") |
| .attr("fill", "currentColor") |
| .attr("text-anchor", "end") |
| .attr("font-family", "sans-serif") |
| .attr("font-size", 12) |
| .text(Intl.NumberFormat([], { |
| style: 'percent', |
| signDisplay: 'always', |
| minimumFractionDigits: 2, |
| }).format(Y[i]) + " (" + Intl.NumberFormat([], { |
| style: 'percent', |
| signDisplay: 'always', |
| minimumFractionDigits: 2, |
| }).format(Y1[i]) + ", " + Intl.NumberFormat([], { |
| style: 'percent', |
| signDisplay: 'always', |
| minimumFractionDigits: 2, |
| }).format(Y2[i]) + ")") |
| ) |
| }) |
| .on("mouseout", () => svg.selectAll('.tooltip').remove()); |
| |
| return svg.node(); |
| } |