Windows images are built by creating and configuring VMs in GCP then capturing the image to the GCP Project.
The scripts assume the internal GCP network is accessible. To do this, create a linux VM in the project and SSH into the machine or use a VPN like sshuttle.
Builds a buildlet from the BASE_IMAGE and sets it up with and An image is captured and then a new VM is created from that image and validated with test_buildlet.bash.
export PROJECT_ID=YOUR_GCP_PROJECT export BASE_IMAGE=windows-server-2016-dc-core-v20170214 export IMAGE_PROJECT=windows-cloud ./build.bash
instance_name=golang-buildlet-test external_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe golang-buildlet-test --project=${PROJECT_ID} --zone=${ZONE} --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)") ./test_buildlet.bash $external_ip
./rdp.bash <instance_name> ./ssh.bash <instance_name>