Windows images are built by creating and configuring VMs in GCP then capturing the image to the GCP Project.
The provisioning happens in two stages:
Allow traffic to instances tagged allow-dev-access
on tcp:80, tcp:3389
# restrict this down to your local network source_range= gcloud compute firewall-rules create --allow=tcp:80,tcp:3389 --target-tags allow-dev-access --source-ranges $source_range allow-dev-access
Builds a buildlet from the BASE_IMAGE and sets it up with and An image is captured and then a new VM is created from that image and validated with test_buildlet.bash.
export PROJECT_ID=YOUR_GCP_PROJECT export BASE_IMAGE=windows-server-2016-dc-core-v20170214 export IMAGE_PROJECT=windows-cloud ./build.bash
instance_name=golang-buildlet-test external_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe golang-buildlet-test --project=${PROJECT_ID} --zone=${ZONE} --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)") ./test_buildlet.bash $external_ip
./connect.bash <instance_name>