The Disk should be formatted with a case insensitive file system (default).
Install VMWare tools daemon.
The UI is supposed to be able to do this automatically, but it's broken as of writing.
Instead, mount darwin.iso from ISO/VMWARE TOOLS and run the installer from there.
open security preferences and click “Allow” on blocked software install from VMware
make sure you can run and see:
$ /Library/Application Support/VMware Tools/vmware-tools-daemon --cmd “info-get” No value found
Turn on the computer.
Click through setup, connect to wifi, etc.
Full name: Gopher Gopherson
Account name: gopher
Password: with an exclamation mark
Decline as much as possible.
Set time zone to NY.
Open a terminal.
sudo visudo
Change %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
sudo nvram boot-args="-v"
Install Go: download the latest tarball from
tar -xf Downloads/go*.darwin-*.tar
mv go $HOME/goboot
Create $HOME/
For VMWare VMs
#!/bin/bash while true; do (curl -v$(sw_vers -productVersion) | sh); sleep 5; done
For physical machines
#!/bin/bash set -x mkdir -p ~/go/bin; while true; do rm -f ~/go/bin/buildlet url="" while ! curl -f -o ~/go/bin/buildlet "$url"; do echo echo "curl failed to fetch $url" echo "Sleeping before retrying..." sleep 5 done chmod +x ~/go/bin/buildlet mkdir -p /tmp/buildlet ~/go/bin/buildlet --reverse-type host-darwin-arm64-XX_0 --halt=false --workdir=/tmp/buildlet; sleep 2; done
#!/bin/bash set -x export GO_BUILDER_ENV=qemu_vm mkdir -p ~/go/bin; while true; do rm -f ~/go/bin/buildlet url="" while ! curl -f -o ~/go/bin/buildlet "$url"; do echo echo "curl failed to fetch $url" echo "Sleeping before retrying..." sleep 5 done chmod +x ~/go/bin/buildlet mkdir -p /tmp/buildlet ~/go/bin/buildlet --reverse-type host-darwin-arm64-XX-aws --halt=true --workdir=/tmp/buildlet; sleep 2; done
chmod +x $HOME/
open -a $HOME/
In System Preferences:
Install XCode:
xip -x file.xip
) and move the resulting Xcode folder to Applicationssudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
xcodebuild -version
and wait for Xcode to be verified, which will take a long time.sudo xcodebuild -license accept
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Put a builder key in the usual spot.