Turn on the computer.
Click through setup, connect to wifi, etc.
Full name: Gopher Gopherson
Account name: gopher
Password: with an exclamation mark
Decline as much as possible.
Set time zone to NY.
Open a terminal.
sudo visudo
Change %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
sudo nvram boot-args="-v"
Install Go: download the latest tarball from go.dev/dl.
tar -xf Downloads/go*.darwin-*.tar
mv go $HOME/goboot
Create $HOME/stage0.sh
For physical machines
#!/bin/bash set -x mkdir -p ~/go/bin; while true; do rm -f ~/go/bin/buildlet url="https://storage.googleapis.com/go-builder-data/buildlet.darwin-arm64" while ! curl -f -o ~/go/bin/buildlet "$url"; do echo echo "curl failed to fetch $url" echo "Sleeping before retrying..." sleep 5 done chmod +x ~/go/bin/buildlet mkdir -p /tmp/buildlet ~/go/bin/buildlet --coordinator=farmer.golang.org --reverse-type host-darwin-arm64-XX_0 --halt=false --workdir=/tmp/buildlet; sleep 2; done
#!/bin/bash set -x export GO_BUILDER_ENV=qemu_vm mkdir -p ~/go/bin; while true; do rm -f ~/go/bin/buildlet url="https://storage.googleapis.com/go-builder-data/buildlet.darwin-arm64" while ! curl -f -o ~/go/bin/buildlet "$url"; do echo echo "curl failed to fetch $url" echo "Sleeping before retrying..." sleep 5 done chmod +x ~/go/bin/buildlet mkdir -p /tmp/buildlet ~/go/bin/buildlet --coordinator=farmer.golang.org --reverse-type host-darwin-arm64-XX-aws --halt=true --workdir=/tmp/buildlet; sleep 2; done
chmod +x $HOME/stage0.sh
open -a Terminal.app $HOME/stage0.sh
In System Preferences:
Install XCode:
xip -x file.xip
) and move the resulting Xcode folder to Applicationssudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app
xcodebuild -version
and wait for Xcode to be verified, which will take a long time.sudo xcodebuild -license accept
sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Put a builder key in the usual spot.