blob: d412ecd123bd540de484f6922c13798c95129136 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The gopherbot command runs Go's gopherbot role account on
// GitHub and Gerrit.
package main
import (
var (
dryRun = flag.Bool("dry-run", false, "just report what would've been done, without changing anything")
daemon = flag.Bool("daemon", false, "run in daemon mode")
func getGithubToken() (string, error) {
// TODO: get from GCE metadata, etc.
tokenFile := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "keys", "github-gobot")
slurp, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tokenFile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
f := strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(string(slurp)), ":", 2)
if len(f) != 2 || f[0] == "" || f[1] == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Expected token file %s to be of form <username>:<token>", tokenFile)
return f[1], nil
func getGithubClient() (*github.Client, error) {
token, err := getGithubToken()
if err != nil {
if *dryRun {
return github.NewClient(http.DefaultClient), nil
return nil, err
ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token})
tc := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), ts)
return github.NewClient(tc), nil
func main() {
ghc, err := getGithubClient()
if err != nil {
ctx := context.Background()
corpus, err := godata.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
repo := corpus.GitHub().Repo("golang", "go")
if repo == nil {
log.Fatal("Failed to find Go repo.")
bot := &gopherbot{
ghc: ghc,
corpus: corpus,
gorepo: repo,
for {
var nextLoop time.Time
err := bot.doTasks(ctx)
if err != nil {
nextLoop = time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second)
if !*daemon {
if err != nil {
// TODO: if err != nil, pass a ctx with 30s timeout and retry the doTasks.
// Maybe use a better ctx above too.
if err := corpus.Update(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("corpus.Update: %v", err)
if nextLoop.After(time.Now()) {
sleep := time.Until(nextLoop)
log.Printf("Sleeping for %v after previous error.", sleep)
type gopherbot struct {
ghc *github.Client
corpus *maintner.Corpus
gorepo *maintner.GitHubRepo
var tasks = []struct {
name string
fn func(*gopherbot, context.Context) error
{"freeze old issues", (*gopherbot).freezeOldIssues},
{"label proposals", (*gopherbot).labelProposals},
{"set subrepo milestones", (*gopherbot).setSubrepoMilestones},
{"set gccgo milestones", (*gopherbot).setGccgoMilestones},
{"label build issues", (*gopherbot).labelBuildIssues},
{"label documentation issues", (*gopherbot).labelDocumentationIssues},
{"close stale WaitingForInfo", (*gopherbot).closeStaleWaitingForInfo},
{"cl2issue", (*gopherbot).cl2issue},
{"check cherry picks", (*gopherbot).checkCherryPicks},
func (b *gopherbot) doTasks(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, task := range tasks {
if err := task.fn(b, ctx); err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: %v",, err)
return err
return nil
func (b *gopherbot) addLabel(ctx context.Context, gi *maintner.GitHubIssue, label string) error {
_, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.AddLabelsToIssue(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number), []string{label})
return err
func (b *gopherbot) addGitHubComment(ctx context.Context, org, repo string, issueNum int32, msg string) error {
gr := b.corpus.GitHub().Repo(org, repo)
if gr == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown github repo %s/%s", org, repo)
var since time.Time
if gi := gr.Issue(issueNum); gi != nil {
dup := false
gi.ForeachComment(func(c *maintner.GitHubComment) error {
since = c.Updated
// TODO: check for gopherbot as author? check for exact match?
// This seems fine for now.
if strings.Contains(c.Body, msg) {
dup = true
return errStopIteration
return nil
if dup {
// Comment's already been posted. Nothing to do.
return nil
// See if there is a dup comment from when gopherbot last got
// its data from maintner.
ics, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.ListComments(ctx, org, repo, int(issueNum), &github.IssueListCommentsOptions{
Since: since,
ListOptions: github.ListOptions{PerPage: 1000},
if err != nil {
return err
for _, ic := range ics {
if strings.Contains(ic.GetBody(), msg) {
// Dup.
return nil
if *dryRun {
log.Printf("[dry run] would add comment to %v", org, repo, issueNum, msg)
return nil
_, _, err = b.ghc.Issues.CreateComment(ctx, org, repo, int(issueNum), &github.IssueComment{
Body: github.String(msg),
return err
// freezeOldIssues locks any issue that's old and closed.
// (Otherwise people find ancient bugs via searches and start asking questions
// into a void and it's sad for everybody.)
// This method doesn't need to explicitly avoid edit wars with humans because
// it bails out if the issue was edited recently. A human unlocking an issue
// causes the updated time to bump, which means the bot wouldn't try to lock it
// again for another year.
func (b *gopherbot) freezeOldIssues(ctx context.Context) error {
tooOld := time.Now().Add(-365 * 24 * time.Hour)
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if !gi.Closed || gi.Locked {
return nil
if gi.Updated.After(tooOld) {
return nil
printIssue("freeze", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
_, err := b.ghc.Issues.Lock(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number))
if err != nil {
return err
return b.addLabel(ctx, gi, "FrozenDueToAge")
// labelProposals adds the "Proposal" label and "Proposal" milestone
// to open issues with title beginning with "Proposal:". It tries not
// to get into an edit war with a human.
func (b *gopherbot) labelProposals(ctx context.Context) error {
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed {
return nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(gi.Title, "proposal:") && !strings.HasPrefix(gi.Title, "Proposal:") {
return nil
// Add Milestone if missing:
if gi.Milestone.IsNone() && !gi.HasEvent("milestoned") && !gi.HasEvent("demilestoned") {
printIssue("proposal-milestone", gi)
if !*dryRun {
_, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.Edit(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number), &github.IssueRequest{
Milestone: github.Int(30), // "Proposal"
if err != nil {
return err
// Add Proposal label if missing:
if !gi.HasLabel("Proposal") && !gi.HasEvent("unlabeled") {
printIssue("proposal-label", gi)
if !*dryRun {
if err := b.addLabel(ctx, gi, "Proposal"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (b *gopherbot) setSubrepoMilestones(ctx context.Context) error {
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed || !gi.Milestone.IsNone() || gi.HasEvent("demilestoned") || gi.HasEvent("milestoned") {
return nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(gi.Title, "x/") {
return nil
pkg := gi.Title
if colon := strings.IndexByte(pkg, ':'); colon >= 0 {
pkg = pkg[:colon]
if sp := strings.IndexByte(pkg, ' '); sp >= 0 {
pkg = pkg[:sp]
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "x/arch") {
return nil
switch pkg {
case "",
// These get vendored in. Don't mess with them.
return nil
printIssue("subrepo-unreleased", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
_, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.Edit(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number), &github.IssueRequest{
Milestone: github.Int(22), // "Unreleased"
return err
func (b *gopherbot) setGccgoMilestones(ctx context.Context) error {
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed || !gi.Milestone.IsNone() || gi.HasEvent("demilestoned") || gi.HasEvent("milestoned") {
return nil
if !strings.Contains(gi.Title, "gccgo") { // TODO: better gccgo bug report heuristic?
return nil
printIssue("gccgo-milestone", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
_, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.Edit(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number), &github.IssueRequest{
Milestone: github.Int(23), // "Gccgo"
return err
func (b *gopherbot) labelBuildIssues(ctx context.Context) error {
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed || !strings.HasPrefix(gi.Title, "x/build") || gi.HasLabel("Builders") || gi.HasEvent("unlabeled") {
return nil
printIssue("label-builders", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
return b.addLabel(ctx, gi, "Builders")
func (b *gopherbot) labelDocumentationIssues(ctx context.Context) error {
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed || !isDocumentationTitle(gi.Title) || gi.HasLabel("Documentation") || gi.HasEvent("unlabeled") {
return nil
printIssue("label-documentation", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
return b.addLabel(ctx, gi, "Documentation")
func (b *gopherbot) closeStaleWaitingForInfo(ctx context.Context) error {
const waitingForInfo = "WaitingForInfo"
now := time.Now()
return b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Closed || !gi.HasLabel("WaitingForInfo") {
return nil
var waitStart time.Time
gi.ForeachEvent(func(e *maintner.GitHubIssueEvent) error {
if e.Type == "reopened" {
// Ignore any previous WaitingForInfo label if it's reopend.
waitStart = time.Time{}
return nil
if e.Label == waitingForInfo {
switch e.Type {
case "unlabeled":
waitStart = time.Time{}
case "labeled":
waitStart = e.Created
return nil
return nil
if waitStart.IsZero() {
return nil
deadline := waitStart.AddDate(0, 1, 0) // 1 month
if now.Before(deadline) {
return nil
var lastOPComment time.Time
gi.ForeachComment(func(c *maintner.GitHubComment) error {
if c.User.ID == gi.User.ID {
lastOPComment = c.Created
return nil
if lastOPComment.After(waitStart) {
return nil
printIssue("close-stale-waiting-for-info", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
// TODO: write a task that reopens issues if the OP speaks up.
if err := b.addGitHubComment(ctx, "golang", "go", gi.Number,
"Timed out in state WaitingForInfo. Closing.\n\n(I am just a bot, though. Please speak up if this is a mistake or you have the requested information.)"); err != nil {
return err
_, _, err := b.ghc.Issues.Edit(ctx, "golang", "go", int(gi.Number), &github.IssueRequest{State: github.String("closed")})
return err
// Issue 19776: assist with cherry picks based on Milestones
func (b *gopherbot) checkCherryPicks(ctx context.Context) error {
// TODO(bradfitz): write this. Debugging stuff below only.
return nil
sum := map[string]int{}
b.gorepo.ForeachIssue(func(gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) error {
if gi.Milestone.IsNone() || gi.Milestone.IsUnknown() || gi.Milestone.Closed {
return nil
title := gi.Milestone.Title
if !strings.HasPrefix(title, "Go") || strings.Count(title, ".") != 2 {
return nil
return nil
var titles []string
for k := range sum {
titles = append(titles, k)
sort.Slice(titles, func(i, j int) bool { return sum[titles[i]] < sum[titles[j]] })
for _, title := range titles {
fmt.Printf(" %10d %s\n", sum[title], title)
return nil
// Write "CL mentions this issue" on
// Github when a new Gerrit CL references a Github issue.
func (b *gopherbot) cl2issue(ctx context.Context) error {
monthAgo := time.Now().Add(-30 * 24 * time.Hour)
b.corpus.Gerrit().ForeachProjectUnsorted(func(gp *maintner.GerritProject) error {
if gp.Server() != "" {
return nil
return gp.ForeachCLUnsorted(func(cl *maintner.GerritCL) error {
if cl.Meta == nil || cl.Meta.AuthorTime.Before(monthAgo) {
// If the CL was last updated over a
// month ago, assume (as an
// optimization) that gopherbot
// already processed this issue.
return nil
for _, ref := range cl.GitHubIssueRefs {
gi := ref.Repo.Issue(ref.Number)
if gi == nil || gi.Closed {
hasComment := false
substr := fmt.Sprintf("%d mentions this issue.", cl.Number)
gi.ForeachComment(func(c *maintner.GitHubComment) error {
if strings.Contains(c.Body, substr) {
hasComment = true
return errStopIteration
return nil
if !hasComment {
printIssue("cl2issue", gi)
if *dryRun {
return nil
if err := b.addGitHubComment(ctx, "golang", "go", gi.Number, fmt.Sprintf("CL mentions this issue.", cl.Number)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
// errStopIteration is used to stop iteration over issues or comments.
// It has no special meaning.
var errStopIteration = errors.New("stop iteration")
func isDocumentationTitle(t string) bool {
if !strings.Contains(t, "doc") && !strings.Contains(t, "Doc") {
return false
t = strings.ToLower(t)
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "doc:") {
return true
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "docs:") {
return true
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "cmd/doc:") {
return false
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "go/doc:") {
return false
if strings.Contains(t, "godoc:") { // in x/tools, or the dozen places people file it as
return false
return strings.Contains(t, "document") ||
strings.Contains(t, "docs ")
var lastTask string
func printIssue(task string, gi *maintner.GitHubIssue) {
if *dryRun {
task = task + " [dry-run]"
if task != lastTask {
lastTask = task
fmt.Printf("\t %s\n", gi.Number, gi.Title)