content: fix example in "Go concurrency patterns" article

To quote Tim Scheuermann, who alerted me to this issue:

	The text states that the channel should be buffered for the last
	example to work, but the channel is already buffered. I tried to
	use the codereview tool to commit the patch, but it refuses to
	work on a github repository. The fix is trivial, remove the
	buffer from line 2 of the example.

Thanks to Ivan Kurnosov for finding it in the first place.

Change-Id: I003f1fc0cbbb645be776eeb55d46ee3462fdf4d7
Reviewed-by: Chris Broadfoot <>
diff --git a/content/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and.article b/content/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and.article
index 9d60ead..fa81a2c 100644
--- a/content/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and.article
+++ b/content/go-concurrency-patterns-timing-out-and.article
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 The function `Query` takes a slice of database connections and a `query` string. It queries each of the databases in parallel and returns the first response it receives:
 	func Query(conns []Conn, query string) Result {
-	    ch := make(chan Result, 1)
+	    ch := make(chan Result)
 	    for _, conn := range conns {
 	        go func(c Conn) {
 	            select {