| GolangUK 2015 |
| 09 Oct 2015 |
| Tags: conference, golanguk |
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| Francesc Campoy |
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| * Introduction |
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| On August 21st the Go community gathered in London for the first edition of |
| [[https://golanguk.com][Golang UK]]. The conference featured two parallel |
| tracks and nearly 400 gophers attended. |
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| .image gouk15/gouk.jpg 300 _ |
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| The conference started with the opening keynote by [[https://twitter.com/calavera][David Calavera]] |
| called Crossing the Language Chasm ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPVRnEZ4v_w&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| and continued with two concurrently executed [[http://golanguk.com/schedule/][tracks]]. |
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| Main track: |
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| - Stupid Gopher Tricks, by [[https://twitter.com/enneff][Andrew Gerrand]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UECh7X07m6E&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Complex Concurrency Patterns in Go, by [[https://twitter.com/eapache][Evan Huus]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HOO5gIgyMg&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Code Analysis [no reading required], by [[https://twitter.com/francesc][Francesc Campoy]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oorX84tBMqo&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Go kit: a toolkit for microservices [[https://twitter.com/peterbourgon][Peter Bourgon]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL6sd4d4hxk&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Dependency Management Conundrum, by [[https://twitter.com/goinggodotnet][William Kennedy]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdhucJShJU8&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
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| Side track: |
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| - Building APIs, by [[https://twitter.com/matryer][Mat Ryer]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIm8UkSf6RA&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Building a Bank with Go, by [[https://twitter.com/mattheath][Matt Heath]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFJkLfujOts&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - CockroachDB: Make Data Easy, by [[https://twitter.com/bendarnell][Ben Darnell]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33oqpLmQ3LE&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Understanding memory allocation in Go, by [[https://twitter.com/DeanElbaz][Dean Elbaz]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjoieOpy5hE&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
| - Whispered Secrets, by [[https://twitter.com/feyeleanor][Eleanor McHugh]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViBRx-F4Z2U&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]) |
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| Finally [[https://twitter.com/dgryski][Damian Gryski]] took the stage for the |
| closing keynote ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiSyFc10Jj0&list=PLDWZ5uzn69ezRJYeWxYNRMYebvf8DerHd][video]]), |
| giving an overview of how the Go community has evolved over time and hinting |
| to what the future might look like. |
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| On the day before the conference [[https://twitter.com/goinggodotnet][William Kennedy]] |
| gave a full day Go workshop. |
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| It was a great conference, so congratulations to the organizers and see you next year in London! |