tree: 135bffd2af2022e45d14c6e18816b985a2c8b435 [path history] [tgz]
  1. configs/
  2. patches/
  3. scripts/
  4. bent.go
  5. bent_test.go
  6. configuration.go


Bent automates downloading, compiling, and running Go tests and benchmarks from various Github repositories. By default the test/benchmark is run in a Docker container to provide some safety against accidentally making a mess on the benchmark-running machine.


go install

Depends on burntsushi/toml, and expects that Docker is installed and available on the command line. You can avoid the need for Docker with the -U command line flag, if you're okay with running benchmarks outside containers. Alternately, if you wish to only run those benchmarks that can be compiled into a container (this is platform-dependent) use the -S flag.

Install rsync for slightly improved copy performance.

Initial usage :

go install
mkdir scratch
cd scratch
bent -I
cp configurations-sample.toml configurations.toml
nano configurations.toml # or use your favorite editor
bent -v -N 10 # will run default set of ~50 benchmarks 10 times using supplied configuration(s)

Bent now comes with several shell scripts to automate common uses. These all run using perflock if it is available, and default to different numbers of builds (usually 1) and benchmark runs (usually 15) which can be overridden at invocation. refs/changes/<nn>/<cl>/<patch> [options]

This checks out a particular version of a CL, and its immediate predecessor, and benchmarks the change. The refs/changes/<nn>/<cl>/<patch> parameter is the same one that appears as a Gerrit download option for the CL. The default is to build once, benchmark 15 times. The results are also uploaded with benchsave to <branch-or-tag> <branch-or-tag> [options]

This checks out two particular tag or branches, and benchmarks the difference. This can be helpful when binary-searching a performance regression. The default is to build once, benchmark 15 times. The results are also uploaded with benchsave to [options]

This checks out the current development tip and the most recent release (e.g. 1.14) and benchmarks their difference. This can be helpful for nightly performance monitoring. The default is to build 25 times and benchmark 25 times. The results are also uploaded with benchsave to The script also contains glue to tweet the results, but by default this will silently do nothing. refs/changes/<nn>/<cl>/<patch> [options]

This checks out a particular version of a CL, and its immediate predecessor, compiles each once with the ssa phase timing flag turned on, does not run benchmarks, and feeds the log (with all the embedded phase timings) to phase-times to help spot any bad performance trends in the new CL. The resulting CSVs can be imported into a spreadsheet and graphed (select the “Test” sheet and scroll down below the vast table of numbers, there is a pretty chart).

The output binaries are placed in subdirectory testbin, and various benchmark results (from building, run, and others requested) are placed in subdirectory bench, and the binaries are also incorporated into Docker containers if Docker is used. Each benchmark and configuration has a shortname, and the generated binaries combine these shortnames, for example gonum_mat_Tip and gonum_mat_Go1.9. Benchmark files are prefixed with a run timestamp, and grouped by configuration, with various suffixes for the various benchmarks. Run benchmarks appears in files with suffix .stdout. Others are more obviously named, with suffixes .build, .benchsize, and .benchdwarf.

Flags for your use:

-vprint commands as they are run
-N xbenchmark/test repeat count-N 25
-B filebenchmarks file-B benchmarks-trial.toml
-C fileconfigurations file-C conf_1.9_and_tip.toml
-Sexclude unsandboxable benchmarks
-Udon't sandbox benchmarks
-b listrun benchmarks in comma-separated list
(even if normally “disabled” )
-b uuid,gonum_topo
-c listuse configurations from comma-separated list
(even if normally “disabled”)
-c Tip,Go1.9
-r stringskip get and build, just run. string names Docker image if needed, if not using Docker any non-empty will do.-r f10cecc3eaac
-a Nrepeat builds for build benchmarking-a 10
-s k(build) shuffle flag, k = 0,1,2,3.
Randomizes build orders to reduce sensitivity to other machine load
-s 2
-gget benchmarks, but do not build or run
-llist available benchmarks and configurations, then exit
-Trun tests instead of benchmarks
-Wprint benchmark information as a markdown table

Benchmark and Configuration files

Benchmarks and configurations appear in toml format, since that is somewhat more human-friendly than JSON and in particular allows comments. A sample benchmark entry:

  Name = "gonum_topo"
  Repo = ""
  Tests = "Test"
  Benchmarks = "Benchmark(TarjanSCCGnp_1000_half|TarjanSCCGnp_10_tenth)"
  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "purego"]
  RunWrapper = ["tmpclr"] # this benchmark leaves messes
  # NotSandboxed = true # uncomment if cannot be run in a Docker container
  # Disabled = true # uncomment to disable benchmark

Here, Name is a short name, Repo is where the go get will find the benchmark, and Tests and Benchmarks and the regular expressions for go test specifying which tests or benchmarks to run.

A sample configuration entry with all the options supplied:

  Name = "Go-preempt"
  Root = "$HOME/work/go/"
 # Optional flags below
  BuildFlags = ["-gccgoflags=all=-O3 -static-libgo","-tags=noasm"] # for Gollvm
  AfterBuild = ["benchsize", "benchdwarf"]
  GcFlags = "-d=ssa/insert_resched_checks/on"
  GcEnv = ["GOMAXPROCS=1","GOGC=200"]
  RunFlags = ["-test.short"]
  RunEnv = ["GOGC=1000"]
  RunWrapper = ["cpuprofile"]
  Disabled = false

The Gc... attributes apply to the test or benchmark compilation, the Run... attributes apply to the test or benchmark run. A RunWrapper command receives the entire command line as arguments, plus the environment variable BENT_BINARY set to the filename (excluding path) of the binary being run (for example, “uuid_Tip”) and BENT_I set to the run number for this binary. One useful example is cpuprofile:

# Run args as command, but run cpuprofile and then pprof to capture test cpuprofile output
"$@" -test.cpuprofile="$pf"
echo cpuprofile in `pwd`/"$mf"
go tool pprof -text -flat -nodecount=20 "$pf"

When both configuration and benchmark wrappers are used the configuration wrapper runs the benchmark wrapper runs the actual benchmark, i.e.

ConfigWrapper ConfigArg BenchWrapper BenchArg ActualBenchmark

The Disabled attribute for both benchmarks and configurations removes them from normal use, but leaves them accessible to explicit request with -b or -c.