cmd/bent: refactor common benchmark info into "suites.toml"; add versions

Common fields in benchmark*toml were a headache, especially w/
the addition of versions.  This was a big improvement, all the
common info (build flags, gc env, etc) can appear there.

Also added interpretation of "temporary pattern" for configured
"RunDir" for tests that expect to run in a writeable directory
(and also w/o testdata, which seems to be the case for at least
one bench).

Also sorted through benchmarks to get most (all?) running in
the "all" case.

Change-Id: Id80695c11466ec86810107c1a4acefcde991bff9
Trust: David Chase <>
Run-TryBot: David Chase <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Pratt <>
diff --git a/cmd/bent/bent.go b/cmd/bent/bent.go
index f498b06..4f77ff9 100644
--- a/cmd/bent/bent.go
+++ b/cmd/bent/bent.go
@@ -50,9 +50,27 @@
 	Version      string // To pin a benchmark at a version.
+type Suite struct {
+	Name       string   // Short name for benchmark/test
+	Contact    string   // Contact not used, but may be present in description
+	Repo       string   // Repo + subdir where test resides, used for "go get -t -d ..."
+	Tests      string   // Tests to run (regex for )
+	Benchmarks string   // Benchmarks to run (regex for -test.bench= )
+	GcEnv      []string // Environment variables supplied to 'go test -c' for building, getting
+	BuildFlags []string // Flags for building test (e.g., -tags purego)
+	RunWrapper []string // (Inner) Command and args to precede whatever the operation is; may fail in the sandbox.
+	// e.g. benchmark may run as ConfigWrapper ConfigArg BenchWrapper BenchArg ActualBenchmark
+	NotSandboxed bool   // True if this benchmark cannot or should not be run in a container.
+	Disabled     bool   // True if this benchmark is temporarily disabled.
+	RunDir       string // Parent directory of testdata;
+	BuildDir     string // Location of go.mod for this benchmark; download here, go test -c here.
+	Version      string // To pin a benchmark at a version.
 type Todo struct {
 	Benchmarks     []Benchmark
 	Configurations []Configuration
+	Suites         []Suite
 // The length of the path to the root of the git repo, inclusive.
@@ -68,9 +86,9 @@
 var verbose counterFlag
-var benchFile = "benchmarks-50.toml"         // default list of benchmarks
-var confFile = "configurations.toml"         // default list of configurations
-var srcPath = "src/" // Used to find configuration files.
+var benchFile = "benchmarks-50.toml" // default list of benchmarks
+var confFile = "configurations.toml" // default list of configurations
+var suiteFile = "suites.toml"        // default list of suites
 var container = ""
 var N = 1
 var list = false
@@ -98,6 +116,7 @@
 var copyConfigs = []string{
 	"benchmarks-all.toml", "benchmarks-50.toml", "benchmarks-gc.toml", "benchmarks-gcplus.toml", "benchmarks-trial.toml",
 	"configurations-sample.toml", "configurations-gollvm.toml", "configurations-cronjob.toml", "configurations-cmpjob.toml",
+	"suites.toml",
 var defaultEnv []string
@@ -229,13 +248,60 @@
 		fmt.Printf("There was an error opening or reading file %s: %v\n", confFile, err)
+	blobS, err := ioutil.ReadFile(suiteFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Printf("There was an error opening or reading file %s: %v\n", suiteFile, err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
 	blob := append(blobB, blobC...)
+	blob = append(blob, blobS...)
 	err = toml.Unmarshal(blob, todo)
 	if err != nil {
 		fmt.Printf("There was an error unmarshalling %s: %v\n", string(blob), err)
+	// Copy defaults for benchmarks from suites.
+	// (old code had these associated with the "benchmarks" files)
+	suites := make(map[string]*Suite)
+	for i, s := range todo.Suites {
+		suites[s.Name] = &todo.Suites[i]
+	}
+	update := func(a *string, s string) {
+		if *a == "" {
+			*a = s
+		}
+	}
+	updateFlags := func(a *[]string, s []string) {
+		if *a == nil {
+			*a = s
+		}
+	}
+	for i := range todo.Benchmarks {
+		b := &todo.Benchmarks[i]
+		s := suites[b.Name]
+		if s == nil {
+			fmt.Printf("Benchmark %sw appearing in %s is not listed in %s\n", b.Name, benchFile, suiteFile)
+			os.Exit(1)
+		}
+		update(&b.Repo, s.Repo)
+		update(&b.Version, s.Version)
+		update(&b.Tests, s.Tests)
+		update(&b.Benchmarks, s.Benchmarks)
+		update(&b.RunDir, s.RunDir)
+		b.Disabled = s.Disabled || b.Disabled
+		b.NotSandboxed = s.NotSandboxed || b.NotSandboxed
+		updateFlags(&b.BuildFlags, s.BuildFlags)
+		updateFlags(&b.GcEnv, s.GcEnv)
+	}
 	var moreArgs []string
 	if flag.NArg() > 0 {
 		for i, arg := range flag.Args() {
@@ -781,10 +847,25 @@
 	// Initialize RunDir for benchmarks.
-	for i, bench := range todo.Benchmarks {
+	for i := range todo.Benchmarks {
+		bench := &todo.Benchmarks[i]
 		if bench.Disabled {
+		if bench.RunDir != "" { // allow specification of e.g. tmp; otherwise, uses readonly source dir in module cache (for testdata).
+			// TODO should it always be a tempdir and just copy testdata to there?
+			dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", bench.RunDir)
+			if err != nil {
+				fmt.Printf("Could not create temporary dir w/ pattern %s for benchmark %s, err=%v\n", bench.RunDir, bench.Name, err)
+			}
+			if verbose > 0 {
+				fmt.Printf("mkdir %s\n", dir)
+				fmt.Printf("# Rundir=%s; will be deleted on exit\n", dir)
+			}
+			bench.RunDir = dir
+			defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
+			continue
+		}
 		// Obtain directory containing testdata, if any:
 		// Capture output of "go list -f {{.Dir}} $PKG"
@@ -812,7 +893,7 @@
 			// if sandboxed, strip cwd from prefix of rundir.
 			rundir = rundir[len(dirs.wd):]
-		todo.Benchmarks[i].RunDir = rundir
+		bench.RunDir = rundir
 	var failures []string
@@ -1013,8 +1094,11 @@
 	// Initialize the directory, copying in default benchmarks and sample configurations, and creating a Dockerfile
 	if shouldInit {
 		if perr == nil {
-			fmt.Printf("It looks like you've already initialized this directory, remove ./gopath/pkg if you want to reinit.\n")
-			os.Exit(1)
+			if !force {
+				fmt.Printf("It looks like you've already initialized this directory, remove ./gopath/pkg if you want to reinit.\n")
+				os.Exit(1)
+			}
+			fmt.Printf("Directory appears to already be initialized, but -f (force) so copying files anyway.\n")
 		for _, s := range copyExes {
 			copyAsset(scripts, "scripts", s)
diff --git a/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-50.toml b/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-50.toml
index 375e65f..427dc56 100644
--- a/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-50.toml
+++ b/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-50.toml
@@ -4,267 +4,189 @@
   Name = "klauspost"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "minio"
-  Repo = ""
   Tests = "none" # Don't run these tests; they hang, etc.
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(MarshalMsgdataUsageCacheInfo|DecodehealingTracker|DataUpdateTracker|AppendMsg(ReplicateDecision|ResyncTargetsInfo))"
   GcEnv = ["GO111MODULE=on"]
   Name = "hugo_hugolib"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(ResourceChainPostProcess|ReplaceShortcodeTokens|MergeByLanguage|GetPage$|(Cascade/langs-1-8))"
   Name = "ethereum_core"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark([^ICBH]|H[^a]|B[^l]|C[^h]|I[^n])"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "shopify_sarama"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true # Has no actual benchmarks.
   Name = "aws_restjson"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true  # Has no actual benchmarks.
   Name = "aws_restxml"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true    # Has no actual benchmarks.
   Name = "aws_jsonrpc"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true    # Has no actual benchmarks.
+  Name = "aws_jsonutil"
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "tidwall_tile38"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true    # Has no actual benchmarks.
   Name = "ethereum_bitutil"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(BaseTest2KB|FastTest2KB|Encoding4KBVerySparse)"
   Name = "ethereum_storage"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkJoin_8" # SplitPyramid seems to have a bug
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_ethash"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkHashimotoLight"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_sha3"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkSha3_224_MTU"
-  Disabled = true
   Name = "ethereum_ecies"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
-  Disabled = true # Not a test or a benchmarks anymore
   Name = "ethereum_corevm"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkOpDiv128"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_trie"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark[HCKGU]" # Prove and VerifyProof are noisy
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "spexs2"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkRun/10k/1"
   Name = "gonum_blas_native"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(DasumMediumUnitaryInc|Dnrm2MediumPosInc)" # not all benchmarks
   Name = "gonum_lapack_native"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkDgeev/Circulant10"
   Name = "gonum_mat"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(MulWorkspaceDense1000Hundredth|ScaleVec10000Inc20)"
   Name = "semver"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkValidateVersionTildeFail"
   Name = "hugo_helpers"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(StripHTML|TestTruncateWordsToWholeSentence$|EmojiKyokomiSprint)"
   GcEnv = ["GO111MODULE=on"]
   Name = "k8s_cache"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "k8s_workqueue"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "uuid"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true # not a benchmark anymore
   Name = "gonum_topo"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(TarjanSCCGnp_1000_half|TarjanSCCGnp_10_tenth)"
   Name = "gonum_path"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(AStarUndirectedmallWorld_10_2_2_2_Heur|Dominators/nested_if_n256)"
   Name = "gonum_community"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkLouvainDirectedMultiplex"
   Name = "gonum_traverse"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkWalkAllBreadthFirstGnp_(10|1000)_tenth" # more difference by size than anything else
   Name = "capnproto2"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(TextMovementBetweenSegments|Growth_MultiSegment)"
-  GcEnv = ["GO111MODULE=on"]
   Name = "uber_zap"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Version = "@v1.16.1-0.20210329175301-c23abee72d19"
   Name = "bindata"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Version = "@v3.22.1-0.20211006210656-12dca65da1b8+incompatible"
   Name = "cespare_mph"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkBuild"
 # Used by InfluxDB and Prometheus
   Name = "cespare_xxhash"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "purego"]
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkHashes/.*,direct,string,n=10MB"
   Name = "gtank_blake2s"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkHash8K"
   Name = "gtank_ed25519"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(IsOnCurve|ScalarMult)"
-  Disabled = true # ed25519/fe.go:11:2: use of internal package not allowed
   Name = "nelsam_gxui_interval"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "ajstarks_deck_generate"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(Polygon|Arc)"
   Name = "benhoyt_goawk"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkR"
   Name = "ericlagergren_decimal"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkPi/foo=.*/prec=100"
-  Name = "ericlagergren_decimal_x"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "BenchmarkPi/foo=ericlagergren_.Go./prec=100"
-  Disabled = true
   Name = "dustin_broadcast"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark[^B]" #Brodcast is noisy
   Name = "dustin_humanize"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(FtoaRegexTrailing|ParseBigBytes)"
   Name = "rcrowley_metrics"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "(BenchmarkCompute1000000)" # BenchmarkMetrics is very noisy
-  Name = "aws_jsonutil"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "kanzi"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(BWTS|FPAQ|LZ|MTFT)$"
   Name = "commonmark_markdown"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark(RenderSpec|RenderSpecBlackFriday2)"
diff --git a/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-all.toml b/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-all.toml
index 1711551..e05283d 100644
--- a/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-all.toml
+++ b/cmd/bent/configs/benchmarks-all.toml
@@ -3,260 +3,199 @@
   Name = "dustin_broadcast"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "dustin_humanize"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "rcrowley_metrics"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "shopify_sarama"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "aws_restjson"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
+  Disabled = true # no benchmarks
   Name = "aws_restxml"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
+  Disabled = true # no benchmarks
   Name = "aws_jsonrpc"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
+  Disabled = true # no benchmarks
   Name = "aws_jsonutil"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "kanzi"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "ethereum_bitutil"
-  Repo = ""
-  # Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark.*Test"
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "ethereum_storage"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark(Join|SplitTree)" # SplitPyramid seems to have a bug
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark" # SplitPyramid seems to have a bug
   Name = "ethereum_ethash"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_core"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark([^ICBH]|H[^a]|B[^l]|C[^h]|I[^n])"
   Name = "ethereum_sha3"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true # won't even get
   Name = "ethereum_ecies"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_corevm"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
   Name = "ethereum_trie"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
-  Name = "ethereum_whisperv5"
-  Repo = ""
+  Name = "ethereum_whisper"
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
-  Disabloed = true # won't even get
   Name = "eolian_dsp"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true # is dead, imports need updating
   Name = "spexs2"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "BenchmarkRun"
   Name = "minio"
-  Repo = ""
   Tests = "none" # Don't run these tests; they hang, etc.
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark([^LPGA]|L[^]i|G[^e]|P[^ua]|A[^u]|Parallel([^LPG]|L[^]i|G[^e]|P[^u]))"
   Name = "gonum_blas_native"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark.*Med" # not all benchmarks
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark" # not all benchmarks
   Name = "gonum_lapack_native"
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   Repo = ""
+>>>>>>> 8dbe4b9 (cmd/bent: refactor common benchmark info into "suites.toml"; add versions)
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Name = "gonum_mat"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark(.*Vec.*10000($|[^0])|.*Mul.*Dense.*1000H)"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "semver"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "hugo_helpers"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "hugo_hugolib"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "k8s_cache"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "B"
   Name = "k8s_workqueue"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "B"
   Name = "uuid"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "gonum_topo"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Name = "gonum_path"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Name = "gonum_community"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Name = "gonum_traverse"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
   Name = "capnproto2"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   GcEnv = ["GO111MODULE=on"]
   Name = "uber_zap"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "B"
-  Version = "@v1.16.1-0.20210329175301-c23abee72d19"
   Name = "bindata"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Version = "@v3.22.1-0.20211006210656-12dca65da1b8+incompatible"
   Name = "cespare_mph"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
 # Used by InfluxDB and Prometheus
   Name = "cespare_xxhash"
-  Repo = ""
-  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "purego"]
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "gtank_blake2s"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "gtank_ed25519"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
-  Disabled = true # Won't go get properly
   Name = "nelsam_gxui_interval"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "ajstarks_deck_generate"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "benhoyt_goawk"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "ericlagergren_decimal"
-  Repo = ""
-  Benchmarks = "Benchmark.*_9"
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "tidwall_tile38"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
   Name = "commonmark_markdown"
-  Repo = ""
   Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
diff --git a/cmd/bent/configs/suites.toml b/cmd/bent/configs/suites.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee62be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bent/configs/suites.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# A Suite is a short name, a repo, a version, and sometimes some related default values
+# for the benchmark specification files.
+  Name = "dustin_broadcast"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20171205050544-f664265f5a66"
+  Name = "dustin_humanize"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.0.0"
+  Name = "rcrowley_metrics"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20201227073835-cf1acfcdf475"
+  Name = "shopify_sarama"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.30.0"
+  Name = "aws_restjson"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.41.1"
+  Name = "aws_restxml"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.41.1"
+  Name = "aws_jsonrpc"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.41.1"
+  Name = "aws_jsonutil"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.41.1"
+  Name = "kanzi"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.9.0"
+  Name = "ethereum_bitutil"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_storage"
+  Repo = ""
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v0.5.8"
+  Name = "ethereum_ethash"
+  Repo = ""
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_core"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_sha3"
+  Repo = ""
+  Disabled = true # won't even get
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_ecies"
+  Repo = ""
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_corevm"
+  Repo = ""
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_trie"
+  Repo = ""
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v1.10.9"
+  Name = "ethereum_whisper"
+  Repo = ""
+  Benchmarks = "Benchmark"
+  NotSandboxed = true # Won't cross-compile to Linux on MacOS
+  Version = "@v1.9.2"
+  Name = "eolian_dsp"
+  Repo = ""
+  Disabled = true # is dead, imports need updating
+  Name = "spexs2"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20190702105659-492016b6bcd2"
+  Name = "klauspost"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20211005202936-58b13036cdde"
+  Name = "minio"
+  Repo = ""
+  Tests = "none" # Don't run these tests; they hang, etc.
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20211012165317-13e41f2c6899"
+  Name = "gonum_blas_native"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "gonum_lapack_native"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "gonum_mat"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "semver"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.5.0"
+  Name = "hugo_helpers"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.88.1"
+  Name = "hugo_hugolib"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.88.1"
+  Name = "k8s_cache"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.22.2"
+  Name = "k8s_workqueue"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.22.2"
+  Name = "uuid"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.2.0"
+  Disabled = true # not a benchmark anymore
+  Name = "gonum_topo"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "gonum_path"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "gonum_community"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "gonum_traverse"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "safe"]
+  Version = "@v0.9.3"
+  Name = "capnproto2"
+  Repo = ""
+  GcEnv = ["GO111MODULE=on"]
+  Version = "@v2.18.2+incompatible"
+  Name = "uber_zap"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.16.1-0.20210329175301-c23abee72d19"
+  Name = "bindata"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v3.22.1-0.20211006210656-12dca65da1b8+incompatible"
+  Name = "cespare_mph"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.1.0"
+# Used by InfluxDB and Prometheus
+  Name = "cespare_xxhash"
+  Repo = ""
+  BuildFlags = ["-tags", "purego"]
+  Version = "@v1.1.0"
+  Name = "gtank_blake2s"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20180603041446-333f0593be06"
+  Name = "gtank_ed25519"
+  Repo = ""
+  Disabled = true # Won't go get properly
+  Name = "nelsam_gxui_interval"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.2.0"
+  Name = "ajstarks_deck_generate"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20211012005819-a09e9c2a9a29"
+  Name = "benhoyt_goawk"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v1.8.1"
+  Name = "ericlagergren_decimal"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20210307182354-5f8425a47c58"
+  Name = "tidwall_tile38"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20211002002505-72b3683f27da"
+  RunDir = "tile38"
+  Name = "commonmark_markdown"
+  Repo = ""
+  Version = "@v0.0.0-20191127184510-91b5b3c99c19"