blob: 10cbee995f0e0408505290ceee49188e4206654a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2014 The bíogo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package igor
import (
// GroupConfig specifies Group behaviour
type GroupConfig struct {
// PileDiff specifies the acceptable fractional difference between
// piles for assignment to the same group.
PileDiff float64
// ImageDiff specifies the acceptable fractional difference between
// an image and its containing pile when considering a pile for
// assignment based on that image.
ImageDiff float64
// When Classic is true, Group will run a reasonable approximation
// of the original C PILER family grouping.
Classic bool
// Group clusters the input pile collection based on the existence of satisfactory
// image alignments according to the provided config. Piles with nil locations are
// ignored. Checks are performed to ensure that the produced clusters can be
// unambiguously assigned to a DNA strand.
func Group(clust [][]*pals.Pile, cfg GroupConfig) []graph.Nodes {
g := newPileGraph()
for _, c := range clust {
for _, pile := range c {
if pile == nil || pile.Loc == nil || len(pile.Images) == 0 {
for _, im := range pile.Images {
partner := im.Mate().Location().(*pals.Pile)
if partner.Loc == nil {
if !cfg.Classic { // We already know these are true when cfg.Classic is true.
// Confirm that piles are within cfg.PileDiff in length.
if !within(cfg.PileDiff, min(pile.Len(), partner.Len()), max(pile.Len(), partner.Len())) {
// Confirm that images are within cfg.ImageDiff of their piles in length.
if !within(cfg.ImageDiff, im.Len(), pile.Len()) || !within(cfg.ImageDiff, im.Mate().Len(), partner.Len()) {
fPile := feature{pile.Name(), pile.Start(), pile.End()}
fPartner := feature{partner.Name(), partner.Start(), partner.End()}
if pile.Node != partner.Node && fPile != fPartner {
err := g.connect(pile, partner, im.Pair.Strand)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("igor: internal error: %v", err)
for p, n := range g.poisoned {
if n > 1 {
// Removing poisioned node.
// May still have a poisoned node.
cc := g.connectedComponents(func(e graph.Edge) bool {
te := e.(*twistEdge)
if te.twist == seq.None {
return false
h := e.Head().(*pals.Pile)
t := e.Tail().(*pals.Pile)
switch {
case h.Strand == 0 && t.Strand == 0:
h.Strand = 1
t.Strand = te.twist
case t.Strand == 0:
t.Strand = h.Strand * te.twist
case h.Strand == 0:
h.Strand = t.Strand * te.twist
if h.Strand != t.Strand*te.twist {
te.conflict = true
return true
for i := 0; i < len(cc); i++ {
for _, n := range cc[i] {
for _, e := range n.Edges() {
if e.(*twistEdge).conflict {
cc[i] = cc[len(cc)-1]
cc = cc[:len(cc)-1]
break loop
for _, c := range cc {
for _, n := range c {
n.(*pals.Pile).Node = nil
return cc
type feature struct {
name string
from, to int
type twistEdge struct {
twist seq.Strand
conflict bool
type pileGraph struct {
g *graph.Undirected
nodes map[feature]graph.Node
edges map[[2]*pals.Pile]*twistEdge
poisoned map[*pals.Pile]int
func newPileGraph() pileGraph {
return pileGraph{
g: graph.NewUndirected(),
nodes: make(map[feature]graph.Node),
edges: make(map[[2]*pals.Pile]*twistEdge),
poisoned: make(map[*pals.Pile]int),
func (g pileGraph) insert(p *pals.Pile) {
if p.Node != nil {
f := feature{p.Loc.Name(), p.Start(), p.End()}
if n, exists := g.nodes[f]; exists {
p.Node = g.g.NewNode()
e := &twistEdge{
Edge: graph.NewEdge(),
twist: seq.Plus,
g.g.ConnectWith(n, p, e)
p.Node = g.g.NewNode()
g.nodes[f] = p
func (g pileGraph) connect(pile, partner *pals.Pile, twist seq.Strand) error {
var (
e *twistEdge
ok bool
if e, ok = g.edges[[2]*pals.Pile{pile, partner}]; !ok {
e, ok = g.edges[[2]*pals.Pile{partner, pile}]
if ok && e.twist != twist {
if e.twist != seq.None {
e.twist = seq.None
return nil
e = &twistEdge{
Edge: graph.NewEdge(),
twist: twist,
g.edges[[2]*pals.Pile{pile, partner}] = e
return g.g.ConnectWith(pile, partner, e)
func (g pileGraph) delete(p *pals.Pile) error {
return g.g.Delete(p)
func (g pileGraph) connectedComponents(fn func(e graph.Edge) bool) []graph.Nodes {
return graph.ConnectedComponents(g.g, fn)