blob: 26f202d6ef8b990910931597dc01bff5455095bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2014 The bíogo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package igor
import (
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func within(alpha float64, short, long int) bool {
return float64(short) >= float64(long)*(1-alpha)
func overlap(a, b interval.IntRange) int {
return max(0, max(a.End-b.Start, b.End-a.Start))
type pileInterval struct {
p *pals.Pile
id uintptr
func (pi pileInterval) ID() uintptr { return }
func (pi pileInterval) Overlap(b interval.IntRange) bool {
return pi.p.Start() < b.End && pi.p.End() > b.Start
func (pi pileInterval) Range() interval.IntRange {
return interval.IntRange{pi.p.Start(), pi.p.End()}
// ClusterConfig specifies Cluster behaviour.
type ClusterConfig struct {
// BandWidth specifies the maximum fractional distance between
// endpoints of images being clustered into sub-piles. See
// turner.Cluster for details.
BandWidth float64
// RequiredCover specifies the target coverage fraction for
// each input pile. If RequiredCover is greater than 1, all
// all sub-piles are retained depending on the values of
// KeepOverlaps and OverlapThresh.
RequiredCover float64
// OverlapStrictness specifies the clustering behaviour.
// If OverlapStrictness is zero, all clusters are passed
// returned. If set to one, clusters containing clusters
// with greater depth are rejected. If set to two, contained
// features overlapping by more than OverlapThresh fraction
// of the smaller pile are are discarded.
OverlapStrictness byte
OverlapThresh float64
// Procs specifies the number of independent clustering
// instances to run in parallel. If zero, only single threaded
// operation is performed.
Procs int
// Cluster performs sub-pile clustering according to the config provided.
// The number of sub-piles and a collection of piles broken into sub-piles is
// returned.
func Cluster(piles []*pals.Pile, cfg ClusterConfig) (int, [][]*pals.Pile) {
procs := cfg.Procs
if procs < 1 {
procs = 1
type workItem struct {
i int
p *pals.Pile
var wg sync.WaitGroup
clust := make([][]*pals.Pile, len(piles))
work := make([]chan workItem, 0, procs)
ready := make(chan int, procs)
// skipLock protect writes/reads to p.Loc which is abused as a flag to
// allow Group to know which piles to ignore in the grouping phase.
var skipLock sync.Mutex
for i := 0; i < procs; i++ {
work = append(work, make(chan workItem))
go func(id int) {
for {
ready <- id
w := <-work[id]
i, p := w.i, w.p
if p == nil {
loc := p.Loc
if loc == nil {
tc := turner.Cluster(p, cfg.BandWidth)
sv, err := step.New(p.Start(), p.End(), step.Int(0))
if err != nil {
var (
t interval.IntTree
accepted int
for j, c := range tc {
if cfg.OverlapStrictness > 0 {
pi := pileInterval{c, uintptr(j)}
for _, iv := range t.Get(pi) {
r := iv.Range()
pir := pi.Range()
discard := func() {
c = nil
pile := iv.(pileInterval).p
pile.Loc = nil
for _, im := range pile.Images {
im.Location().(*pals.Pile).Loc = nil
switch cfg.OverlapStrictness {
case 1:
if (pir.Start <= r.Start && pir.End > r.End) || (pir.Start < r.Start && pir.End >= r.End) {
case 2:
if within(cfg.OverlapThresh, overlap(r, pir), min(pi.p.Len(), r.End-r.Start)) {
panic("illegal strictness value")
if c == nil {
tc[j] = nil
t.Insert(pi, false)
sv.ApplyRange(c.Start(), c.End(), func(e step.Equaler) step.Equaler {
return e.(step.Int) + step.Int(len(c.Images))
var cov int
sv.Do(func(start, end int, e step.Equaler) {
if e.(step.Int) > 1 {
cov += end - start
if !within(cfg.RequiredCover, cov, p.Len()) {
for _, dc := range tc[j+1:] {
dc.Loc = nil
for _, im := range dc.Images {
im.Location().(*pals.Pile).Loc = nil
tc = tc[:j+1]
clust[i] = tc
for i, p := range piles {
id := <-ready
work[id] <- workItem{i, p}
// Send nil to all to signal completion, and wait for all
// workers to quit gracefully.
for i := 0; i < procs; i++ {
work[i] <- workItem{}
var n int
for _, c := range clust {
n += len(c)
return n, clust