blob: bd3b40a691ba7756a3c0ddaf579827a4830268d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// An encoding is the parsed x86csv.Inst Encoding.
type encoding struct {
vex string // Dot separated VEX prefix. e.g. "VEX.NDD.256.66.0F.WIG"
opbyte string // Single opcode encoding byte (example: "38")
opdigit string // "/digit" byte that extends the opcode (example: "7" for /7)
// parseEncoding parses x86csv.Inst Encoding.
func parseEncoding(encString string) encoding {
f := strings.Fields(encString)
enc := encoding{
vex: f[0],
opbyte: f[1],
// Parse rest parts.
// Currently interested only in "/digit" byte,
// but that may change later.
for _, p := range f[2:] {
switch p {
case "/r", "/is4":
// Currently not handled.
case "/0", "/1", "/2", "/3", "/4", "/5", "/6", "/7":
enc.opdigit = p[len("/"):]
return enc
// ytabID is a name of "x86/asm6.go" ytab table object.
// ytabMap contains all IDs that can be referenced
// from generated Optabs.
type ytabID string
// optab holds data that is required to emit x86 optab entry.
// That is, it is not "the optab" itself, but a set
// of parameters required to expand a template.
// Terminology differences:
// x86csv | asm6.go
// ------------------
// opcode | as
// encoding | op
// ------------------
// We use asm6.go terminology only in description of this structure,
// as it describes asm6.go object.
type optab struct {
// Prefix is fixed to "Pvex" right now.
// This may change when EVEX-encoded instructions
// generation is supported.
as string // AXXX constant name without leading "A" (example: ADD for AADD)
ytabID ytabID // ytab table name (example: yvex_y2)
op []string // Encoding parts
// doGroups groups instructions in insts by Go name and then calls
// f for each different name, passing the name and the instructions
// using that name. The calls are made ordered by first appearance
// of name in insts, and the list of instructions for a given name
// are in the same order as in insts.
func doGroups(insts []*x86csv.Inst, f func(string, []*x86csv.Inst)) {
var opcodes []string
groups := make(map[string][]*x86csv.Inst)
for _, inst := range insts {
op := inst.GoOpcode()
if groups[op] == nil {
opcodes = append(opcodes, op)
groups[op] = append(groups[op], inst)
for _, op := range opcodes {
f(op, groups[op])
// argsNormalizer is used to transform Intel manual style args (operands)
// to shorter form. Compact form is used in compound keys (see ytabMap).
// asm6.go (x86 asm backend) does not care about:
// - memory operand sizes. There are distinct instructions for different sizes.
// - register indexes. "xmm1" or "xmm" - does not matter.
var argsNormalizer = strings.NewReplacer(
", ", ",",
" ", "",
"imm8", "i8",
"m8", "m",
"m16", "m",
"m32", "m",
"m64", "m",
"m128", "m",
"m256", "m",
"r32", "r",
"r64", "r",
"xmm1", "x",
"xmm2", "x",
"xmm3", "x",
"xmm", "x",
"ymm1", "y",
"ymm2", "y",
"ymm3", "y",
"ymm", "y",
// ytabKey computes a key describing the operand forms from insts for ytabMap.
// This lets us find instructions with the same groups of forms and
// have them share a ytab entry.
func ytabKey(op string, insts []*x86csv.Inst) string {
var all []string
for _, inst := range insts {
form := argsNormalizer.Replace(inst.Go[len(op):])
all = append(all, form)
return strings.Join(all, ";")
// vexExpr returns the Go expression describing the VEX prefix.
// Examples:
// "VEX.NDS.256.0F.WIG" => "vexNDS|vex256|vex0F|vexWIG"
// "VEX.256.0F.WIG" => "vexNOVSR|vex256|vex0F|vexWIG"
func vexExpr(vex string) string {
expr := strings.Replace(vex, ".", "|vex", -1)[len("VEX|"):]
for _, p := range [...]string{"vexNDS", "vexNDD", "vexDDS"} {
if strings.HasPrefix(expr, p) {
return expr
return "vexNOVSR|" + expr