extension/src/goInstallTools: strengthing minimum go version requirement

This change addresses problems in tools installation surfaced
by the recent changes in go and gopls.

* Automated toolchain switch for Go forwards compatibility

The automated Go toolchain switch change added in go1.21
changed the meaning of 'go version' output different. Previously,
it was meant exactly the version of the toolchain on the system.
After go1.21, this is a go version for chosen for the workspace,
computed based on the local toolchain version and the required
go version dictated by go.mod or go.work.

The extension has a facility to detect the go version used to
compile tools, and ask users to rebuild them if they were built
with older go standard libraries. When a local toolchain is
older (for example, `go1.21.0`) than the workspace's required go
version (`go1.22.0`), the 'go version' reports `go1.22.0`.
The extension will detect tools that need recompiling to support
`go1.22.0` project. That works as expected.

However, when recompiling those tools with `go install`,
the workspace's go version requirement doesn't come into play
at all, but only the local toolchain's go version and the target
tool's minimum required go version will be used in the toolchain
switch decision making. As of today, none of the tools set their
minimum required go version to go1.22.x, so if the local toolchain
is still go1.21.0, `go install` will use go1.21.0 for build.

We need to explicitly specify the minimum required version using
the `GOTOOLCHAIN` environment variable. In this example, go
install with `GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.22.0+auto` will address the issue.

In this CL,
  - extend `getGoVersion` to allow the local toolchain version
    by specifying the optional GOTOOLCHAIN parameter.
  - change `getGoForInstall` to produce the correct GoVersion
    object that carries the true version of the local toolchain.
    (computed with `getGoVersion(..., 'local')`).
  - change `installTools` to append the `GOTOOLCHAIN` env var
    if the go version to be used for install is older than
    the project's minimum required go version.

* More frequent crashes/malfunctions upon version mismatch

Gopls is supposed to prompt when it detects it needs to be
recompiled to process the modules that require newer go versions.
The extension has relied this as the second, and more reliable
defense mechanism. Unfortunately, bugs in the recent gopls
stopped gopls from reliably detecting this case or, even made
the gopls crash before showing the notification.

Similar crashes can occur in other tools (golang/vscode-go#3168)
when the version is mismatched. Previously, `installTools` warned
users only if the go version for install was very old (e.g. go1.15).

In this CL,
  - tighten `installTools`'s installation tool version check
    further. So, if the project requires a newer version of go
    and the go configured for tools installation (maybe due to
    outdated 'go.toolsManagement.go' setting) is older and
    is a version that cannot handle automated version switch
    (<go1.21), it prompts users.

* Other changes

Testing involving two versions of go is complex. Changed the
runTest helper for 'Installation Tests' test suite to accept
extra parameters and stubs, so we can make the installation
function under test believe the local go chosen for installation
is an older version.

This CL also adjusted the logging of gopls restart activities.
When gopls installed (automatically, or from the activation),
the extension may attempt to restart the gopls. That may help
investigate spurious gopls restarts obeserved during

This CL stops clearing of the Go outputChannel before tool
installation or goplay run. This channel is now a log output
channel, so it's better not to clear.

Fixes golang/vscode-go#3168

Change-Id: Id9a4c0fe98c85efb17eb3351cfba5665a83b094d
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/vscode-go/+/577095
Reviewed-by: Peter Weinberger <pjw@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Hyang-Ah Hana Kim <hyangah@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Suzy Mueller <suzmue@golang.org>
kokoro-CI: kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
5 files changed
tree: a5f4d7248c92e3cafa3d03c430a915cbaa6c7c0f
  1. .github/
  2. .vscode/
  3. build/
  4. docs/
  5. extension/
  6. internal/
  7. vscgo/
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .gitignore
  11. codereview.cfg
  12. doc.go
  13. go.mod
  14. go.sum
  16. README.md
  17. SECURITY.md

Go for Visual Studio Code


The VS Code Go extension provides rich language support for the Go programming language.


  • Visual Studio Code 1.75 or newer (or editors compatible with VS Code 1.75+ APIs)
  • Go 1.18 or newer

Quick Start

Welcome! 👋🏻
Whether you are new to Go or an experienced Go developer, we hope this extension fits your needs and enhances your development experience.

  1. Install Go 1.18 or newer if you haven't already.

  2. Install the VS Code Go extension.

  3. Open any Go file or go.mod file to automatically activate the extension. The Go status bar appears in the bottom right corner of the window and displays your Go version.

  4. The extension depends on go, gopls (the Go language server), and optional tools depending on your settings. If gopls is missing, the extension will try to install it. The :zap: sign next to the Go version indicates the language server is running, and you are ready to go.

You are ready to Go :-)    🎉🎉🎉

What's next

If you are new to Go, this article provides the overview on Go code organization and basic go commands. Watch “Getting started with VS Code Go” for an explanation of how to build your first Go application using VS Code Go.

Feature highlights

  • IntelliSense - Results appear for symbols as you type.
  • Code navigation - Jump to or peek at a symbol's declaration.
  • Code editing - Support for saved snippets, formatting and code organization, and automatic organization of imports.
  • Diagnostics - Build, vet, and lint errors shown as you type or on save.
  • Enhanced support for testing and debugging

See the full feature breakdown for more details.

In addition to integrated editing features, the extension provides several commands for working with Go files. You can access any of these by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Linux/Windows and Cmd+Shift+P on Mac), and then typing in the command name. See the full list of commands provided by this extension.

⚠️ Note: the default syntax highlighting for Go files is provided by a TextMate rule embedded in VS Code, not by this extension.

For better syntax highlighting, we recommend enabling semantic highlighting by turning on Gopls' ui.semanticTokens setting. "gopls": { "ui.semanticTokens": true }

Setting up your workspace

The VS Code Go extension supports both GOPATH and Go modules modes.

Go modules are used to manage dependencies in recent versions of Go. Modules replace the GOPATH-based approach to specifying which source files are used in a given build, and they are the default build mode in go1.16+. We highly recommend Go development in module mode. If you are working on existing projects, please consider migrating to modules.

Unlike the traditional GOPATH mode, module mode does not require the workspace to be located under GOPATH nor to use a specific structure. A module is defined by a directory tree of Go source files with a go.mod file in the tree's root directory.

Your project may involve one or more modules. If you are working with multiple modules or uncommon project layouts, you will need to configure your workspace by using Workspace Folders. See the Supported workspace layouts documentation for more information.

Preview version

If you'd like to get early access to new features and bug fixes, you can use the nightly build of this extension. Learn how to install it in by reading the Go Nightly documentation.


VS Code Go extension relies on the Go Telemetry to learn insights about the performance and stability of the extension and the language server (gopls). Go Telemetry data uploading is disabled by default and can be enabled with the following command:

go run golang.org/x/telemetry/cmd/gotelemetry@latest on

After telemetry is enabled, the language server will upload metrics and stack traces to telemetry.go.dev. You can inspect what data is collected and can be uploaded by running:

go run golang.org/x/telemetry/cmd/gotelemetry@latest view

If we get enough adoption, this data can significantly advance the pace of the Go extension development, and help us meet a higher standard of reliability. For example:

  • Even with semi-automated crash reports in VS Code, we've seen several crashers go unreported for weeks or months.
  • Even with a suite of benchmarks, some performance regressions don't show up in our benchmark environment (such as the completion bug mentioned below!).
  • Even with lots of great ideas for how to improve gopls, we have limited resources. Telemetry can help us identify which new features are most important, and which existing features aren‘t being used or aren’t working well.

These are just a few ways that telemetry can improve gopls. The telemetry blog post series contains many more.

Go telemetry is designed to be transparent and privacy-preserving. Learn more at https://go.dev/doc/telemetry.


We welcome your contributions and thank you for working to improve the Go development experience in VS Code. If you would like to help work on the VS Code Go extension, see our contribution guide to learn how to build and run the VS Code Go extension locally and contribute to the project.

Code of Conduct

This project follows the Go Community Code of Conduct. If you encounter a conduct-related issue, please mail conduct@golang.org.
