x/vuln contains the database client and tools for the Go vulnerability database

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  1. 63adf47 internal/gosym: preallocate inlined call slice by qmuntal · 5 days ago master
  2. 230480c internal/vulncheck: improve progress message for binaries by Zvonimir Pavlinovic · 9 days ago
  3. 086b27b internal/vulncheck: emit fetch db and vuln checking progress messages by Zvonimir Pavlinovic · 10 days ago
  4. f3bc44a internal/scan: print progress messages only in verbose mode by Zvonimir Pavlinovic · 10 days ago
  5. 640d2c8 internal/scan: refactor flag usage in text handler by Zvonimir Pavlinovic · 10 days ago

Go Vulnerability Management

Go Reference

Go's support for vulnerability management includes tooling for analyzing your codebase and binaries to surface known vulnerabilities in your dependencies. This tooling is backed by the Go vulnerability database, which is curated by the Go security team. Go’s tooling reduces noise in your results by only surfacing vulnerabilities in functions that your code is actually calling.

You can install the latest version of govulncheck using go install

go install golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@latest

Then, run govulncheck inside your module:

govulncheck ./...

See the govulncheck tutorial to get started, and https://go.dev/security/vuln for more information about Go's support for vulnerability management. The API documentation can be found at https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/vuln/scan.

Privacy Policy

The privacy policy for govulncheck can be found at https://vuln.go.dev/privacy.


Unless otherwise noted, the Go source files are distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.

Database entries available at https://vuln.go.dev are distributed under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0 license.