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# golangconfig User Documentation
The `golangconfig` package is a reusable library that Go-related Sublime Text
packages can use to obtain information about your Go environment.
This documentation details how you can set OS-specific, per-project and global
Sublime Text configuration for all packages that utilize `golangconfig`.
- [Environment Autodetection](#environment-autodetection)
- [Overriding the Environment](#overriding-the-environment)
- [Global Sublime Text Settings](#global-sublime-text-settings)
- [OS-Specific Settings](#os-specific-settings)
- [Project-Specific Settings](#project-specific-settings)
## Environment Autodetection
By default `golangconfig` tries to detect all of your Go configuration by
invoking your login shell. It will pull in your `PATH`, `GOPATH`, and any other
environment variables you have set.
## Overriding the Environment
Generally, autodetecting the shell environment is sufficient for most users
with a homogenous Go environment. If your Go configuration is more complex,
Sublime Text settings may be used to handle it, via:
- [Global Sublime Text Settings](#global-sublime-text-settings)
- [OS-Specific Settings](#os-specific-settings)
- [Project-Specific Settings](#project-specific-settings)
Settings are loading using the following precedence, from most-to-least
- OS-specific project settings
- OS-specific global Sublime Text settings
- Project settings
- Global Sublime Text settings
- Shell environment
### Global Sublime Text Settings
To set variables for use in Sublime Text windows, you will want to edit your
`golang.sublime-settings` file. This can be accessed via the menu:
1. Preferences
2. Package Settings
3. Golang Config
3. Settings - User
Settings are placed in a json structure. Common settings include:
- `PATH` - a list of directories to search for executables within. On Windows
these are separated by `;`. OS X and Linux use `:` as a directory separator.
- `GOPATH` - a string of the path to the root of your Go environment
Other Go settings may, or may not, be supported by the packages using these
settings. Examples include: `GOOS`, `GOARCH`, `GOROOT`.
"PATH": "/Users/jsmith/go/bin",
"GOPATH": "/Users/jsmith/go"
### OS-Specific Settings
For users that are working on different operating systems, it may be necessary
to segement settings per OS. All settings may be nested under a key of one of
the following strings:
- "osx"
- "windows"
- "linux"
"osx": {
"PATH": "/Users/jsmith/go/bin",
"GOPATH": "/Users/jsmith/go"
"windows": {
"PATH": "C:\\Users\\jsmith\\go\\bin",
"GOPATH": "C:\\Users\\jsmith\\go"
"linux": {
"PATH": "/home/jsmith/go/bin",
"GOPATH": "/home/jsmith/go"
### Project-Specific Settings
When working on Go projects that use different environments, it may be
necessary to define settings in a
[Sublime Text project](
file. The *Project* menu in Sublime Text provides the interface to create and
edit project files.
Within projects, all Go settings are placed under the `"settings"` key and then
further under a subkey named `"golang"`.
"folders": {
"settings": {
"golang": {
"PATH": "/Users/jsmith/projects/myproj/env/bin",
"GOPATH": "/Users/jsmith/projects/myproj/env"
Project-specific settings may also utilize the OS-specific settings feature.
"folders": {
"settings": {
"golang": {
"osx": {
"PATH": "/Users/jsmith/projects/myproj/env/bin",
"GOPATH": "/Users/jsmith/projects/myproj/env"
"linux": {
"PATH": "/home/jsmith/projects/myproj/env/bin",
"GOPATH": "/home/jsmith/projects/myproj/env"