blob: 430bf4bc1b5e22976a62fa8c5f2375f733f3f6bc [file] [log] [blame]
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
This script is used to extract markdown API docs from Python docstrings of code
that is part of the golangconfig library.
# This file is Copyright 2015, Will Bond <>, licensed to Google
# under the terms of the Google Inbound Service Agreement, signed August 15 2015
import re
import os
import ast
import _ast
import textwrap
import CommonMark
from collections import OrderedDict
cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_dir, '..'))
docs_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'docs')
module_name = 'golangconfig'
# Maps a markdown document to a Python source file to look in for
# class/method/function docstrings
'docs/': ['all/'],
# A search/replace dictionary to modify docstring contents before generating
# markdown from them
definition_replacements = {}
def _get_func_info(docstring, def_lineno, code_lines, prefix):
Extracts the function signature and description of a Python function
:param docstring:
A unicode string of the docstring for the function
:param def_lineno:
An integer line number that function was defined on
:param code_lines:
A list of unicode string lines from the source file the function was
defined in
:param prefix:
A prefix to prepend to all output lines
A 2-element tuple:
- [0] A unicode string of the function signature with a docstring of
parameter info
- [1] A markdown snippet of the function description
definition = code_lines[def_lineno - 1]
definition = definition.strip().rstrip(':')
description = ''
found_colon = False
params = ''
for line in docstring.splitlines():
if line and line[0] == ':':
found_colon = True
if not found_colon:
if description:
description += '\n'
description += line
if params:
params += '\n'
params += line
description = description.strip()
description_md = ''
if description:
description_md = "%s%s" % (prefix, description.replace("\n", "\n" + prefix))
description_md = re.sub('\n>(\\s+)\n', '\n>\n', description_md)
params = params.strip()
if params:
definition += (':\n%s """\n%s ' % (prefix, prefix))
definition += params.replace('\n', '\n%s ' % prefix)
definition += ('\n%s """' % prefix)
definition = re.sub('\n>(\\s+)\n', '\n>\n', definition)
for search, replace in definition_replacements.items():
definition = definition.replace(search, replace)
return (definition, description_md)
def _find_sections(md_ast, sections, last, last_class, total_lines=None):
Walks through a CommonMark AST to find section headers that delineate
content that should be updated by this script
:param md_ast:
The AST of the markdown document
:param sections:
A dict to store the start and end lines of a section. The key will be
a two-element tuple of the section type ("class", "function",
"method" or "attribute") and identifier. The values are a two-element
tuple of the start and end line number in the markdown document of the
:param last:
A dict containing information about the last section header seen.
Includes the keys "type_name", "identifier", "start_line".
:param last_class:
A unicode string of the name of the last class found - used when
processing methods and attributes.
:param total_lines:
An integer of the total number of lines in the markdown document -
used to work around a bug in the API of the Python port of CommonMark
for child in md_ast.children:
if child.t == 'ATXHeader':
if child.level in set([3, 5]) and len(child.inline_content) == 2:
first = child.inline_content[0]
second = child.inline_content[1]
if first.t != 'Code':
if second.t != 'Str':
type_name = second.c.strip()
identifier = first.c.strip().replace('()', '').lstrip('.')
if last:
sections[(last['type_name'], last['identifier'])] = (last['start_line'], child.start_line - 1)
if type_name == 'function':
if child.level != 3:
if type_name == 'class':
if child.level != 3:
if type_name in set(['method', 'attribute']):
if child.level != 5:
identifier = last_class[-1] + '.' + identifier
'type_name': type_name,
'identifier': identifier,
'start_line': child.start_line,
elif child.t == 'BlockQuote':
find_sections(child, sections, last, last_class)
if last:
sections[(last['type_name'], last['identifier'])] = (last['start_line'], total_lines)
find_sections = _find_sections
def walk_ast(node, code_lines, sections, md_chunks):
A callback used to walk the Python AST looking for classes, functions,
methods and attributes. Generates chunks of markdown markup to replace
the existing content.
:param node:
An _ast module node object
:param code_lines:
A list of unicode strings - the source lines of the Python file
:param sections:
A dict of markdown document sections that need to be updated. The key
will be a two-element tuple of the section type ("class", "function",
"method" or "attribute") and identifier. The values are a two-element
tuple of the start and end line number in the markdown document of the
:param md_chunks:
A dict with keys from the sections param and the values being a unicode
string containing a chunk of markdown markup.
if isinstance(node, _ast.FunctionDef):
key = ('function',
if key not in sections:
docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
def_lineno = node.lineno + len(node.decorator_list)
definition, description_md = _get_func_info(docstring, def_lineno, code_lines, '> ')
md_chunk = textwrap.dedent("""
### `%s()` function
> ```python
> %s
> ```
""").strip() % (,
) + "\n"
md_chunks[key] = md_chunk
elif isinstance(node, _ast.ClassDef):
if ('class', not in sections:
for subnode in node.body:
if isinstance(subnode, _ast.FunctionDef):
node_id = + '.' +
method_key = ('method', node_id)
is_method = method_key in sections
attribute_key = ('attribute', node_id)
is_attribute = attribute_key in sections
is_constructor = == '__init__'
if not is_constructor and not is_attribute and not is_method:
docstring = ast.get_docstring(subnode)
def_lineno = subnode.lineno + len(subnode.decorator_list)
if not docstring:
if is_method or is_constructor:
definition, description_md = _get_func_info(docstring, def_lineno, code_lines, '> > ')
if is_constructor:
key = ('class',
class_docstring = ast.get_docstring(node)
class_description = textwrap.dedent(class_docstring).strip()
if class_description:
class_description_md = "> %s\n>" % (class_description.replace("\n", "\n> "))
class_description_md = ''
md_chunk = textwrap.dedent("""
### `%s()` class
> ##### constructor
> > ```python
> > %s
> > ```
> >
""").strip() % (,
md_chunk = md_chunk.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
key = method_key
md_chunk = textwrap.dedent("""
> ##### `.%s()` method
> > ```python
> > %s
> > ```
> >
""").strip() % (,
if md_chunk[-5:] == '\n> >\n':
md_chunk = md_chunk[0:-5]
key = attribute_key
description = textwrap.dedent(docstring).strip()
description_md = "> > %s" % (description.replace("\n", "\n> > "))
md_chunk = textwrap.dedent("""
> ##### `.%s` attribute
""").strip() % (,
md_chunks[key] = md_chunk.rstrip()
elif isinstance(node, _ast.If):
for subast in node.body:
walk_ast(subast, code_lines, sections, md_chunks)
for subast in node.orelse:
walk_ast(subast, code_lines, sections, md_chunks)
def run():
Looks through the docs/ dir and parses each markdown document, looking for
sections to update from Python docstrings. Looks for section headers in
the format:
- ### `ClassName()` class
- ##### `.method_name()` method
- ##### `.attribute_name` attribute
- ### `function_name()` function
The markdown content following these section headers up until the next
section header will be replaced by new markdown generated from the Python
docstrings of the associated source files.
By default maps docs/{name}.md to {modulename}/{name}.py. Allows for
custom mapping via the MD_SOURCE_MAP variable.
print('Updating API docs...')
md_files = []
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(docs_dir):
for filename in filenames:
if not filename.endswith('.md'):
md_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
parser = CommonMark.DocParser()
for md_file in md_files:
md_file_relative = md_file[len(project_dir) + 1:]
if md_file_relative in MD_SOURCE_MAP:
py_files = MD_SOURCE_MAP[md_file_relative]
py_paths = [os.path.join(project_dir, py_file) for py_file in py_files]
py_files = [os.path.basename(md_file).replace('.md', '.py')]
py_paths = [os.path.join(project_dir, module_name, py_files[0])]
if not os.path.exists(py_paths[0]):
with open(md_file, 'rb') as f:
markdown ='utf-8')
original_markdown = markdown
md_lines = list(markdown.splitlines())
md_ast = parser.parse(markdown)
last_class = []
last = {}
sections = OrderedDict()
find_sections(md_ast, sections, last, last_class, markdown.count("\n") + 1)
md_chunks = {}
for index, py_file in enumerate(py_files):
py_path = py_paths[index]
with open(os.path.join(py_path), 'rb') as f:
code ='utf-8')
module_ast = ast.parse(code, filename=py_file)
code_lines = list(code.splitlines())
for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(module_ast):
walk_ast(node, code_lines, sections, md_chunks)
added_lines = 0
def _replace_md(key, sections, md_chunk, md_lines, added_lines):
start, end = sections[key]
start -= 1
start += added_lines
end += added_lines
new_lines = md_chunk.split('\n')
added_lines += len(new_lines) - (end - start)
# Ensure a newline above each class header
if start > 0 and md_lines[start][0:4] == '### ' and md_lines[start - 1][0:1] == '>':
added_lines += 1
new_lines.insert(0, '')
md_lines[start:end] = new_lines
return added_lines
for key in sections:
if key not in md_chunks:
raise ValueError('No documentation found for %s' % key[1])
added_lines = _replace_md(key, sections, md_chunks[key], md_lines, added_lines)
markdown = '\n'.join(md_lines).strip() + '\n'
if original_markdown != markdown:
with open(md_file, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':