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# *Golang Build* Commands
This page lists the commands provided by this package and the arguments they
- [Commands](#commands)
- [golang_build](#golang_build)
- [golang_build_get](#golang_build_get)
- [golang_build_terminal](#golang_build_terminal)
- [Key Binding Example](#key-binding-example)
- [Command Palette Example](#command-palette-example)
## Commands
### golang_build
The `golang_build` command executes various `go` commands and accepts the
following args:
- `task`: A string of the build task to perform. Accepts the following values:
- `"build"`: executes `go build -v`
- `"run"`: executes `go run -v {current_filename}`
- `"test"`: executes `go test -v`
- `"benchmark"`: executes `go test -v -bench=.`
- `"install"`: executes `go install -v`
- `"clean"`: executes `go clean -v`
- `"cross_compile"`: executes `go build -v` with `GOOS` and `GOARCH` set
- `flags`: A list of strings to pass to the `go` executable as flags. The list
of valid flags can be determined by executing `go help {task}` in the
### golang_build_get
The `golang_build_get` command executes `go get -v` and accepts the following
- `url`: A string of the URL to get, instead of prompting the user for it.
- `flags`: A list of strings to pass to the `go` executable as flags. The list
of valid flags can be determined by executing `go help get` in the
### golang_build_terminal
The `golang_build_terminal` command opens a terminal to the directory containing
the currently open file. The command does not accept any args.
## Key Binding Example
The following JSON structure can be added to the file opened by the
*Preferences > Key Bindings User* menu entry.
"keys": ["super+ctrl+g", "super+ctrl+t"],
"command": "golang_build",
"args": {
"task": "test",
"flags": ["-x"]
## Command Palette Example
The following JSON structure can be added to
`Packages/User/Default.sublime-commands`. The `Packages/` folder can be located
by the *Preferences > Browse Packages...* menu entry.
"caption": "Go: Test (Print Commands)",
"command": "golang_build",
"args": {
"task": "test",
"flags": ["-x"]