oauth2/google: fix the logic of sts 0 value of expires_in

The sts response contains an optional field of `expires_in` and the value can be any integer.


In the case of less than `0`, we are going to throw an error. But in the case of equals to `0` practically it means "never expire" instead of "instantly expire" which doesn't make sense.

So we need to not set the expiration value for Token object. The current else if greater or equal is wrong.

It's never triggered only because we are sending positive `3600` in sts response.

Change-Id: Id227ca71130855235572b65ab178681e80d0da3a
GitHub-Last-Rev: a95c923d6a5d256fa92629a1fcb908495d7b1338
GitHub-Pull-Request: golang/oauth2#687
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/oauth2/+/545895
Reviewed-by: Shin Fan <shinfan@google.com>
LUCI-TryBot-Result: Go LUCI <golang-scoped@luci-project-accounts.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
Auto-Submit: Cody Oss <codyoss@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Cody Oss <codyoss@google.com>
2 files changed
tree: 34f8fb1a44d7d6c3340dfc3abbc6b09459e3f01d
  1. amazon/
  2. authhandler/
  3. bitbucket/
  4. cern/
  5. clientcredentials/
  6. endpoints/
  7. facebook/
  8. fitbit/
  9. foursquare/
  10. github/
  11. gitlab/
  12. google/
  13. heroku/
  14. hipchat/
  15. instagram/
  16. internal/
  17. jira/
  18. jws/
  19. jwt/
  20. kakao/
  21. linkedin/
  22. mailchimp/
  23. mailru/
  24. mediamath/
  25. microsoft/
  26. nokiahealth/
  27. odnoklassniki/
  28. paypal/
  29. slack/
  30. spotify/
  31. stackoverflow/
  32. twitch/
  33. uber/
  34. vk/
  35. yahoo/
  36. yandex/
  37. .travis.yml
  39. deviceauth.go
  40. deviceauth_test.go
  41. example_test.go
  42. go.mod
  43. go.sum
  45. oauth2.go
  46. oauth2_test.go
  47. pkce.go
  48. README.md
  49. token.go
  50. token_test.go
  51. transport.go
  52. transport_test.go

OAuth2 for Go

Go Reference Build Status

oauth2 package contains a client implementation for OAuth 2.0 spec.


go get golang.org/x/oauth2

Or you can manually git clone the repository to $(go env GOPATH)/src/golang.org/x/oauth2.

See pkg.go.dev for further documentation and examples.

Policy for new endpoints

We no longer accept new provider-specific packages in this repo if all they do is add a single endpoint variable. If you just want to add a single endpoint, add it to the pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/oauth2/endpoints package.

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  • Excluding trivial changes, all contributions should be connected to an existing issue.
  • API changes must go through the change proposal process before they can be accepted.
  • The code owners are listed at dev.golang.org/owners.