blob: 20bcec80ad65d8d36adf1b1c3bd40c1580bb046c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type Lexer struct {
input string
file string
lineno int
sym string
prog []*Stmt
type Line struct {
File string
Lineno int
func (l Line) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", l.File, l.Lineno)
var nerror int
func (l Line) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", l, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
if nerror++; nerror > 20 {
fmt.Printf("too many errors\n")
func re(s string) *regexp.Regexp {
return regexp.MustCompile(`\A(?:` + s + `)`)
var tokens = []struct {
re *regexp.Regexp
val int
fn func(*Lexer, string, *yySymType)
{re(`//[^\n]*`), -1, nil},
{re(`/\*(.|\n)*?\*/`), -1, nil},
{re(`[ \t\n]+`), -1, nil},
{re(`»`), _INDENT, nil},
{re(`«`), _UNINDENT, str},
{re(`return`), _RETURN, str},
{re(`SEE [^;]+`), _SEE, str},
{re(`if`), _IF, nil},
{re(`then`), _THEN, nil},
{re(`repeat`), _REPEAT, nil},
{re(`until`), _UNTIL, nil},
{re(`while`), _WHILE, nil},
{re(`case`), _CASE, nil},
{re(`for`), _FOR, nil},
{re(`to`), _TO, nil},
{re(`do`), _DO, nil},
{re(`of`), _OF, nil},
{re(`elsif`), _ELSIF, nil},
{re(`else`), _ELSE, nil},
{re(`otherwise`), _OTHERWISE, nil},
{re(`enumeration`), _ENUMERATION, nil},
{re(`when`), _WHEN, nil},
{re(`UNKNOWN`), _UNKNOWN, nil},
{re(`DIV`), _DIV, nil},
{re(`MOD`), _MOD, nil},
{re(`AND`), _AND, nil},
{re(`OR`), _OR, nil},
{re(`EOR`), _EOR, nil},
{re(`&&`), _ANDAND, nil},
{re(`\|\|`), _OROR, nil},
{re(`==`), _EQ, nil},
{re(`!=`), _NE, nil},
{re(` <`), _LT, nil},
{re(` ?<=`), _LE, nil},
{re(` ?>=`), _GE, nil},
{re(` >`), _GT, nil},
{re(`{`), '{', nil},
{re(`}`), '}', nil},
{re(`<`), '<', nil},
{re(`>`), '>', nil},
{re(`2^`), _TWOPOW, nil},
{re(` ?<<`), _LSH, nil},
{re(` ?>>`), _RSH, nil},
{re(`,`), ',', nil},
{re(`:`), ':', nil},
{re(`\+`), '+', nil},
{re(`\.`), '.', nil},
{re(`-`), '-', nil},
{re(`|`), '|', nil},
{re(`\^`), '^', nil},
{re(`\*`), '*', nil},
{re(`/`), '/', nil},
{re(`%`), '%', nil},
{re(`&`), '&', nil},
{re(`!`), '!', nil},
{re(`;`), ';', nil},
{re(`=`), '=', nil},
{re(`\(`), '(', nil},
{re(`\)`), ')', nil},
{re(`\[`), '[', nil},
{re(`\]`), ']', nil},
{re(`!`), '!', nil},
{re(`[0-9]+`), _CONST, str},
{re(`[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`), _CONST, str},
{re(`0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+`), _CONST, str},
{re("[‘’][ 0-9x]+’"), _CONST, strNoSpaces},
{re(`bit`), _BIT, str},
{re(`bits\(`), _BITS, str1x},
{re(`assert`), _ASSERT, str},
{re(`integer`), _INTEGER, nil},
{re(`boolean`), _BOOLEAN, nil},
{re(`[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*`), _NAME, str},
{re(`[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\(`), _NAME_PAREN, str1x},
func (lx *Lexer) Lex(yy *yySymType) int {
if len(lx.input) == 0 {
return _EOF
var (
longest string
longestVal int
longestFn func(*Lexer, string, *yySymType)
for _, tok := range tokens {
s :=
if len(s) > len(longest) {
longest = s
longestVal = tok.val
longestFn = tok.fn
if longest == "" {
lx.Error(fmt.Sprintf("lexer stuck at %.10q", lx.input))
return -1
yy.line = lx.line()
if longestFn != nil {
lx.sym = longest
longestFn(lx, longest, yy)
lx.input = lx.input[len(longest):]
lx.lineno += strings.Count(longest, "\n")
if longestVal < 0 {
// skip
return lx.Lex(yy)
return longestVal
func (lx *Lexer) Error(s string) {
lx.line().Errorf("%s near %s", s, lx.sym)
func (lx *Lexer) line() Line {
return Line{lx.file, lx.lineno}
func nop(*Lexer, string, *yySymType) {
// having a function in the table
// will make the lexer save the string
// for use in error messages.
// nothing more to do.
func str(lx *Lexer, s string, yy *yySymType) {
yy.str = s
func str1(lx *Lexer, s string, yy *yySymType) {
yy.str = s[1:]
func str1x(lx *Lexer, s string, yy *yySymType) {
yy.str = s[:len(s)-1]
func strNoSpaces(lx *Lexer, s string, yy *yySymType) {
yy.str = strings.Replace(s, " ", "", -1)
func parse(name, text string) []*Stmt {
text = markup(text)
lx := &Lexer{
input: text,
file: name,
lineno: 1,
nerror = 0
return lx.prog
func markup(text string) string {
prefix := ""
// Fix typos.
text = strings.Replace(text, "R[i}", "R[i]", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "R[n}", "R[n]", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "(1 << (3-UInt(op)-UInt(size));", "(1 << (3-UInt(op)-UInt(size)));", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "(D[n+r] AND NOT(D[m+r]);", "(D[n+r] AND NOT(D[m+r]));", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "(D[d+r] AND NOT(D[m+r]);", "(D[d+r] AND NOT(D[m+r]));", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "(D[n+r] AND D[d+r]) OR (D[m+r] AND NOT(D[d+r]);", "(D[n+r] AND D[d+r]) OR (D[m+r] AND NOT(D[d+r]));", -1)
// Add indent, unindent tags.
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
var indent []int
for j, line := range lines {
if i := strings.Index(line, "//"); i >= 0 {
line = line[:i]
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
n := 0
for n < len(line) && line[n] == '\t' {
if len(indent) == 0 {
indent = append(indent, n)
i := indent[len(indent)-1]
if i > n {
for i > n {
line = "«" + line
indent = indent[:len(indent)-1]
if len(indent) == 0 {
i = -1
} else {
i = indent[len(indent)-1]
if i == -1 {
indent = append(indent, n)
i = n
if i < n {
line = "»" + line
indent = append(indent, n)
lines[j] = line
n := len(indent) - 1
if n < 0 {
n = 0
return prefix + strings.Join(lines, "\n") + strings.Repeat("«", n)